As most of you know, the DS has a Touch Screen and the Wii has a Motion Sensitive Remote, mostly referred to as "Wiimote". Which one sounds like a better idea to you? A Motion Sensitive Remote for gaming or a Touch Screen for gaming?

Touch Screen sounds alot simpler to use, as with the Wiimote, it's free hand. You don't really get much feedback besides what you see on screen, so it might be hard to keep things in place. With the touch screen, you feel the stylus come in contact with the screen. Not that the Wiimote is a bad idea, as with a touch-screen, you can't really do many of the things the Wiimote can do. You can draw a line on the screen, but that only allows you to manipulate things on a 2D plane, whereas with the Wiimote, you can move your hand forward and backward, and it detects it. (As long as the Wiimote is in your hand, obviously.)

A Touch Screen would be much better for menu's, of course, as you just have to poke a part on this little screen. But with the Wiimote, you'd be alot farther away from the screen, so you'd have to be more careful as you aim. After-all, you can't poke it.

The Wiimote can do more things, really. As I said before, the stylus only allows you to manipulate things on a 2D Plane, like a mouse for a computer.

So the Wiimote is more versatile... but what's a better idea for gaming? Touch Screen or Wiimote? I can't really decide. But what do you guys think?