Hyne is a "character" in FFVIII that is mentioned only in history. He is believed to have created life, and to be the first Sorcerer (I think Sorcerer/Sorceress is a gender based thing, not sure though).

However, in the world of FFVIII time travel is possible, particaular to those who use sorcerey. I think, for what ever reason Hyne went back to a very eailey date and corrupted history. It would make sense if you think about it.

I also believe that, Hyne's plans wheren't finished, I think that Hyne was stopped from reaching is complete goal, so only part of history changed to suit Hyne, but what stopped him was also a change. Look at this;

Original History: Whatever really happened - Hyne goes back to before this period, corrupts history, to create the "History" in the FFVIII world as we know it.

FFVIII: History #1: Hyne's succeeded so far, his plans are ok, until the period of history, which is talked about on the white SeeD ship, where he is stopped. This wasn't supposed to happed.

FFVIII History # 2 (remember these are only theorires): FF History as it is now. Hyne was stopped from whatever his plans where, and a "new" history is created - if Hyne had never gone back, he wouldn't have needed to be stopped. So the "orginal" history, would have not had included the story on the white SeeD ship.

Unfortunatly, I have not yet conlcuded in my theories, whether Hyne originates from the future, the present, or that bit of the past which is the future to the previous past (got that?), but still the past to the present and future. (sure you got that?)

Interested in your opinions.