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Thread: Child-Birth... why do women make such a fuss?

  1. #121
    Recognized Member Chemical's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yamaneko View Post
    Must be that feeble female brain of yours.
    That's why they revoked my voting rights and threw me in a kitchen.

    Boldly go.

  2. #122
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    Could you make me a sandwhich? I'll even let you decide if I should get bologna or ham.

  3. #123
    Banned The Devil Man's Avatar
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    wtf is she on about now?


    Quote Originally Posted by boys from the dwarf View Post
    ugh. just when i thought devil man had left us alone.

    how could you be so insensitive? have you ever gone through the pain of childbirth? im a guy but i understand that 9 months of annoyances and the pain of childbirth is more pain than most men suffer.
    Devil Man is sad you don't want him here

    But don't worry! Devil Man knows you don't really mean it He forgives you!

    And how is Devil Man insensitive? Did you not read my Post a few Posts ago? He has apologised to ALL beautiful goddesses for his comments! He realises the pain they go through must be quite... ummm... painful! And is now thankful for the hard work they go through in giving birth

    Thank you again!

  4. #124
    Ball of Pure being sephirothishere's Avatar
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    ..yeh...well..i jus did that gettin a bowlin ball through a key hole thing(literally..)....and when a women can do that....(it takes alot of upper body strength...)..then they can complain...hahaha....

    Sephiro this here.

  5. #125
    NINJA_Ryu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rase View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mirage View Post
    Maybe we should tie a rope to the father's balls, and he mother would pull it each time it hurts. That way, men will get more into it!
    That reminds me of an article Dave Barry wrote one time. Specifically this part:

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Barry
    My wife thinks the only fair system would be if, every time the woman had a contraction, she got to hit her husband on the body part of her choice with a ball-peen hammer. Of course, she is kidding. But only because her contractions have not yet started.
    In case some of you don't know what a ball-peen hammer is, wonder no more!

    *hides from female race forever*
    Quote Originally Posted by Maxx Power View Post
    So far playing WoW, I've shouted "ROFLCOPTER" on no less than fifteen occasions, danced as a bear at the end of a ship, and compared the Klu Klux Klan to cereal.

  6. #126
    Banned Lord Xehanort's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Devil Man View Post
    Devil Man was being very clever and very educational and reading yet another news paper today. Devil Man likes reading newspapers because it makes him feel very clever and intelligent (), but one article made him annoyed.

    Now... you must understand... Devil Man LOVES women! Yes! He adores women and thinks they are the greatest of all Mother Natures creations! Even better then chocolate cake!

    But what Devil Man fails to understand is why women make such a fuss over child-birth. Why, why, why, whyyyyyyy do women always complain about popping out a baby and moan about the pain they go through? It makes Devil Man appreciate the beauty of women a little bit less.

    For you see... this article that provoked Devil Man's wrath was yet ANOTHER ONE, THE SEVENTH ONE HE READ THIS WEEK, where a woman had just given birth, moaned about the pain, how hard labour is etc, etc...

    A child is a gift of Mother Nature! You should pop out a baby with a smile on your face, oh beautiful goddesses! You should not whinge about how painful it is. You should go *pop!*, grin and hold baby proudly in your arms! ( A Devil Baby ---> )

    So Devil Man would like to ask... why do women make such a fuss over Child Birth? It can't be that hard, can it?
    Lord Xehanort would like to know why Devil Man makes such ridiculous threads when the answers are obvious.

    Lord Xehanort thinks we should stuff a twenty pound parasite into Devil Man and make Devil Man force it out HIS peehole, and tell him he can't whine about pain.

    Lord Xehanort thinks that, being a man, Lord Xehanort can never understand the agony of childbirth, unless Lord Xehanort develops a rather large kidney stone and passes it.

  7. #127
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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