Well,some people never go with the original names,like me.I never ever used their original names,no matter how many times I played it.So,if you ever changed your characters' names,what names did you give them and why?

Zidane---Grandel,stnads for something like grand theft.
Garnet/Dagger---Swifty,daggers are light,so they attack fast and SWIFT,therefore,Swifty.
Steiner---Rhasta,for rusty.
Vivi---Mysto,he's mysterious,isn't he?
Quina---Queenie,he/she looks more like a girl to me,so I gave a female name.
Freya---Ratchel,like what Zidane called her.
Eiko---Kiko.Sounds more kiddy and more japanese.
Amarant---I loled at this.Since he's dressed in red,I called him Apyro(pyro stands for fire,something like that but definitely fire).Then he tells me in this sentence,"People call me the flaming Apyro."lol