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Thread: Congratulations to Loony BoB and smittenkitten

  1. #241
    Recognized Member Shorty's Avatar
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    EoFF Wedding Crew Adventures, Pt. II

    I took my sweet time getting out of bed the next day (Sunday). I wasn't aware that there was a reason to get up! I wasn't hungover, but I was still absolutely exhausted. Traveling does me no good. By the time Paul and I reached up with the rest of the group, we discovered that Shauna and Mr. Shauna had brought their things with them to leave! If I had known that, I would have been up much sooner. We spent atleast a good hour in the Waverly cafeteria center eating and fashioning names and words out of fries. (sorry, Nicky, I am a bad friend ;___________; ) DC, Lev, Pontus and I headed upstairs to get some coffee (I was the only one who chose an iced drink, which was a bad idea considering we were all already wearing coats and jackets). Soon, Daniel and Danielle showed up! We were not expecting them, I do not think, as I thought their plan was to remain holed up in their Scotsman suite all day. We sat around and spoke for a bit longer, until we all just started getting up to leave. I was under the impression that we were going to walk around town a bit or perhaps go back to the flat, as I had not really had a chance to hear what the plan was at the other end of the table where it was being discussed.

    We did not walk around town and we did not go back to the flat. We headed down and across the street a bit to stairs leading up a smurfing hillside. A hillside! I was not prepared for this, not in the slightest. As we are all getting a workout going up these stairs, Daniel says something along the lines of "I'm sure it won't rain!" or "I'm sure the weather will be fine!" or "I'm sure nothing terrible will happen within the next five minutes!". Something assuring us of good-natured weather. He was wrong. Oh, how he was so wrong. In fact, I am beginning to suspect he made such a comment on purpose after having looked up the weather prior to visiting us at Waverly and intended on dragging us up that hill just as hurricane-league storms came chasing in purely to spite the lot of us. Right as we reached the top of the hill, the rain came in. The flash of weather change was ridiculous! I'm not certain how poor Marion wasn't entirely blown away, the winds were so harsh. It was around this time that DC's poor umbrella gave way, and the mangled thing didn't work properly after that. We made our way to some ruins to get on the other side of where the wind was blowing and took some great group photos, and somehow found ourselves in a big knotted hug to get even better photos. The wind was still blowing something fierce as we came around the corner of the ruins, and Pontus was kind enough to offer to be a buffer against the wind for me because he is a giant (as you all can clearly see). As we headed back toward the stairs, we came across an exhibit of an ancient cannon that Matt decided to pretend was his penis. The photographic evidence is exactly as you might imagine it. Right around this time, the weather decided to clear up! Couldn't have just put off it's troutty attitude for fifteen minutes!

    After stopping to get photos of Matt making love to a cannon, we made our way down the mountain and I went arm in arm with Lev because I felt like we hadn't spent much time together. As we all collected as the bottom of the hill again, it was determined that Matt and Shauna finally needed to head off (they dragged their crap all the way up that hillside!) so the group escorted them to the train station. The train station was... interesting. It seemed that everywhere I looked, people had booze with them! At mid-day! Some dude going past carried a twelve-pack with his luggage, others walked around with cans of beer. One character in particular came chatting up to Matt as he purchased his ticket and was issued handfuls of coined change from the slot (to which Daniel cried "You won!!!"). I have no idea what it was this mysterious fellow was saying, but I am fairly certain that each and every one of us were focused on the plastic bag in his hand that had a four-pack of something that seemed to be alcoholic in it. The bag was ripped and dripping, and the cans had very nearly slid out of it. It seemed that at any second, they would become uncradled from their hold and cause an explosive disaster when it inevitably happened. Thankfully, we did not have to witness such an unfortunate incident, as the mysterious drunken man went off on his own way again. Bouncing between watching him try to drunkenly converse/slur with Matt and watching the ticking time bomb of his tearing bag and praying that it wouldn't drop the cans it held proved to be incredibly amusing.

    We finally said goodbye to Matt and Shauna as they boarded their train. Afterward, we made our way to snag a taxi in the longest taxi queue I've ever seen in my life. We must have been waiting atleast twenty minutes for two of them before we were finally off on our way back to the flat where we were able to relax for a few minutes. DC suggested we gather a convoy for booze, so he, myself, Lev and possibly Marion (I cannot remember who the fourth person who joined us was ;-; ) took drink orders and walked down the street a bit to the nearest store for booze and chocolate and other yummy things. Upon returning, we did not wait long to start making drinks. I am not too entirely sure what we did for the rest of the day, but we mostly hung around the flat drinking, watching tv and I think the video games were busted out a little bit. And pizza! We ordered Domino's. I got tired soon after and found my way to the chair in the corner where I curled up and closed my eyes but partially remained a part of goings on. Later in the evening, everyone retired to their own places and Paul and I went back to the Carlton to people-watch and sing songs from ipods, and then I think we were out like lights fairly early (I do not know what time).

    Monday started out a little busy! I got up early to take a long bath in the tub because it was so huge and ginormous and inviting and the hotel was so nice that I couldn't pass up an opportunity to use that tub. It did not disappoint. Spent time getting ready and Paul and I each packed up our belongings, and we got a call from Daniel saying he was swinging by to pick up Paul's suit. It was around this time I began to feel a bit ill, and I could feel the day was going to go downhill from there. We went down to the hotel lobby and waited for Daniel for a few minutes, but I was smurfing starving. Like, stomach eating itself starving. We went down the street looking for a place to eat and stopped at this adorable little restaurant called Bella Italia and Paul texted Daniel to meet us there to grab the suit. We were seated and shortly later Daniel popped in like lightning and popped back out right away! I thought he might be joining us for breakfast, but he did not. I had a traditional English breakfast, which I had been looking forward to having overseas for a couple of days. We finished up and headed back to the hotel to check out and grab our luggage before we snagged a cab over to the shared flat.

    It is at this point in time when we arrived outside the flat that I was minding my own business, trying to get the luggage out of the taxi and come up to the door to buzz in when Paul motioned for me to look up, and so I did just that. As my eyes registered, what they saw looming over us through the windows were a bunch of god damned crazies waving about kitchen knives and serving spoons and all manner of utensils with pots and pans on their heads like insane vikings and I had no other reaction in me other than to just drop my jaw in absolute shock. Ashley was kind enough to open the door for us to let us in, and I managed to snap out of my shock only to have it replaced by paralyzing fear of entering the apartment. We got inside with our luggage to find everyone still wielding their utensils and pots and pans on their head. Apparently, they got the genius idea from Daniel Towns himself, who because so oversought with excitement of Matt leaving behind his Frosted Flakes cereal bowl that he simply had to don it as a cap. The rest you know.

    Not long after, Paul, Ashley and Marion all departed, leaving our group significantly smaller than it was. One by one, we were dropping off into a chocolate river in the nightmarish adventure that was the EoFF Wedding Crew Scotland Adventure, and Daniel Towns was our twisted Willy Wonka. We spent the day watching bad, bad tv (I am fairly certain this was the day in which we watched Eragon, but it could have been the day before) and everyone else played video games (Pontus and I did not have an interest; we merely spectated). DC and Daniel stepped out for a bit and returned with a mountain of KFC (it should be noted that by this time, 90% of what I had consumed while abroad was strictly American food. Ridiculous!). Drinking started around this time and we continued with more games and tv. We later ordered pizza and played Never Have I Ever, as mentioned by Daniel. DC was set to leave this day, but he was having so much fun with us awesome nerds that he ate the cost of his already-bought ticket and purchased a new one entirely to leave the next day instead! We were thrilled to keep him longer. Later, Hot Fuzz came on and it was absolutely insisted that I watch it because I had never seen it before. Daniel was not happy by the fact that I was on my phone the entire time and also that I played The Actor Game that Rantz and I engage in whenever we watch something. (It just consists of me remembering often times obscure actors/voices that I have seen or heard before and where they are from, and I am very good at it.) He was constantly berating me to watch when I was watching. After that, though, I was made to watch a show with Jeremy Kyle and it was absolutely hilarious. It's so shocking to me what can be shown on tv in the UK! Some of the jokes they make, things they show and do would absolutely not be allowed here and it's such a trip to see it. I was in no way offended, more shell-shocked at what I could see going on because it is just not something that happens in the US. I think it was that same night that we watched some super trashy show about young teenagers going to Spain in order to get laid. It was a trainwreck, but as always with these shows, we couldn't look away.

    It was this evening that we made our collaboration mattress fort bed. I think we actually did it prior to Hot Fuzz coming on (I do not recall), but Pontus, myself, Daniel and Josh (I forgot to mention Josh! Daniel's brother joined us earlier in the day and he couldn't have fit in with our group better. The kid is just a blast to hang around with and is ridiculously hilarious) all crashed in the Nerd Collaboration Bed with the tv on. I think that at various points in time we each woke up and looked at eachother, but we were never all awake at the same time or something like that. It's very possible that this happened the next night, actually. The days of this trip have all started blurring together.

    That's Sunday and Monday! I still have Tuesday through Friday left, and I may need some help from fellow nerds remembering what we did on which days. Part III to come next, followed by an OOC EoFF WC Whatsapp Conversation Quotes Tribute and a collaborative photo post from our EoFF WC dropbox and some other randoms from facebook.

  2. #242
    *permanently smitten*
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shorty View Post
    Nicky looked classier than anyone at the wedding
    I don't dress up often, but when I do it's fabulous, and of course I would have to "arrive" at the reception fashionably late, dear.

    I'm loving your commentary thus far! Feel free to provide us with MS Paint renditions of what you would have done had Daniel passed out.

  3. #243
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Bubba has asked me to post this on his behalf.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba
    My summary will be brief(ish) as I spent roughly 11 hours with my EOFFers… enjoyed every minute though! Here are some of my (occasionally hazy) recollections.

    The end of my working week and the eve of BoB and Danielle’s wedding. My friend Chris and I were fortunate enough to have been invited to their evening reception to join the celebrations. There were still a couple of hours before my train up to Glasgow in Scotland. I was enjoying a well-earned pint of flat, lukewarm lager in a bar in Manchester Piccadilly station. I was quietly mulling over some of life’s great unanswered questions when I received a slightly panicked message from one Daniel Towns. There had been some unfortunate late cancellations which left two open spaces for the wedding and afternoon dinner. Obviously, the prospect of a beautiful wedding, five-star meal and free wine was not in the least bit appealing… but we decided to help BoB out of his little dilemma and rushed off to procure some suits for the big day.

    Our journey to the gorgeous Abden House for the wedding was not without incident. To save money for the reception, Chris thought it would be a splendid idea to get the bus over (from Glasgow) to Edinburgh. I had forgotten what a truly horrifying experience the bus can be. Funny smells, deranged faces and unnecessary aggression… and that was just the driver. Luckily, we didn’t feel out of place at all in our full wedding suits.

    I was decidedly nervous when we arrived at Abden House. Mainly due to the fact that I didn’t know what most of the EOFFers looked like... nor had I met any of them. There was only BoB, Shorty and Rantz that I’d seen pictures of. Chris and I stood awkwardly at the entrance being appraised by two (Lev and Paul) very sharply dressed young men. I had no idea who these two were but thankfully Paul recognised me and stepped forward to make introductions. Being used to Paul’s cutting wit on the forum I was surprised at how pleasant he was on first meet! He didn’t even rise to my dig at his love for Liverpool FC. We were then led to a room to leave our luggage by Lev (such a lovely guy) and we then ventured into the garden. A familiar face in Mr. Towns greeted us on the steps looking very dapper. Obviously he was quite busy with it being 30 minutes before getting hitched, he quickly directed us to the circle (or was it oval?) of EOFFers that had congregated in the garden.

    More first meetings, this time with Sarah, Pontus, Shauna, Matt, Marion, DC and Ashley. I was unsure of the correct first-greet etiquette but Sarah pulled me into a full-on hug. Pontus followed suit as did most of the others. What a fantastic group of people! We were made to feel so welcome (especially Chris who wasn’t part of the EOFF crowd) and it was an absolute delight to be around everyone.

    Next came the main event. Now it must be said, I’ve never met Daniel Towns before but I’ve never seen anyone look so incredibly happy. Whenever I picture him now, it’s always in that constant state of elation. I imagine people in the street giving him strange looks and a very wide berth as they pass his grinning face. The reason for his manic delight became clear when the gorgeous Danielle walked towards him looking absolutely stunning. The ceremony itself was just beautiful. My favourite moment was the vows that the happy couple had written for each other. It made it so much more personal and they were just lovely to hear.

    After the pictures had all been taken, our group jumped a couple of taxis to the outstanding Scotsman Hotel in the centre of Edinburgh. Upon arrival, we were delighted to be offered a free glass of prosecco/cocktail. There was the standard one glass per guest rule in place. Matt nonchalantly ignored this to procure a second glass for him and Shauna. This may have contributed towards his slightly demonic dancing at the end of the night! Chris’ attempt at obtaining a second glass of prosecco was rebuffed immediately to no-one’s surprise.

    Sarah found a lovely outdoor area with a huge table which seemed to have been placed there just for us. This was such a nice time finally getting to know everyone. I’d chatted to Sarah a lot on the forum but it was great to have a proper conversation with her. She’s just such a warm person with a highly infectious laugh! Matt, Shauna and Chris (all hailing from the Glasgow area) were discussing Scotland with equal amounts of pride and deprecation but with great hilarity. Pontus and Lev are ridiculously cool and great to chat to. I seem to remember Marion trying (and failing) to avoid DC’s relentless picture taking. Not sure why as she looks fabulous in them. The photos are great in general and I’m glad DC persevered. I remember me and Ashley chatting about Ice Hockey in which my home town of Manchester is not particularly well represented!

    The evening meal was stand-out and made me love Mr. Towns even more for inviting me along. It all started with the speeches of course which were stellar. Danielle’s father had me in stitches with Danielle’s borderline animal abuse! I hope no-one from the RSPCA was in attendance. Daniel did an excellent job with his speech/singing (not a bad voice!) which was always going to be topped by Paul. You couldn’t tell he was nervous at all and he ripped it… and BoB! Nicky’s speech was amazing too as I hadn’t been expecting that at all. I’m just glad BoB wasn’t around when the topic of soup came up again while we were at the table! After that the food arrived which was exquisite. This was again a lovely time chatting about really random stuff with everyone. I remember us all being baffled by the tiny gifts that were on our table. I may have gone a little heavy on the white wine as I completely forgot to take mine with me. What was it in the end? Fudge? It was great to be visited by members of the family notably Jordan, Josh and of course the lovely Nikki who became an honorary member of our group before the end of the night!

    After dinner came the dancing along with the quite excellent band. First dance between the happy couple was always going to be lovely... and it was. More entertaining though was the one that followed. Paul was understandably nervous when he discovered he would be dancing with the lovely maid of honour. Pontus and I took great delight in his pre-dance nerves! He was actually fine and did a really good job. However, this dance was far outstripped by his dance to The Killers with Sarah. All inhibitions gone, they literally went bat-trout crazy; throwing their bodies around the dance floor with reckless abandon. It was like observing a couple of deranged children after drinking four litres of coke… truly a sight to behold. I was up dancing for a few but was royally upstaged by Matt with his Queen tribute! Towards the end, Marion and I danced to a song then were immediately disgusted with ourselves for doing so. We promised to never reveal this song to anyone and I will keep my word!

    The final stages of the night were probably my favourite of all. We had all abandoned the dance floor and one-by-one found ourselves a little EOFF den in the back of the hotel. There was probably enough seating for about 6 people but we all squashed up together and proceeded to talk the most random bollocks. I was contentedly sat between Paul and Sarah while we all drifted from one random topic to another. It’d be nice to have a transcript of that whole conversation so we could remember some of the daft things that came up. From passive-aggressive unicorns to the now infamous Handicapped Elevator Ghost. If anyone overheard us they would probably have thought we were all insane. Well, if that’s how conversations go in a nuthouse then I’ll happily be committed right now.

    This highlight unfortunately marked the end of proceedings as we decided it was late enough in the evening to say our goodbyes. We all exchanged hugs and I definitely felt huge pangs of sadness at seeing everyone leave. Chris did his best to cheer me up by taking me to a live music bar round the corner. It was probably not the smartest move considering our early get-up the next day but hey-ho. We rolled into our guesthouse at around 3am and thought it would be a good idea to watch Monty Python on my iPhone… again sleep would have been the better option!

    All in all, it was one of my favourite ever days. One of my few regrets is that I didn’t get to spend much time with Mr. and Mrs Towns. I think it’s fair to say though… they did have rather a lot on their plate! Regardless, it will give me an excuse to pop up there again so I can get to know them properly. Finally meeting the people I’ve been chatting to for the last couple of years couldn’t have gone any better. The EOFF crowd were the most warm, friendly, funny, beautiful, and crazy people I’ve ever met.

    I think the possibility of a two-year reunion has already been mentioned by those involved. If that’s the case, then time can not pass quickly enough.
    As I've mentioned on LJ and to Bubba himself, I'm genuinely gutted I didn't get to spend more time with him and Chris as I kept hearing about how awesome they both are. Sadly time was lacking during the big day! Was regardless a delight to meet you and I will most certainly hold you to that excuse to pop up again. I think we can do something earlier than two years for those of us that are living in the UK, don't you? ;D I mean, that's still a lot of us - Danielle, Bubba, Chris, Shauna, Matt, Psy, Faris, DC and myself makes nine already!

    As for me looking so happy, I couldn't wipe the grin off my face once the bridesmaids started coming down. It was physically impossible, not that I was trying not to smile but I felt that my lips were trying to tear themselves out of the side of my face. The second I saw Danielle it seemed to grow even wider! I remember it well.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  4. #244


    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    Bubba has asked me to post this on his behalf.

    As I've mentioned on LJ and to Bubba himself, I'm genuinely gutted I didn't get to spend more time with him and Chris as I kept hearing about how awesome they both are. Sadly time was lacking during the big day! Was regardless a delight to meet you and I will most certainly hold you to that excuse to pop up again. I think we can do something earlier than two years for those of us that are living in the UK, don't you? ;D I mean, that's still a lot of us - Danielle, Bubba, Chris, Shauna, Matt, Psy, Faris, DC and myself makes nine already!

    As for me looking so happy, I couldn't wipe the grin off my face once the bridesmaids started coming down. It was physically impossible, not that I was trying not to smile but I felt that my lips were trying to tear themselves out of the side of my face. The second I saw Danielle it seemed to grow even wider! I remember it well.
    2years is too long! just gimme a date far enough in advance and i'll come fly up asap
    Making a slow come back since 2008

  5. #245
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    We are having a party on Saturday... that enough notice?

  6. #246
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    Aww, Bubba you sweet thing. Come back, we miss you!

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    Haha I actually forgot what song it was..but I remember the promise! I can never break it even if I wanted to xD

    It was such a pleasure to meet you and Chris!
    ~ Have no fear, dungeon hero X is here! Kupo! ~

  8. #248
    Lives in a zoo Recognized Member Renmiri's Avatar
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    Sounds like it was a great party. Daniel and Danielle, you need to get married again, every year !
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  9. #249
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renmiri View Post
    Sounds like it was a great party. Daniel and Danielle, you need to get married again, every year !
    A renewal of vows reunion every year?
    Figaro Castle

  10. #250
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    Every year!? No chance. xD We want to travel to see you lot, too~

    EDIT: Having said that, I have no objection to a much smaller number of people popping by on weekends and whatnot, as that's considerably less expensive when the people stay on our couch etc. Big international meetups, though... two years works. =]
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  11. #251
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    If you lived in the US that would be easier. (SPOILER)Just sayin'...
    Figaro Castle

  12. #252
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    Every year!? No chance. xD We want to travel to see you lot, too~
    You two have never bloody left Scotland. Don't give me Newcastle either.

  13. #253
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    They did go to Sweden.

  14. #254
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Only because he was forced to as a prize.

  15. #255
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Matt and I will be travelling the UK for visiting folks at some point. Maybe we can drag Daniel and Danielle along too.

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