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Thread: Squalls Jeans? Where?

  1. #1

    Default Squalls Jeans? Where?

    Hi, does anybody know of any sites in which I can buy Squalls jeans, or any other FF8 costumes? or Clothing?


    The road to a Lionheart

  2. #2


    It would probably be easier to make them yourself. Most things you would find would be costume-like and crappy. E-bay would be another option....although you will be wading through tons of erotic bunny costumes and ffx yuna stuff.
    Last edited by TasteyPies; 01-05-2005 at 06:58 PM.

  3. #3
    A Perpetual X-Phile ShivaBlizzard8's Avatar
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    It's most economical to make the costumes yourself - check out for advice and help.

    If you still want to pay for a costume, check out "cosplay final fantasy" on eBay, or consider commissioning the costume from another cosplayer. Some reputable commissioners are:

  4. #4
    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    <solicitation mode="fake">I'll sell you a five minute psp'ing of his pants as a keychain:

    fifteen bucks

    twenty five will get you at least ten minutes spent on revising it


    I'd say you could glue belt buckles on fairly easy, and just tuck the ends of just about any pair of pants into your boots and you'd have it.

    or like, see what shiva said there.

  5. #5

    Default Beware limebarb

    There's a lot of chatter about limebarb not filling orders.

    On a personal note, I comissioned her for a small order and had great luck. So I took the plunge and placed a larger order. That was in December of *2003*. She hasn't answered my email since August 2004. And I’m not the only one in this boat:

  6. #6

    Angry Limebarb

    I am one more of the many people who have been burned by Limebarb

    They had enough time to make all these VERY elaborate costumes for themselves and their little boyfriends, but my costume for Anime Reactor (which I paid for with 6 1/2 month advance notice) apparently wasn't as important.

    After I found her phone number, my parents demanded a refund. I got a partial refund and parts of my costume.

    Actually I got a bag of cheap fabric inappropriate for my costume. Some buckles (too small and with a BRASS finish instead of chrome). A $15 wig that had a lot of someone's REAL HAIR in it. Was it USED?!

    Awful awful awful!

    Someone warned me before ordering, but I couldn't find any complaints. Actually there were lots of complaints! There on but because Limebarb is an advertiser there, they deleted all of the threads. Thumbs down to too!

    Google "Limebarb" and you'll finally see threads about how many people she has ripped off. I guess she cant cover them all up!

    BTW, sorry I m mad, but I'm fuming that she has gotten away with this SO MANY TIMES

  7. #7
    A Perpetual X-Phile ShivaBlizzard8's Avatar
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    That sucks that you got burned - almost every cosplayer who orders commissions has a similar story, however. That's why the best bet is always to make the costume yourself.

  8. #8
    Misspelled for No Reason. GhandiOwnsYou's Avatar
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    yeah, I'm bouncing around on Limebarbs site, and the attention to detail Sucks... what with the CAPITAL S and such.

    Sora's costume.... The Belts the wrong color, all thw hardware is gold, not chrome....

    Squalls Seed uniform is too short, and the belt is the wrong style (only has one hole, supposed to have two)

    I mean, for homemade? sure, that's chill. If I'm paying for this stuff i'd want it to be spot on, ya know? That's like paying for a clay figurine someone made in fifth grade art. If you made it in fifth grade art, more power to ya. If you're trying to SELL IT to me ten years later for a large sum of money, screw that....

  9. #9


    Yeah, I know where: Old Navy

  10. #10
    Not a Banana Mo-Nercy's Avatar
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    Squall doesn't wear jeans. Aren't they leather pants?

    I'm pretty sure I can assemble Zell's clothes just out of the random stuff in my closet right now.

  11. #11
    No can eat Quina's Avatar
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    I think you should try Old Navy or the Gap.


  12. #12

    Default Good News

    Good news. As of today, limebarb reimbursed my PayPal account for the order I placed in December 2003. It sounds like she is cleaning up the backlog. I wish her well.

  13. #13


    When I first read the title "Squal's Jeans? Where?"

    I thought it was going to be an idiotic arguement that Squall doesn't wear pants. That would be an interesting arguement, especially if it managed to be plausible

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by SocietyzAntidote
    yeah, I'm bouncing around on Limebarbs site, and the attention to detail Sucks... what with the CAPITAL S and such.

    Sora's costume.... The Belts the wrong color, all thw hardware is gold, not chrome....

    Squalls Seed uniform is too short, and the belt is the wrong style (only has one hole, supposed to have two)

    I mean, for homemade? sure, that's chill. If I'm paying for this stuff i'd want it to be spot on, ya know? That's like paying for a clay figurine someone made in fifth grade art. If you made it in fifth grade art, more power to ya. If you're trying to SELL IT to me ten years later for a large sum of money, screw that....

    Man you're pretty stupid. Maybe you only looked at those two costumes and not the whole site. But you've got to factor in some things. Those costumes may have been made for a fat or small cosplayer. She also says she makes two types of costumes depending on how much ther person wants to spend. So maybe no one has ordered any extreme ones yet. I'm pretty sure she makes them to order and will take pictures of finished ones. Also she has a [img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img] load of costumes on there. I'd like to see you do better. It's still a new company all and all if you look at it. She's got a lot done I think in a pretty short time. Also it says she's all caught up, so I don't know what everyone's problem is. I've ordered and it went good. I think everyone here just has a little to much to bitch about. I think you need to realize you're just jealous most likly that you couldn't do anything like it. Wrong color...come on you're going to get upset over a fake character. The color most likly changes, also there is the possiblity she couldn't get the belt in that color =o! I don't know about the buttons or what ever [img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img] you were talking about so can't comment on that. But any ways, don't worry so much and if you don't like her work so what. It's her company, she isn't forcing you to buy from there or too look at her site. So don't get all upset over it and get mad at her. Waste of time I tell ya, don't worry so much there big fella.

  15. #15
    A Perpetual X-Phile ShivaBlizzard8's Avatar
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    Woah, calm down. That was a little unnecessary, don't you think? Limebarb does a decent business, so her work is certainly worthwhile, although on the other hand, its no secret that she's an iffy commissioner because she has screwed a lot of people over in the past with overbooking herself and unfinished orders. The quality of her costumes is really a matter of personal opinion, there's no need to flame.

    At any rate, I think what can be said has been said. If you want to replicate Squall's pants, you have 3 options:
    1. Buy material and make them
    2. Find similar-looking pants in a department store such as Gap or Old Navy and make do with those
    3. Commission at your own risk.

    The end.

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