Or is this game the best final final fantasy game released?

Just decided to dust it off and play it again and I've just had the realisation that it's smurfing fantastic for the following reasons.

- There's no pathetic, childish , emo love story forced on you
- The world seems filled. In other releases you'd swear it was a post-apocalyptic nightmare of a place where only your group and a few scattered souls survive.
- The storyline is mature and for the first time almost believable.
- the bad guys don't look like angry transvestites anymore and actually look pretty smurfing cool.
- Tidus isnt in it
- you can dedicate as much or as little time you can to it. You get your moneys worth.
- the characters that annoy you no longer outnumber the characters that dont.
- Balthier and Fran are probably the best protagonists of the FF series.
- Along with FFIX it's probably the best written of all the games
- Tidus isnt in it
- It's not too silly (FFIX, even though i love FF IX it's undoubtedly made as a fun homage-type title) or too pathetically emo (FFVIII) it finds that awesome middle ground.
- it's a world. It comes across as a world. ie. you're not wandering from a smurfing snow field into a dark forestr, into a great plain in a few tiny steps. You get the sense you're actually smurfing travelling.
- Tidus isnt in it
- the gambit system. One word. Revolutionary.
- weather. there's smurfing weather.
- There's many shades of grey. Not just you're tired good vs evil.
- There's a smurfing T-Rex
- You get to kill bunnies who only want to cure you.
- Moogles are back.
- Tidus isnt in it
- The sidequests are relatively enjoyable and not smurfing tortuous.
