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Thread: "Ultimate magics"...

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default "Ultimate magics"...

    I was wondering how a Final Fantasy game like this would end up:
    it's somewhat similar to a part of the plot in FF2 - the game is a lot about extremely powerful magics, magics that have been sealed because of their extreme potential, which of course means they're protected.

    The thing about these spells is that they put killers like Ultima and Life2 to shame - these "ultimate magics" are even stronger, and are in a class of their own.

    I don't know if the player should be able to use them, because they are overkill, but it's a pretty funny idea nonetheless.
    Anyway, here are a few examples:

    Ragnarok - MP: 180
    this is basically a super-powered Ultima; it deals a guaranteed 9999 DMG on all enemies, multiple times - the repeats depend on the casters Magic stat (Magic/10 rounded down = amount of hits)

    Doomsday - MP: 150
    this magic heals all allies by 9999 HP and hurts all enemies for 9999 DMG

    Healing Spirit - MP: 220
    heals all allies by 9999 HP and casts Life2, Esuna and Regen on all party members

    Great Guard - MP: 210
    casts Protect, Shell, Haste, Reflect and Float on all party members

    Start inventing your own ultimate magics!
    Last edited by Peter_20; 01-19-2007 at 05:18 PM.

  2. #2


    Man, Final Fantasy has such whimpy spell names. Wizardry is where it is at. And descriptions!

    Name: Tiltowait
    Effect: KA-BLAM!! (The effect of this spell is somewhat like the detonation of a small tactical nuclear weapon. The party is protected from its effects. Unfortunately for the monsters, they are not. The spell causes 10-100 hit points of damage to all monsters.)

    [10-100 damage is a lot for a spell in Wizardry.]

  3. #3
    The giver of *hugs* boys from the dwarf's Avatar
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    MP cost. compared to magic costs on FF7 i'd say 200MP.

    silence, vitality 0, blind, slow and mini on all enemies and drains all Mp. reduces HP to 1. completely unblockable against normal enemies. bosses can resist some effects.

    it basically puts the enemies at your mercy. they have no defence. no way of attacking for more than 1 damage and will most likely miss.


    heals all allies by 9999 HP and casts Life2, Esuna and Regen casts Protect, Shell, Haste, Reflect and Float on all party members and auto life. all attacks and healing, heal 9999 or inflict 9999 points for the rest of the battle and limit breaks, overdrives and all forms of special attacks are full. you get a 50% stat boost for everything.

    i think that seems as this completely sets you up for any battle it depleted the casters MP for the rest of the battle and s/he can only cast it if MP is on 999.
    ...*holds up free hugs sign.*

  4. #4


    Your Mom: Every move is countered with an awful comeback and extreme damage resulting from the enemies loss of ego. For instance if the enemy uses "attack". The hit character would do "Your Mom attacks" the enemy might either run away in shame or have a massive loss of mag power and defenses

  5. #5


    Summon all: Summons every summon plus some other ones and completely obliterates the foe.

    Holtiare: Casts Holy, Ultima and Flare on the enemy most likely killing them or seriously wounding them.

    Cripple: cripples the enemy making them unable to attack or run away.

  6. #6
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    Ekhi Ysengrim (Brynhildr)


    The End - 80% of Max MP
    A spell so totally awesome that it cracks the Disc that the game is played on, but it kills everything. Even all the phases of the Final Boss.

    God - 777 MP
    Summons God to Judge the enemy.
    WARNING: May kill you if you killed a lot of those bunnies at the begining of the game.

    Ecchi - 69 MP
    All encomposing spell thay has different effects depending on sex of character.
    Male: Get's nosebleed and loses 60% HP, but gains Invinciblity for a set amount of turns.
    Female: Punches or kicks caster into Orbit. Gains Super Human Strength rest of fight.

  7. #7


    MP- 666
    Renders all HP and MP (including those of the bosses) to 1.

    MP- 500
    A man in armor fashioned after a lion flies into the air, aims his lion-head shield at the ground, charges and lets loose a powerful meam of energy that effectively blows up the world. See the summon "Judgement" from Golden Sun.
    Does massive nonelemental damage to enemies.

    Black Hole-
    MP- 150
    A large black hole appears over the battle and sucks up any enemy or ally with a "light" attribute. Said character is then removed from battle.

  8. #8
    Martyr's Avatar
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    Spells Suck!
    Drains All MP
    Every character is equipped with the most powerful sword in the game, most likely Xcalibur or Masmune.

    MP: 0
    Caster Dies, and all allies stats are double the maximum for that battle.

  9. #9
    Definitely not over 9000. No.78's Avatar
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    Screen goes jerky and the sound goes B-BZZ-BSSSZZZZT and then you win

  10. #10
    IF I WERE A BOY~ Dynast-Kid's Avatar
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    Spell Name: Oh Snap!
    MP: 123
    Effect: If an enemy attacks the spellcaster after this spell has been cast, the enemy party will be inflicted with Berserk and Confuse, along with Poison and Haste. But if the foe's HP is evenly divisible by 1337, all of the party members have Auto-Life casted on them, but then Death is cast on them, then they come back to life, only to have Death cast on them again within the span of 3-5 turns.

    Spell Name: Ultima Roulette!
    MP: 3/4 of each party member's MP
    Effect: After this spell is cast, the enemy and player parties are the stars of an 8-minute battle cutscene, filled with flashing lights, large glowy glyphs, and all that juicy stuff. The parties are then standing on the edges of a huge roulette table, floating in space. A roulette ball-thingy is then thrown into the middle of the roulette table, and can land on one of 12 effects, The effects are:

    1) Debilatating Slash of the Northstar Firelight-All enemies' HP and MP is reduced by 7/8

    2) Kanker Sore-All enemies now have large kanker sores in their mouth that they keep poking at with their tongue until they die from frustration.

    3) Newb Cake-All of the player's party members accidentally cast Confuse and Berserk on themselves.

    4) Primordial Beam-All of the enemies are thrust into the fetal position and can't act for the rest of the battle.

    5) Scylla and Charybdis-The enemy party will be instantly defeated (including bosses), but the player has to make a decision. They have to:

    A.) Restart the game.

    B.) Resume the game with zero gil, no items, no weapons and armors, and have to reaccumulate them all over again.

    or C.) Play through an entire game of FFX-2.

    6) Mathematic Intuition-If the player can correctly name the last 100 digits of pi, then all enemies will die every time they face any enemy in the entire game.

    7) OH NOSE!-A virus is spread into the player's gaming console, and if they can't beat the game within 8 hours, their game console will self-destruct.

    8) Fanboy Heaven-Aeris is REVIVED and stays in the party for the rest of the game, in fact, she can't be switched out of the party, or controlled by the player. The only thing she does is cast Cure on random party members, toss Hi-Potions at anything on the battlefield, hit things with her stick for 9-28 damage, and is ultra succeptible to Confuse. She can only be killed if the player obtains the Masamune sword and kill her with it.

    9) Devil's Nexus-A portal to the infernal bowels of Hell is opened up through the game disc and the player must sell their soul to the Devil; in exchange for FFX-2's Perfect Ending.

    10) Don't Eat the Yellow Snow!-The entire party is forced to use Blizzaga spells for the rest of the battle, no matter what.

    11) Purgatory-The player has to spend 48 hours handcuffed to Deathknight.

    12) lol liek, i beet the hole gaem!!!11!!!!!1-The player beats the game automatically. And whenever they turn on the game, they are immediately thrust into the final boss battle. It goes on like that until the gamer gets so bored and annoyed, they destroy the disc and is forced to buy a new one.

    Yeah, my spells are pretty much the ultimate sexxorz.
    Last edited by Dynast-Kid; 01-20-2007 at 04:51 PM.

  11. #11
    Yes, I'm a FF III fan. Elpizo's Avatar
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    Laurelin Kementari (Sargatanas)


    Ultipur: Deals damage between 0 and 10 to the enemy. Mp cost: 99 MP. Magic version of Excalipur. Ultimate magical suckiness.

    Self-Help-Booklet: Your characters are sucked into a self-help booklet, becoming chapters of it. Next turn your characters all say some stupid self-help booklet stuff, annoying the enemy so much he kills himself. Use it on Kefka for an extra pwning spell animation.

    PWNAGE: Ultimate pwnage damage kicks the enemies' behinds for damage 1000 times exceeding the damage limit. Sucks up all your MP and you need Max MP for it.
    Last edited by Elpizo; 01-24-2007 at 11:57 AM.

  12. #12
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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  13. #13
    IF I WERE A BOY~ Dynast-Kid's Avatar
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    My Ultimate Roulette! spell still pwns all of the other spells in this thread.

  14. #14
    That's me! blackmage_nuke's Avatar
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    ultimat reflekt
    Reflects any and all spells, even the ones posted in this thread and the ones that will be posted, therefore leading to major ironic pwnage!!

    Kefka's coming, look intimidating!
    Have a nice day!!

  15. #15
    Unlimited Hentai Works Twilight Edge's Avatar
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    -Charge a laser that does nothing.

    -Shoot the charged laser.

    My hoof and your ass have an appointment
    -Make an appointment with an enemy's ass. Then, purchase a cow hoof, strap it to your leg, locate your enemy and shove it up his ass.

    Pygmy-up Bouquet
    -Chop off enemies' heads and cook it.

    Advent Tentacle
    -Rape all female enemy and player available.

    -You can't post anymore.

    -Corrupts everything in the vincinity to the LAND OF HATRED.

    -Break every spell that is or will be mentioned in this thread or in existence, leading to ironic pwnaging with Ultimat Reflekt.

    End of the World spell
    -Press Ctrl, Alt, Delete.

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