Well, it has taken us a while, but we've finally gotten the campaign ready to go. A while ago, EoFF member Doomgaze was banned for making a thread about duck penises... then one about frog tongues... then one about tiger penis soup... and well, you get the idea. This ban was entirely unfair, especially since staff members <i>approved</i> the thread topics beforehand. However, the Feedback threads where it was said those sorts of threads are okay were deleted so as to get rid of the proof!

So, Doomgaze must be unbanned.

The above image is too large for a sig. But it's a good way to start this out. And there's a useable sig image based on that below.

Put these images in your sig to help combat the evil, lying CKs:

Also, here's some unban Doomy avatars:

(I have no idea what this one's supposed to mean xD)

Now, let's teach these corrupt staff members a lesson!

All images made and hosted by Genius Lynx. Please save the avatars to your HD and use them from there. For sigs, if possible please upload onto your own webspace.