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Thread: How did you discover final fantasy?

  1. #1
    blackchocobo9999's Avatar
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    Default How did you discover final fantasy?

    i want to know how everyone got into playing and enjoying final fantasy?

    for me it all started in 1997, the release of ff7, proberly the best ff ever
    i saw it at my neibours house and he said i could borrow it because i thought it looked intresting, It was!! I never gave him it back but about a couple of years, it broke so i went to the shops to buy it and thats when i noticed ff8 and 9, so i bought those to
    and now i have them all!!

    now its your turn to tell me and the other ff lovers how you got into final fantasy??
    Last edited by blackchocobo9999; 07-16-2005 at 05:12 PM.
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  2. #2


    my dad. he had played all of the previous final fantasy's on NES and when he discovered that there was a final fantasy on the PS he went out and rented it. it took him 7 weeks to finish it without the guide, though he didnt get everything till the second time around. i always saw him playing it and i was mad because i was into the sport games and fighting games and he always hogged my PS that l bought. after about a year of having it i finally gave it a try and since have been an addict owning all from VII till X-2 and XI.

    my thanks to Blitz Ace for the sig

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  3. #3


    With FFVII. I don't really remember how, though. I played the old-school FFs after FFVII (bar III), then FFVIII, IX (*-*) and X.
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  4. #4


    my old friend. almost every day he'd invite me to his house (this was before ps2) he had the ps and i had n64. the first day i went over and he was playin ff7.i liked it so much i wanted to trade my n64 for a ps. about 3 or 4 years later i had a ps2 and completely forgot about ff until my dad downloaded old nintendo games onto our computer including ff1 and ff2 (not 4 today) and i got back into ff and bought ff10

  5. #5


    Saw a picture of Vivi in a magazine, and thought he looked kinda cool, so I decided read the article. I though the game looked really cool, so I decided I'd buy. During the time I was saving up money, I visited a friend of mine and saw him play FFVIII. I thought it was pretty cool. On my birthday I was given FFIX as a gift. (I was also given FFVIII the same day). It was that day I discovered my love for RPGs.

  6. #6


    i rented FFT, for two days, got about 1/8 done with the game....after that i didnt touch another FF for about 4 years and the next one i played was X, big drop off, but about a week after i got X i got VII and from there i was hooked.......about 3 years after that i finally got another copy of FFT and STILL havent beaten it
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  7. #7
    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    I joined a forum owned by a girl that did fanart of these 'FF' characters.

    then a year later I asked my gamer friend what final fantasy was, so he sent me romz of the snes games. I played ff5 and loved it.

    then I saw ffx at hastings, and rented it and a ps2 and was seduced by the sexy ps2 and got one of my own~

  8. #8
    300dpi in a 72dpi zone Slade's Avatar
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    My friend used to come around quite often and everytime he came over he would bring FFVII. I usually just sat there and watched but there was one time he let me have a shot. Few months later he started to bring round VIII. Then IX. I always wanted an FF after that but didnt have a playstation. My friends parents owned a video shop and he said i could order the games for PC from him. I asked him to get me VII and Resident Evil 2. Well i ended up getting RE2 but not VII. About a year later i got a playstation (finally) and borrowed FFVIII from another friend. Best thing id ever played....from then i got hooked and bought all the ps FFs (including VI), downloaded the roms for IV and V, got a ps2 and got X and X-2 so yeah.....thats pretty much it

  9. #9


    The first time I had heard of FF was when FF7 was coming out I seen it advertised on T.V,but the thing was that in the advertisements it showed the cut scenes and I thought christ the are brilliant graphics............a while after I rented it and I was dissapointed at first with the graphics....but I gave it time and I started to really enjoy it and then bought it......................ever since I've clearec it countless times*memories*............................. :rolleyes2

  10. #10


    I got intrested in FF after playing chrono Trigger, so i um Downloaded all the Snes ff Roms. Now I only legally own 3 ff games.
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  11. #11


    I played my first FF in 2004 (exactly a year ago). I'm mostly a PC Gamer and just had nothing better to do so I picked up FF7-9 (with an emulator) and FF10 (with a used PS2). Good times, played most of the games already in a year and they keep me busy

  12. #12
    Unimportant Passerby Rase's Avatar
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    When I was five, my dad bought FFIV for some reason, and I played it and liked it. The end.
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  13. #13
    HEIDEGGER SI MY BISHI!!!1 DJZen's Avatar
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    Ah yes, I believe it was in the year 1993 for me. I had been the proud owner of Secret of Mana for a while and loved the hell out of it. I can't even tell you how many drawings of the elementals I made. Soon thereafter I went to our local video rental store (Movies Movies Movies, a local store that went out of business when Blockbuster moved in and I curse the day that happened!) to browse their titles. In the SNES rack I stumbled upon a slightly older Square game called "Final Fantasy Mystic Quest". I thought it was great fun, but a bit more challenging that I had expected (I was very used to platformers at the time, battle strategy was a new concept to me). Next thing I knew I was buying Final Fantasy VI (though it was called III at the time) and developing a whole new obsession.

  14. #14


    Well, it was on 2001, when a friend of mine asked me, if I like Final Fantasy. But I didn't know what the game is look like. So I went one day to his house to play FF 8. That was my first FF. It was love at the first loading!

  15. #15
    Ice Cream I Scream ZuZu's Avatar
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    Don't remember the year but it was a long ago when my brother started to play FF8. I was looking when he played. "Stupid game", I said. But I just continued looking the game and it took about a year when I played my first game, FF7.

    Now I actually love FF8 and other FF-games. After FF8, FF7 looked so stupid but I regret that I ever said that.
    I'm hooked on Final Fantasy!

    Thanks to my brother.
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