Hola to you all!

I dont know if any of you frequently visit newgrounds and check out flash animations but I am an animator myself so i thought I'd put up a link for the stuff I've worked on:


This is "The Matrix Has You". Its actually quite old but it was the first major project I got to work on. I worked alongside the Super Flash Bros on the scene "Chateau". Enjoy!


This is "Decline Of Video Gaming". Its a completely independant project produced by SFB and Double Helix. Double Helix is the name that my friend and I use for all our productions- its a bit of an in joke really and came from when we were working on TMHY. This actually turned out to be a huge success so we're working on a sequal!

If you guys like what you see could you please take the time to vote for us! You can put your thoughts and opinions here as well.


Double Helix