Eh, if this all ready exist i'm really sorry, i did look through and i didn't seen anything but lately my eyes have been less than good.

I'm an insomniac, i have a lot of trouble falling to sleep, and staying asleep. I've tried medicines for it and all sorts but none of them have worked well for me. So, i tend to do a lot of things at And it's always Adult Swim keeping me company inbetween my late night painting, drawing, writing, chatting, reading, hell, you name, probably.

Makes me wonder how many people here ever watch it. How often? What shows in particular if any? Right now i love the Adventure Brothers, i just find it hilarious, and yet, it's still ol, good american cartoons. Don't get me wrong, i love my anime. Just finished watching the whole EVA series the other week but heh, it's rare to find good american cartoons anymore of any type really.