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Thread: niks FFVI low level, natural magic challenge

  1. #196
    Nerfed in Continuum Shift Recognized Member Zeromus_X's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Djibriel's faq on Gamefaqs

    4.45.5 Escape from the Floating Continent

    Location: The Floating Continent (breaking apart!)
    Party members: Celes; Optional: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Setzer,
    Mog, Strago, Relm
    Opponents: Naughty, Nerapa
    Lores: Condemned, Roulette

    Monster formations:
    Naughty (always)

    You have six minutes, 6:00, to get off the Floating Continent. Goddess
    energy naturally takes on the form of monsters, and you have to plow through
    these newly born entities to reach the end (which is also the landing point
    of a particularly big sparkle, AKA a particularly powerful new creature).

    Preparation: You're still covered in Wall Rings if you listened to my advice.
    Keep them on! If Celes joined your party just now, give one to her as well.
    The Wall Rings protect from the ICe 2 spell the Naughty enemies cast, and it
    will be nice to have against the boss here as well.

    Naughty enemies are a pain because they take time to defeat and you can't run
    from them. They're about wasting time, and they're fairly competent at it.
    Their attacks include Battle, !Hit, Ice 2, Blizzard, and Cold Dust. Sadly,
    they can use Cold Dust on the first turn, disabling a character. If you hit
    them with a Magic spell, they have a 33 % shot at using Mute (Note: this is NOT
    the Spell Mute; it's a monster attack with the same name, animation, and
    effect. Delightfully useless). When you Imp them, their next turn will be spent
    on de-Imping themselves and using Escape.

    Since Celes is a mandatory character and she'll be above level 14 unless
    you were really going for an LLG, she'll know Imp. I suggest you use it.
    Celes if frozen beforehand and nobody else knows the Imp spell, just take
    advantage of Naughty's weakness to Fire, Lightning, and Pearl. L.4 Flare works
    on him as well, so if Strago is around, he'll be able to do quite some damage
    with it. Sprint Shoes are great in any situation with a timer; while you
    shouldn't need them, they cut back the time you spend walking.

    Walk on, and the ground will crack underneath you. You'll make a surprised jump
    and can continue. Behind you, the part you just walked on falls off. Dangerous
    [img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img], this dungeon! Walk on, another crack, another part breaks off behind you.
    Walk on. Another crack. If you go to the featureless part below you now, a
    small part will come off. You'll want to press on, though. You now reach for
    a small plateau with a blue orb on it, but when you get near it the ground
    cracks beneath you. Should you now simply continue, the part you'll need to
    reach the blue orb will fall off. Go around the gap here so you can grab the
    treasure: an Elixir. Now you'll see the big sparkle: go over to it and prepare

    4.45.6 The battle with Nerapa and Exit

    Level: 26, HP: 2800, MP: 280
    Absorbs: Fire, Nullify: Poison, Wind, Earth, Water Weakness: Ice, Lightning,
    Status: Reflect, Float
    Special: !Hit: Battle x 1.5
    Sketch : !Hit (rare), Battle (common)
    Vulnerable to: Death, Condemned, Berserk, Muddled, Stop
    Attacks: Battle, Fire 2, Fire 3, Condemned, Roulette, Fire Ball

    Vanish/Doom: No
    Immunity to Clear status.

    Joker Doom: Yes
    Fire Ball and Roulette both mess with the RNG. Who are you kidding? Trying to
    obtain Joker Doom for Nerapa is like spending large sums of cash on learning
    how to make your own solar-powered shotgun with poisoned slugs so you can take
    care of your rodent problem.

    The big sparkle's name is Nerapa. He gets 10 out of 10 for style, but minus
    one billion for good thinking. I mean, here you are, with a timer quickening
    your pace, and he thinks it's a good idea to cast Condemned on the party.

    It's like: "If I give them TWO timers simultaneously, they'll have to move
    TWO times as fast!" If this is what Japanese logic is all about, I fail to see
    how they even managed to make this game work. Then again, it *is* the most
    bugged game currently mapped, so I guess that still doesn't say much.

    Anyway, being a pompous annoyance "Mwa ha ha you can't run!" and after casting
    Condemned on the party, he will now try to attack you. I very much doubt he
    won't be looking like a kitten that just came out of your microwave at this
    point, but let's give this guy some credit and assume that he's still standing.
    He can use Battle, Fire 2, Fire 3, and Fire Ball. Very spooky. Fire 3 actually
    hurts a bit.

    Now HERE'S a hoot: If you hit Nerapa with six Fight commands, he'll use
    Roulette. Next to the fact that Roulette can actually take Nerapa himself down,
    the mere thought that Nerapa could even survive six Fight attacks is laughable
    by itself. You'd need a Heal Rod or a rat-flail or something in order to pull
    that off.

    Anyway, back to not insulting this guy into submission (although you could).
    He's weak to Lightning AND Ice AND Pearl. He's also Floating. Just make sure you
    keep in the back of your mind this guy is inherently Reflective, which means
    you'll need to resort to your skills and summon attacks. There are literally
    hundreds of ways to off this guy, and they're all very easy. Gau's Rhodox Rage
    can enSnare him for a one-hit KO, as can a fatal Chainsaw attack. Bouncing a
    few Rasp spells off yourself will kill him. Bouncing a Doom spell off yourself
    will kill it. You can confuse him; you don't get any more pathetic than that.
    Just use your strongest attacks, be it Giga Volt, or AuraBolt, or Gem Dust, or
    what have you. Nerapa has 2800 HP. If you played your cards right, you were
    doing 2800 in one attack back there against Atma Weapon.

    Once you've beaten Nerapa, you can walk over to the edge and the Blackjack will
    appear under you.

    The airship's below.

    But Shadow is still back there!

    If you choose to Jump!!, the entire Floating Continent will come crashing down
    with Shadow on it and you will never, ever see him again.
    If you choose to Wait!!, you'll do nothing and you'll get the option

    Gotta wait for SHADOW...

    every time you walk up the ledge. You'll want to keep standing there. He might
    still show up. And he does, once the timer hits 0:04 Shadow will appear, make
    a smart remark in the middle of the Tempest of Destruction and Doom you find
    yourself in, and will jump down on the Blackjack with you. If you were goofing
    off in the menu during 0:04 he still appears if you get out of it between 0:04
    and 0:01, but if you wait until time runs out you're just going down.

    So, Shadow was going to sacrifice himself to save the planet.

    a) he doesn't sacrifice himself and
    b) the planet isn't saved.

    In the next cutscene, a lot of bad things happen. Congratulations. You try to
    rally in the Esper troops from behind the Sealed Gate; you send them on a
    murderous rampage. You try to talk peacefully to them; you deliver them
    straight to Kefka. You try to stop Gestahl; you destroy the world. A competent
    bunch of heroes, these Returners. Real smart.

    Planet: I'm apocalypsing!

    As a side note, due to a bug you now receive the equipment of the generic
    Moogle Kamog, one of the Moogles that helped you rescue Terra way in the
    beginning. This means you win a Boomerang and a Buckler. For free!

    This is the end of the World of Balance walkthrough. You can go to the second
    half by using this URL:

    It doesn't seem like they're forced.

    I don't know about manipulating the encounter rate (such a 'Cure trick' works for Final Fantasy II), but do you have Imp? Is Celes at that low a level?
    Last edited by Zeromus_X; 09-12-2006 at 04:17 AM.

  2. #197
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    Celes is half that level. She's at level 7. In fact, nobody is above level 10 except Gau.

    I don't want to go through this smurfing dungeon again, but how do I get level 4 flare?

    Edit: Wait a smurfing minute I can summon Ifrit! And Maduin!! And I'll use shoat to petrify the boss in one hit if I ever make it that far.

    Double Edit: and I can summon carbuncle, which means I don't need the wall rings and I'll deal more damage to the naughties. I have to be careful with my MP consumption, though. I want to save some tinctures for the WoR.

  3. #198
    Nerfed in Continuum Shift Recognized Member Zeromus_X's Avatar
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    + L.4 Flare +

    Rage Sketch Control Muddle Charm
    Apokryphos | X * 25% * |
    Mag Roader (brown) | X |
    Trapper $ | X * 25% 25% * |

    * Will have to hit the Veldt to use ability on enemy.
    $ Strago can encounter it only on the Veldt.

    Uses in battle
    Apokryphos: Uses randomly as counterattack (to non-fatal hits) if only 1
    monster remains.
    Dark Force: It's random in a large script, so be patient.
    Dueller: Uses randomly. With only one normal attack round in its script,
    you won't wait long to see this.
    Goblin: Uses randomly if there is only 1 monster remaining.
    Red Dragon (#): Uses randomly every 80 monster timer increments (which amounts
    to roughly 42.67 real-time seconds).
    Trapper ($): Uses randomly.

    $ Strago can encounter it only on the Veldt.
    # Will be missed entirely if you don't bring Strago along.
    I found the info on Lv4 Flare, but it seems you've found a better strategy.


    Celes is half that level. She's at level 7. In fact, nobody is above level 10 except Gau.
    Holy smurf. 0_o;

  4. #199
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    Holy smurf. 0_o;
    They could have been lower if I had known what I was doing.

    Edit: It's amazing how frequently a lone apokrypos will show up on the floating continent. In fact, it seems like the only time it doesn't show is when I specifically want it to! How very lovely this makes me feel.
    Last edited by nik0tine; 09-12-2006 at 05:20 AM.

  5. #200
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    *double posts*

    Thanks to Zeromus_X I am now able to make it to Nerapa with ease when I make good use of the level 4 flare spell, in conjunction with the tactics I was already using.

    The problem now, is Nerapa. He can actually, you know, kill me. By the time I get to him I have only about a minute remaining, a minute thirty seconds tops. I can't seem to kill him fast enough. I can just rely on Edgars chainsaw to kill him, but that isn't much to rely on. I do not have the break blade, and it doesn't appear as if Shoat works on this boss.

    Does anyone know of any way to kill this thing in one hit? If the break blade works, why doesnt shoat work? Or, does shoat only work some of the time? Any information any of you can give me on this boss would help tremendously. I'm downright sick of the floating continent and I just want to move on.

  6. #201


    Oh my god, you managed to make it this far. I worship you now. <3 However I've only played FFVI once, and I'm too busy to attempt a challenge so I can't really help. Good luck though.

  7. #202
    Nerfed in Continuum Shift Recognized Member Zeromus_X's Avatar
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    It seems like you'll just have to keep on trying (and I'm sure that's the last thing you want to hear after going after this for so long, but I'm sorry ).

    The Break Blade is very well hidden on the stairs up to that No. 24 guy in the Magitek Research Facility, so don't feel bad that you missed it.

    Doom isn't an option, so I guess you'll just have to keep trying with the Chainsaw and Shoat.

  8. #203
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    So shoat can miss?

    Whats worse about all of this is that after I beat Nerapa I'm forced to battle with one more naughty. I haven't beat Nerapa yet but I know this is true because I ran out of time and it took me back to field. I tried to run to the end and before the time ran out I ran into another battle. This is going to be smurfing tough. I'll have to kill nerapa on my first shot.

    Of course, the first time I made it to Nerapa I did kill him in one move. I lost anyway though. What a smurfing pain in the ass.

  9. #204
    Triple Triad Ace Ultima Shadow's Avatar
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    I guess you just don't have the time to kill him the normal way... but his HP is really low, atleast. I guess it's still pretty much impossible to make it in time... but if you equip everyone with a wall-ring and reflect some magic at him... nah, I don't know. But if you somehow can hit him for 1000 dammage, you only need to hit him 3 times, as I think he got something like 2500-3000 HP.

    Still, I guess praying for an instant-kill with the Chain-Saw is the best option, since you can't afford to waste more time than necessary.

    In any case... good luck!

    I'm actually half-stuck myself, in my SO3 challenge, at the moment. >_< (not anymore)
    Last edited by Ultima Shadow; 09-18-2006 at 07:00 PM.

  10. #205
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    How important is it that I save Shadow, do you think? I can pass the floating continent IF I do not save shadow. What do you guys think?

  11. #206
    Nerfed in Continuum Shift Recognized Member Zeromus_X's Avatar
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    Well, he has Throw, which if I recall, ignores defense, so I wouldn't know if that would be something to consider.

  12. #207
    Triple Triad Ace Ultima Shadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nik
    How important is it that I save Shadow, do you think? I can pass the floating continent IF I do not save shadow. What do you guys think?
    Doesn't saving Shadow just take like an additional 1-2 secs anyways, though? You choose "wait", then "wait for Shadow"... and as long as the timer's under 4 sec, he'll come and that's it. Atleast that's what I remember.


    As much as I'd like to say that Shadow kicks ass, there's far more useful characters for this challenge. With that Tack-Star thingy, Shadow can do about 1500-2000 dammage, if I remember correctly. But once you've got to that point in the game, there's much more powerful attacks and useful abilities for other characters. Not to mention that it can be a pain to get enough of those Thack-Stars. I still used Shadow in my normal low-level, of course, since he's my fav. But when it comes down to it, I'd say his only big bonus is his additional evasion thanks to Interceptor, which of course can be really useful at times. Also, the fact that he can use stuff like "Shadow Edge" to futher increase his evasion is good too... but that doesn't affect Magic Evasion, which usually is much more important. All in all I'd say he's a decent or half-assed character for this challenge. He's far from useless, but there certainly IS better ones, like Terra and Celes etc.
    Last edited by Ultima Shadow; 09-23-2006 at 10:11 AM.

  13. #208
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    I'm still undecided as to whether or not I want to save Shadow. I have another question though. Do you think a low level, natural magic CES challenge is possible? I think I'm going to give it a shot.

  14. #209
    Triple Triad Ace Ultima Shadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nik0tine View Post
    I'm still undecided as to whether or not I want to save Shadow. I have another question though. Do you think a low level, natural magic CES challenge is possible? I think I'm going to give it a shot.
    Well... in the final battle, you'll pretty much have to rely on Terra or Celes equiped with the Paladin Sheild and the Force Armor (this will give them a magical evasion that's so high it becomes impossible for all blockable spells to even touch them), and all the other characters will pretty much just be "support". In this challenge Terra and Celes won't be able to spam Ultima's... so the attack power of your other characters may actually count more than it did in my case. Even so... all you'll really need in order to win the final battle is that one singel "survivor". Because without a character with an extremely high magic evasion, you're pretty much screwed. And the other characters will most likely die a whole lot.

    In other words, as far as the final battle goes, I'm sure CES is possible. The big problem, however, would be your way to the final boss where you'll have to divide your party into 3 groups. Beating all the bosses that you'll encounter with the other 2 "non-survivor" characters will most likely be a pure hell.

  15. #210


    Oh how I missed these challanges.

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