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Thread: Need To Know: Which Final fantasy is the ultimate modern must own?

  1. #1

    Default Need To Know: Which Final fantasy is the ultimate modern must own?

    From what i can gather, starting with FF8+ or maybe FF9+ they got into some kind of stranger than FF naming scheme for the games.

    so i really need to know, which is the best FF overall with the best graphics, best gameplay, and maybe some online support, voice com would be cool!

    NOTE: I know virtually nothing about FF on the PS2, in fact, i wont even own one until after christmas.

  2. #2


    Might need to go to General FF or Square Enix forum.

    But to answer the question i think that VIII is the best to start off with, seeing as how it has the hardest junctioning system etc. So if u can play VIII well then i found the other FF's are less of a challenge since their systems are much simpler. But if u go for 8 play around alittle bit to make sure u get the hang of it.
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  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Gregoriev
    From what i can gather, starting with FF8+ or maybe FF9+ they got into some kind of stranger than FF naming scheme for the games.

    so i really need to know, which is the best FF overall with the best graphics, best gameplay, and maybe some online support, voice com would be cool!

    NOTE: I know virtually nothing about FF on the PS2, in fact, i wont even own one until after christmas.

    Only 1 FF game has online support and that is FFXI and I suggest that you dont get that, unless you want to spend like $150 to play.

    If graphics and voice com is all you really care about then you should get FFX. The top 5 FF games IMO

    1. FF1
    2. FF6
    3. FFT
    4. FFX
    5. FF4

  4. #4


    The only online FF is 11, the rest are all single player.

  5. #5


    well, wehn you say "best graphics" you do have to count that some games were released in 97' or 93' so u now.... anyhoo these are the best ff games:
    4-FFXI online

    And as squere games they are:
    Chrono Cross
    Parasite (all of them)
    and i liked star ocean till the end of time

  6. #6
    Auronhart's Avatar
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    FFVIII's graphics are good enough (the cut scenes are very well done) and the rest of the game is awesome, though as CSZ said, the system could be a bit harder to understand if you are just starting out. However, if you just read the tutorials and everything you should be fine. If you only really care about graphics though, X does a very good job of them. (The rest of X was still very good, just the rest of the aspects are about one step worse than VIII) I would say that in the case of someone starting out, the "the game was made 10 years ago" arguments don't make too much difference. (unless they were playing them then)
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  7. #7
    Those...eyebrows... Recognized Member XxSephirothxX's Avatar
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    If you're just getting into gaming now, you'll probably dislike the older titles because they can't stand up to the graphics of games released today. But, if PS1 3D graphics don't bother you, and you like 2D graphics, then definitely play FFVI and FFIX. Those are my two favorites, and definitely have awesome stories. They're more fantasy based than some of the others, too. If you're looking for a more modern-esque game, go for FFVII. It's dark, gritty, and has horrible graphics on the surface. But if you can get past that, you'll realize that it's an incredible game. Avoid FFVIII, IMO. And if you're obsessed with pretty graphics over gameplay and story ( ) then go with FFX.

  8. #8


    the made 10 years ago arguments are not valid. "we don't like yer kind 'round these parts"

    i need GOOD 3d. like...that one with the three hot chicks. one with pistols, one with swords, and the other with...hell i don't even know what she did...that one looks good, even if the plot seems to have to do with tapes they have to collect of themselves...or something (i don't know what it's called, so i have not researched it at all.)

    also: The so called greated RPG franchise has just one MMRPG title? that sucks....

    now, i am sorry i was not very specific in the begining. but i need good titles for the PS2. i dont give a damn that FFIV was cool, that's ps1, and it does not look pretty.

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  9. #9
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    I'll spare you my rant about newbie gamers who are spoiled and couldn't recognize depth if it came up and bit them on the %$#.

    Get Final Fantasy X-2, it's obvious that's the game you're looking for...

  10. #10
    Martyr's Avatar
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    6 and 7.

    Get them both.

    8 is goofy, long, unfulfilling, and the story is sloppy.
    9, 10, X-2 (Whatever) - it's all extra cash that Square (Enix?) makes off the hoardes of morons who were caught up in the Final Fantasy Craze that clamped an iron grip on the industry with VI and VII (Which, by the way, happen to be the games I suggest that you get and play)

    FF1 is my favorite. It saved Square from extinction. But, thinking pragmatically, despite how grand the game is in my eyes, there is only nostalgia there and probably nothing for you.

    If you like Old School, then 6 is your game. Lots of people like 4, but I like 5 better.

    You should probably get that PS set with 5 and 6 (Is that right? or is it 4 and 5 and then 6 and CT? I don't recall. But one of those'll work fine, FF7 notwithstanding.)

  11. #11

  12. #12
    HEIDEGGER SI MY BISHI!!!1 DJZen's Avatar
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    FFMQ hands down

  13. #13


    Final Fantasy X is probably the best Final Fantasy to start out on, whenever I introduce a friend to the series I always start with X. It's a well rounded game in all areas, it's beautiful, has voices, is easy to pick up and understand, and very user friendly. I got my ex-girlfriend into the series and I did it in this order:

    Final Fantasy X > Final Fantasy VII > Final Fantasy IX > Final Fantasy VIII

    Next I will suggest that she plays Final Fantasy VI.

  14. #14
    Martyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJZen
    FFMQ hands down
    I actually liked that game. A lot.

    The only reason I wouldn't suggest it is that it is hardly anything like any other FF game.
    In fact, without the FF title, it would probably be praised instead of bashed.

  15. #15


    Final Fantasy VIII was a great game and the second one I played. Does anyone remember FF1 on NES? Thats what got me hooked. But, if you NEED the good graphics, then you should go with X.

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