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Thread: What did We Learn?

  1. #91
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raistlin
    Anything? First you said that I said anything that was "appropriate," and now it's just "anything?" Which is it?
    Depends on which post of yours I'm quoting. The quote from my post that you're ranting about was copy/pasted from a post you made.

    I don't see how you can be so pissed when it's not like any staff member did anything that you didn't say we could do. It is totally not fair of you to be mad at every staff member because you weren't specific enough in giving permission to have your locked entries quoted to other staff members. Yes, I realize you do have a right to be upset that your locked entries were, a couple of times, quoted, but the level of how pissed you are, along with the fact that you don't even know what we discussed and to what extent, is completely over the line.

    I realize you're not going to recognise how absolutely nuts you're being, so I'm not going to bother trying to defend anything that happened. You ignore what you don't want to hear anyway.

    I worry about people like you. I really do.

  2. #92
    Banned MecaKane's Avatar
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    Did your locked LJ entries talk about how depressed you were getting because of that whole thing and how last night you stayed up for 4 hours with a gun in your mouth because of it? Did you confess how much you were in love with some person who quit and how it was going to suck with them not around? Or was it more like rants about how you couldn't believe how stupid this person was being for going along with unbanning Kishi/quitting over it?
    If it's one of the first two that would be horribly wrong and bad, otherwise it's like showing Tom Hanks a movie review that just goes on and on about what a jerk-off the character he played was. Whoever on staff it was that you blocked out of that entry, because of those events, didn't exist.

    I'm not reading that whole thread to find out because it's like 30 pages.

  3. #93
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    I don't think there's a difference if his thoughts were based on something false or not; he still considered them his private thoughts. The issue is that those who posted those thoughts didn't realize he felt that way. You can call us stupid if you want, Raist, but we wouldn't have posted those things in the Staff Forum if we thought it wasn't okay, and that's the truth of it.

  4. #94
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    I don't see how you can be so pissed when it's not like any staff member did anything that you didn't say we could do.
    Because obviously you were justified quoting ANY entry I made about anything, because that's allegedly what I said you could do - no matter what it's about. I'm not saying that happened, but if you follow you're logic, that's the only possible conclusion - which is absurd. It doesn't take too much thought and a little bit of courtesy to figure out that I didn't want you discussing in Staff me contemplating suicide or breaking up with my girlfriend or any other personal entry I may have made. If you agree with that, there's no other possibel conclusion in that what happened was wrong.

    Did your locked LJ entries talk about how depressed you were getting because of that whole thing and how last night you stayed up for 4 hours with a gun in your mouth because of it? Did you confess how much you were in love with some person who quit and how it was going to suck with them not around? Or was it more like rants about how you couldn't believe how stupid this person was being for going along with unbanning Kishi/quitting over it?
    If it's one of the first two that would be horribly wrong and bad, otherwise it's like showing Tom Hanks a movie review that just goes on and on about what a jerk-off the character he played was. Whoever on staff it was that you blocked out of that entry, because of those events, didn't exist.
    Most of them were as you said, and it doesn't bother me that they were quoted beyond the fact that it went against what I said in my LJ("don't discuss this with anyone outside of this friends' group" - which I put at the beginning of the first entry I made with each new subgroup. Despite what I allegedly said in Feedback about how they could quote "anything" - which is a little like justifying tearing a friends' house down when the friend says "make yourself at home," I did specify in my LJ not to discuss it outside that subgroup). One was an angry rant which I specifically and intentionally excluded certain people from that entry, and also specified in that entry that it was NOT for the EoFF Staff subgroup.

    It's not so much the content, but specifically going against my intentions in granting quoting permission(despite what denial of common sense and basic thought Shlup is professing) and my express wishes. And not even for a good reason - but for part of a joke.

  5. #95
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    Thanks for just ignoring the last thing I said. I won't repeat myself further.

  6. #96
    Hypnotising you crono_logical's Avatar
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    You know what? The post joke drama could prove to be more enthralling, more heated, more action-packed, MORE ENTERTAINING than what we conducted !

    Aww, no noodle smilies. I'll have more cookies then, this soap opera doesn't look to be stopping any time soon

    Problems playing downloaded videos? Try CCCP

  7. #97
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cl_out
    Aww, no noodle smilies. I'll have more cookies then, this soap opera doesn't look to be stopping any time soon thought that I died in that nuclear accident 6 years ago, but I am back! It is I, your half brother, cl_in!

  8. #98
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    Thanks for just ignoring the last thing I said. I won't repeat myself further.
    k *looks*
    You can call us stupid if you want, Raist, but we wouldn't have posted those things in the Staff Forum if we thought it wasn't okay, and that's the truth of it.
    But according to you, it wasn't even considered, because apparently I gave you full permission to quote whatever the hell you wanted, so no matter what you quoted, it was perfectly acceptable! Again, the equivalent of telling someone "make yourself at home," and then them going and redecorating the house. It's just an absurd notion.

  9. #99
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    Yes, we felt whatever we quoted was perfectly acceptable because you gave us permission to quote whatever we wanted. I'm sorry, Raist, I'm not the only one who feels this way. I wasn't the one quoting your LJ entries that I recall, which means that staffers that I believe you do, or did, trust as your friends thought it was perfectly okay too. Which is easier to believe: That your friends on staff thought you were okay with it, or that they're just all stupid jerks who betrayed you for a laugh?

    I really just don't think anyone realized you'd be upset about it. Yes, we know you think we're morons for it, but it's the truth. Your permission and your... level of uptightness (for lack of a better term; I have a headache) were misiterpereted by people that I would consider your friends. Except me maybe a couple of times, but I honestly don't remember directly quoting your LJ anyway, I'm just trying to let you know that I don't think you're being very fair with just how angry you appear to be.

    If you feel that your analogy isn't too extreme then that just shows how wrong we were in our interpretation of the above. I, personally, would consider it saying "make yourself at home" and then they innocently go and eat a bunch of your food or something. Now if your entry was not EoFF-related and something about your hemmeriod problem or something and was quoted I'd think that was a totally different thing, but I'm getting the impression that you don't distinguish much between your personal life and EoFF.

  10. #100


    One bitter man can take his personal problems with staff elsewhere.
    Quote Originally Posted by princeofdarknez
    I learned I smurfing love this place.

  11. #101
    A Big Deal? Recognized Member Big D's Avatar
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    Raistlin - I was keeping track of what was being quoted in that thread. I can assure you that it was only stuff of direct relevance to the April Fool's simulation effort. Stuff like,
    Raistlin believes we're suffering a "monumental breakdown in Staff protocol." Looks like people are convinced by the arguing. Keep it up, but don't go overboard just yet.
    Or something like,
    XXXX just replied to what I said in Raistlin's journal - you know, when I said it was no big deal because staff can do what they like. XXXX said I'm a jumped-up, gosh-darned piece of poo. Now, if another staffer would be so good as to take his side? We're supposed to be fighting each other here, not dragging the regulars into the midst of our squabbling. They're supposed to see us at each others' throats, not start grabbing for the jugular.
    Those aren't exact quotes, but that's the kind of thing that was posted. We'd never, at any time, consider publicly posting a friends-only entry that was unrelated to the matter at hand, or was too personal to be shared. Basic principles of decency and whatnot.

    I can understand your concern, but I want you to know your privacy was never compromised.

    Edit: Here's the post Shlup's been referring to, I think.

  12. #102
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    Thanks, D, for addressing the actual problem and not making up stupid excuses. And that, speaking of the general content, I don't have as much of a problem with. I still feel it's wrong - helping you guys out on your prank is not an appropriate use of permission. The obvious intent of my permission was to aid in the discussion of rules and regulations of EoFF.

    The context of my permission was in discussion of past EoFF situations which I had made locked LJ entries about - back when I didn't have an EoFF Staff friends' group, which I still wanted the other non-Staff friends to see it, as well. Therefore, I gave BoB permission to quote anything from those past entries that he felt appropriate. Taking that completely out of context and using as a general permission to discussing whatever-the-hell you want from my LJ is just absurd.

    Shlup - you accused me of taking peoples' comments out of context during our discussions about Kishi during the whole joke, and now you do the same for me?

    Either way, this argument is pointless. Shlup - you accuse of me loving to argue, and yet you continue this arguing that you have some perceived right to discuss my LJ entries? It's my LJ, and there's a damn good reason you're not in all of my friends' subgroups.

    I'm done discussing this.

  13. #103
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Hey! I said pretty much the same thing Big D said ages ago! Nobody loves the Daniel...
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  14. #104
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    I couldn't resist...

    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB
    Hey! I said pretty much the same thing Big D said ages ago! Nobody loves the Daniel...
    No you didn't.

    You were the one that told me originally, and said you weren't going to bother looking through the thread to tell me what was and wasn't quoted. *smacks BooBy*

  15. #105
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    Yeah but I never said we made fun of you or anything! Well, not making fun of your entries, anyway. I'm sure I said it was only so we could keep up with things! Big D just said it in a pretty way because he's a very pretty person.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

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