I've seen more and more people with these slogans in their sigs. I entered some names and decided to see what came up.

Michael Jackson was a funny entry. Here's some examples.

«Michael Jackson for your kids!»
«Michael Jackson, your family will love you.»
«There's lots of fun in Michael Jackson.»
«Michael Jackson - You see this name, you think dirty.»
«Michael Jackson - a safe place in an unsafe world!»
«I lost weight with Michael Jackson.»
«Kick ass with Michael Jackson!»
«Nothing is faster than Michael Jackson.»
«Michael Jackson brings out the best.»
«Connect with Michael Jackson.»
«Michael Jackson - Xtending service.»
«Bigger. Better. Michael Jackson.»
«Naughty little Michael Jackson.»
«Can you feel Michael Jackson?»
«Michael Jackson extra dry.»
«You better get inside Michael Jackson.»
«Michael Jackson - be ready.»
«There's a bit of Michael Jackson in all of us.»
«Feel the magic of Michael Jackson.»
«Michael Jackson, i want it all.»
«It's not a dream. Michael Jackson is real!»
«Go farther with Michael Jackson.»

«Michael Jackson, whiter than the whitest!»

no comment

«Michael Jackson never sleeps.»
«I'd sleep with Michael Jackson.»
«Michael Jackson, in touch with tomorrow.»

And finally...

«Think. Feel. Michael Jackson.»
«Swing your Michael Jackson.»
«Michael Jackson - Just do it.»

So to give this a topic, have you ever found something on the internet that just made you laugh? I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. Where are some good funny picture/video/prank websites without porn on them? I went to strangecosmos but it has some bad stuff on it.

*oh and mods, if you find offense in any of these, please take them down. I mean no harm... these can be taken the wrong way though.*