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Thread: Fortress

  1. #1
    oreodaredattoomotteyagaru Recognized Member JKTrix's Avatar
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    Default Fortress

    Just made a news post about this, but figured I should post it here if people actually wanted to see it.

    Fortress was/is an unreleased, unannounced (and apparently not-yet-canceled) FF12 spinoff that was being developed by Grin. They only worked on it for a few months before Square-Enix 'took' the game from them, but some footage from those few months of development has surfaced.

    You can see it at Gamevideos: Leaked Footage of FFXII: Fortress from GRIN Video from GameVideos

    ...or at the Designer's site (2nd video): Jonatan Crafoord - Audio Designer

    In case any of those videos get taken down, I have saved it to my computer. Word has it that Squenix is still going to work on the game in some form.

    You can look at some of the concept art here.

  2. #2
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I remember finding out about this a few months back. Seeing the early tech demo, I can't say I care for the big bulky character model but the animations certainly looked like something out of XII.

    Curious to know if SE will just ax the projects entirely or hand it off to someone else.

  3. #3

    Default I think I had started another post about this

    on the Revenant wings thread as it was supposedly to be a sequel to that game.

    I had never heard about that company that was allegedly doing this project for Square.

    I suppose that 's just a production video and wasn't intended for public release.

    I wonder if the work on this started before Matsuno left Square.

    Seems very preliminary.I doubt Square will bother to finish the project.

  4. #4
    oreodaredattoomotteyagaru Recognized Member JKTrix's Avatar
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    Grin (who developed the recent Bionic Commando and Terminator games--not something that would cross the attention streams of your average FF fan) apparently had the game for about 6 months before Square-Enix took it back from them. Squenix was concerned about the quality, and for good reason--the Grin games I mentioned were not very good.

    Rumours say the project is still being developed somewhere, despite Yoichi Wada saying in a recent interview that they have 'no plans' yet to develop FF games outside of Japan.

    The combat really looked like Demon's Souls.

  5. #5


    The environments looks amazing. I'd like to see this game finished in capable hands. Especially if it's going to reveal what happened between RW and Tactics. Again, I'm just hoping here.
    "Guchi-guchi" said the little baby, and his mom mistakingly bought him an expensive bag

  6. #6
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lacarus View Post
    The environments looks amazing. I'd like to see this game finished in capable hands. Especially if it's going to reveal what happened between RW and Tactics. Again, I'm just hoping here.
    You want to see the Cataclysm that wipes out the other races, leaving just Humes around for Tactics? I have to admit, if done right, that could make for one dang good game.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Skyblade View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Lacarus View Post
    The environments looks amazing. I'd like to see this game finished in capable hands. Especially if it's going to reveal what happened between RW and Tactics. Again, I'm just hoping here.
    You want to see the Cataclysm that wipes out the other races, leaving just Humes around for Tactics? I have to admit, if done right, that could make for one dang good game.
    If it was a cataclysm. It could have been genocide, committed by fanatic hume groups, i.e. Church of Glabados. If they're prepared to hide what really happened during the War of the Lions, I think they're prepared to call genocide cataclysm. Again, this is just me hoping.
    "Guchi-guchi" said the little baby, and his mom mistakingly bought him an expensive bag

  8. #8


    I wouldn't want to see anything bad happen to Fran, that would be heart breaking *sniff* If they did a "cataclysm" story it would have to be after the characters of FFXII and RW are long dead. It would be depressing enough as it is
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  9. #9
    Bolivar's Avatar
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    Isn't this about the time the mods redirect us to the previously existing thread? Sorry, I had to.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skyblade View Post
    You want to see the Cataclysm that wipes out the other races, leaving just Humes around for Tactics? I have to admit, if done right, that could make for one dang good game.
    and thank God that game won't be made by GRIN.

    ANGRYWOLF, you should feel luck you've never heard of them. The closing of GRIN's studios was one of those rare coincidences where capitalism actually works. They released 3 atrocious games in 2009 and were properly put out of business.

    Essentially, they gained notoriety because they were one of the only developers who put out a game in the first year of the XBox 360 that didn't actually suck. Ghost Recon had a critical reception typical in the days where the media bought into the next gen "hype" before truly great games started being released on those platforms.

    I sympathize for the guys and their families but as a gamer I feel they should be incorporated into companies who give a crap and really have their mind in the right place.

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