In my life I've been to many concerts... of those concerts I would say there are 4 that are the most memorable but only one that is displays 100% Awesome Power.

2) Alice Cooper
3) AC/DC
4) Pink Floyd the Experience

GWAR is the top show of all though. It was amazing. The music, the energy, the gore, the audience participation, the stage appearnce, the theatrics...

The show started with an "artistic representation" of the new Pope entering, stage left. He wore a red pope garb whipping a slave with a war banner that had the cross merged with the nazi symbol. Meanwhile GWAR is playing a real mean guitar and beating a good rhythm.
Then Odius chops of his head and there's blood everywhere.

The next guest is Bush. He's rolled out on this table and he gives a speech: "I have fought the war on drugs. I have fought the war on terrorism. I will now fight the war on weather." And then GWAR is all like YARRRRRRRRR and starts ripping out his intestines and yeah.. blood everywhere and sprayed all over the crowd.

The next guest is Sharon Osbourne with an Ozzy Puppet. "You'll never make it in this industy, you're hopeless, utter failures." And the slaves take her shirt off and play with her boobs then cut them off and more blood sprayed all over the audience.

The last guest is Michael Jackson who comes out with this little child sleepy plush. And Gwar is all like "HEY Michael why don't you show they audience your expensive sexual appendage." and he pulls out his massive ...rod... which is about as long as a leg and starts having a "sword" fight with one of the slaves and hitting the people in the front row across the face. And Gwar tries to cut if off but can't.. so they rip off his face isntead and you guessed it! blood, all over the audience!

The blood is really water with blue/red die.

By the end of the concert it felt like I was gettin a bucket of water thrown at me every 2 minutes. I left pretty much died red and blue and soaking from head to toe... it was crazy in the mosh pit especially... it was difficult to move anywhere and rather crazy violent with lots of pushing and shoving and body surfing.

Great show though. Amazing. Stupendous. Specatacular.

Your favourite concert experience?