Don't worry, I am not going to spoil any story. If you wish to wait for yourself to know how it feels to play, then read no further.

I'll just come out and say it. Within a minute, I felt like I have been using the Wiimote for years when it came to playing the Twilight princess. Moving Link is very easy, and the Wiimote is usued only when nessesary. Swinging the sword is easy to (I have no idea why some reviewers picked at it, it is VERY simple to pull of). All you have to do is move the controller in any direction to swing. If you want to swing in differnt directions, that is all taken care of when you Z target. Want to stab? Put point the controller forward a bit. Want to verticle slice? Z target and swing! Want to horzontally slice? Just swing. Want to do the jump attack? Simply Z target and press A. I have leared some sort of finishing move that is cool (I have six more to learn according to the game). If you knock down an enemy and it isn't dead yet, you don't have to wait for it to get back up and then kill it! Just move near it and press a to do a downward thrust (which looks VERY familiar to the same move in Zelda 2)!

The only shooting weapon I have is the slingshot. You can either Z traget and fire like the other Zelda 3D games, or you press the weapon button and use the Wiimote to manually aim!

Using Wolf Link is cool as well. If there is something for you to jump on, just Z traget and press A. Just like the sword, you move the Wiimote to attack enemies. There is also context sesiteve things for you to interact with. I know I sound vauge, but I really don't want to spoil the Wolf Link too much, because it is awesome.

The only thing I had trouble with was fishing, but that was because I wan't prepared on how it would work. You cast initially by pressing the B button after you assign the rod to that button. After that you can cast with the Wiimote. To catch a fish, you must let a fish bite you hook and then slick back. If you did it right, then you have to fight to reel the fish it my flicking back and moving the rod with the Wiimote.

Overall: I can already feel that this may be a new favorite Zelda of mine! Controlling the Wii version of Zelda is no problem!