Maybe you havn't really put thought into it, but as a member of eyesonff have you ever really given yourself a character concept? If you have post it here.

Harvest Moon:

Harvest Moon is a chaotic evil hafling sorcerer, he wasn't always a minister of the dark arts who did everything in his humanoid power to subdue mankind into despair and tyranny. He use to be a lovable carefree trickster despite being raised by vicous orcs cause his mother abadoned him because she got drunk one day and played grad-ass one too many times, got pregnant, and sense Paladins banned the abortion clinics she instead left him at the orcs doorstep.

Despite being bullied and patronized, Harvest Moon used his wits and the god-given (we assume..) powers he was given to hold his own..

Eventualy Harvest Moon met a sweet gnome girl, atleast who he thought was sweet, they were to be married when she decided she didn't like gothy hobbits, which sadend Harvest Moon to the point of one new and final mission: To find The Necrononicon, summon Satan, and destroy the Earth and bring about the new world..