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Thread: A Modest Proposal

  1. #1

    Default A Modest Proposal For NOT Eating Forum Members

    In light of recent events, there has been a growing rift amidst the rank and file of EoFF. While I’ve never had much trouble with the Staff, recent events have led me to question whether the integrity of the board is completely served by allowing just about absolute power to rule with few if any checks and balances.

    I’ve always believed that in a community, in the end, it should be the will OF the community that should be served above all else. While I can understand and oftentimes appreciate the great lengths that Staff go to being objective in decision making, they are, though some might dispute, human themselves. Thus, I pose that perhaps we need a set system to use in making some of the tougher decisions at this board. In the end, I think it might benefit the Staff more than anyone else as it will give them, much like Judges using Precedent, something to point to when a decision is made that can essentially justify their actions as something more than just opinion.

    As an example, should someone be banned and there is a big to do about it, the Staff can point to the fact that they used a system that is deemed fair, by the Community, not just the Staff, in making their decision and in effect, avoiding the nasty disputes that have cropped up as of late.

    Now, I write this mostly to provoke discussion, but also in some way, to challenge everyone to think about what has happened. No community can survive if there is always constant in-fighting and internal strife amongst its members. Even worse still, if there are disputes from those at the top, whereas those at the bottom have no say in changing the matter. If this is the case, and there have been instances before this, as some might call it, “World Wars” so to speak, to me that would indicate that at least some changes must be made in order to keep the very foundation from cracking.

    Though it’s been argued that a dictatorship is good in some cases, I ask you this: Is it FAIR, not just for those under the rule, but for the dictator? To place all the power and decisions solely in the hands of the few, while at first empowering and even ego boosting, over time can eat away at someone or stress them out. I submit that perhaps some power sharing would be beneficial to those in charge because it can lessen the great burdens placed upon them. They don’t need to give up any of their power but perhaps in putting less on their own shoulders and giving more to others to help make some of the decisions, the community will thrive.

    As I close, I have decided not to actually write up any system of rules or laws, as most of the existing rules of EoFF are fine, fair and top-notch. In fact, probably all of them are, though some can still be discussed. I write this now to muse about how these rules should be carried out, if a dictatorship can in the long run sustain itself or if it eventually must begin to rely on those it rules over to keep it grounded, and keep it from being needlessly stressed out beyond belief as well as keep it in check to some extent. If rules are made but not followed, they serve no purpose and in turn, those who might enforce them serve no purpose as well. To envision a board or any community without leadership or laws is chaos, not a savory situation, and one I wish to avoid.

    I submit this to you all just as thoughts in my mind in the hopes that, like others who have come before me and surely others who will come after me, there will always be a belief and dedication to the community, to the belief that laws and rules are for all not just for those who can be enforced upon.

    Perhaps if this does provoke discussion we may be able to have a chance to consider other options should they present themselves but that is still a long way away in my mind. I'm hopefully, but it is now in your hands.

    I thank you all for your time.

    Yours Truly, Sincerely and Respectfully,

    - Devin

    Take care all.
    Last edited by The Captain; 03-27-2005 at 07:05 AM.

  2. #2
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    Unfortunately, the staff has made it clear that we are NOT a part of the decision making process.

  3. #3
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    A forum this large makes it difficult to include the members and give them power, but not impossible. Some of the older and more experienced members might try to guide the newer members in the direction, and perhaps help the mods along with their duties.

    Something to remember though is that when we join the forum we agree to submit to the dictatorship of those who run it. However, because it is a community of sorts, if there is no communication and accord, it can and will crumble. Strife between members, especially at this level, is unhealthy for the community, and I do believe that right now EoFF is in very real danger of collapsing upon itself. I do hope that the administrators are willing to consider this request, I do believe it a very good one and one with considerable merit.

  4. #4
    Arrrrrrrrrrrr! FightClubFan#47's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nik0tine
    Unfortunately, the staff has made it clear that we are NOT a part of the decision making process.
    Ya. We are here for THEIR entertainment.

    "Life insurance pays off triple if you die on a business trip."
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  5. #5
    A Big Deal? Recognized Member Big D's Avatar
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    The problem with most internet message boards is this:
    There's no enforcement mechanism, no 'power source' that's able to clamp down and require adherence to any rules, regulations or principles.

    It's essentially a 'good faith' system - people get made staff members by proving, over time, that they're productive and trustworthy members of the forum, with a healthy respect and enthusiasm for keeping EoFF fun. Either that, or they're really really hot. It is these qualities that sometimes lead to people being offered roles in the forum's staff, so it is assumed that they'll keep doing what they were doing before - working to ensure that EoFF maintains a high standard of excellence.

    Just as national laws are no good without police to enforce them, an EoFF 'constitution' would be ineffective without some binding power to uphold it. As it stands, EoFF is staffed by volunteers, so it's generally accepted that anyone who doesn't want the job, won't do it.

    Perhaps a set of 'supreme rules' would indeed help; however, I personally can't envisage whow they would be maintained, except by Sean's own hand when he chooses to do so.

    Whether we like it or not, whether we accept it or not, EoFF's rules are whatever the staff decide to make them. That's why staff are staff; all we can do is rely on them to use their best judgment on a case-by-case basis. Human judgment is naturally fallible; and "good judgment" is but a subjective opinion, so we'll not always agree with what is decided by the powers-that-be.

    However, that doesn't mean we should always accept the things we cannot change.

  6. #6
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nik0tine
    Unfortunately, the staff has made it clear that we are NOT a part of the decision making process.

  7. #7
    Banned MecaKane's Avatar
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    Yah, let the regular members decide on how things are done. And then people will just grab newbies who don't really know what's going on and use them as sheep for their purposes, and then we'll have spam fourms and threads won't be allowed to be closed and post counts will be back, and EoFF will fall completly into the hole of insanity it's been rocking over for the past while.
    Or maybe I'll win, and everyone will be complete hardasses and no one will like that at all.

  8. #8
    Meat Puppet's Avatar
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    Kane and Joel could be the Starsky and Hutch of EoFF.

  9. #9
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MecaKane
    Yah, let the regular members decide on how things are done. And then people will just grab newbies who don't really know what's going on and use them as sheep for their purposes, and then we'll have spam fourms and threads won't be allowed to be closed and post counts will be back, and EoFF will fall completly into the hole of insanity it's been rocking over for the past while.
    Or maybe I'll win, and everyone will be complete hardasses and no one will like that at all.
    Kane is right. If you let the members get their way, it probably would either be a spam kingdom, or a "hardass" place where anyone who posts just one vaguely spammy post is banned, depending on who can get the most newbies. I wouldn't like either. Yes, I love spam but without limits it just ruins it for everyone else - the current level, as decided upon by the staff, is fine.

    The staff should definitely take the opinions of members into account (Which sometimes they do, sometimes they don't), but they should have the overall final say. Do the staff vote on an issue? As then maybe the opinion of the general membership could be worth one vote or something, but maybe that would take too long.

  10. #10
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Eyeson is not just a community. It is also a corporation, owned and run by Sean. In a corporation the board of directors make all the decisions because they are the most qualified to do so, and it works. It just so happens that Sean has good judgement in who he chose, and, in turn, the people they chose and continue to choose to run the community.

    Is this 'fair'? I think so. Consider the alternative, that this were run like a true democratic community. The leaders are elected by the members and there is a system of checks and balances in place. First of all, this place is way too small and insignificant to even maintain a system of this magnitude, but we'll ignore that. There are other things to consider.

    Age. There are some exceptions, but in general younger people are much more immature than older people. This is because experience brings wisdom. There is a reason why you have to be 18 to vote in the US or 35 to be president, young people are not yet mature enough to make those kinds of important decisions. This is a forum of teenagers. The median age here is something like 16, while the median age on staff is probably around 21. Giving this kind of power to underdeveloped minds is a recepie for disaster.

    Forum experience. How much of a vote should newbies get? Is it really fair to let someone here for two weeks get the same input as someone who has been here for four years? Can we expect the same quality of decision from each member? I don't think so. Then what? Give the long term members more of a vote? That's just more favortism, the item I believe we are trying to avoid.

    Popularity. In just about every government on earth there is corruption. Here it isn't so bad, since none of the members can really offer staff people anything of value. But add voting and checks and balances to the mix and you'll get people vying for popularity more than ever. Everyone will be out to get support for their personal agendas rather than just enjoy themselves with the system already in place.

    The way things are is best. Like Cap said, we are human, and we will make mistakes, but believe it or not we do consider public opinion in our decisions and do have the best for the community in mind.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  11. #11


    I thought this thread was going to be about eating babies.


  12. #12
    lomas de chapultepec Recognized Member eestlinc's Avatar
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    If you climb out of this feedback cesspool you will find the rest of this place is running quite nicely.

  13. #13


    If EoFF is a corporation, then where are my shares?

  14. #14
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    I will take 30 billion stock! Now damn it!

    Whats that? Money? BWWAAAAAH HA HA HA HA HA HA! Screw you! *steals stock*

    Moving along...All systems have their flaws. I personally have always view Cid's Knights as the police. The admins as the law makers. Cid is the president. There is no judge or jury. That is all you need. A new group that would just interpert the rules or law if you will and make a decision. You guys are so close and you don't even know it. Its not that big of a jump to that democracy or republic if you will.

  15. #15


    I agree with you Ed. Though it will certainly take a lot of time, I think if that third branch were put into place, a lot of future hardship could be avoided.

    Even if this doesn't end up working, so long as this open dialogue continues, that's a victory in and of itself.

    Take care all.

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