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Thread: Important news.

  1. #136
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    Kishi made thread. D editted pic out. Kishi deleted thread. Kishi posted same thread again. D editted image again. This part I saw with my own eyes.

    D made thread in Staff. Or someone did. RSL only told me "he's making a thread in Staff," but maybe that changed. Either way, it was discussed in Staff. Daryl banned Kishi. I asked RSL, afterwards, if it was still being discussed. He said, "unless you count 'I can't believe he did this' as discussion, then no" or something like that. This I was around for.

  2. #137
    lomas de chapultepec Recognized Member eestlinc's Avatar
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    SHlup, I know you love BJ and all, but you and Wesley would make a great couple.

  3. #138
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    Well you totally neglected to notice that I was also around for that part, and he wasn't banned for some time, in spite of the fact that several admins, Daryl not included were around.

    EDIT: EEST! I don't even know how to respond to that without having to ban myself after.

  4. #139


    Or a great sitcom! With Desperate Housewives now "cancelled", something has to fill the void.

    Take care all.

  5. #140
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Man, you guys are crazy. And I thought the thread in Staff got fast posts. Craaaaaaaaaaaazy.

    I'm not getting too heavily involved because it seems that everyone that does is losing their faith in humanity or something, and getting quoted in and out of context, and this and that and blah. I for one support Shlup in this matter and I think that you guys should really give the girl a break. Well, okay, she's making some stupid responses (sorry, Shlup, it's true Maybe YOU need to get off the 'net and relax and let them calm down xD), but she's still made a decision and sometimes it's not the one that everyone favours, but is the one that is best for EoFF in the long run.

    You all know I love EoFF to bits. I live this place. In the over-four-years that I've been here, Kishi has been one of the shining figures, and despite me not seeing eye to eye with him at all points, I figure that, hey, he made one mistake. Just one, in over four years. One lapse of judgement - and only minor, because the image was controversial. You just have to keep in mind what's best for EoFF in the long run. If there is anything bad that comes of this, it's the fault of the people who throw a fit over something they shouldn't have thrown a fit about. You guys have to trust us to make that good a decision. Have we ever let you down in the past in any big way? I can't think of a time.

    I love Leeza and I love Matty to death. However it's their choice to step down and I saw it coming for a long time anyway. Leeza has been constantly talked about behind her back for a long time and despite what anyone says, even herself, I think that's the #1 reason for her stepping down. This just happened to be a good time, or something. As for Matty, well, he's stepped down before, but time is a healer, I hope, as with almost every other Staffer that has stepped down in disgust, I trust he'll come right in the end. It's notable that this isn't the first time the staff have broken up on a decision, it's just the first time that you guys have been around in a media-like way to see it happen and hear about why.

    So, you have choice number one - accept it, let it go, work your way back towards good feelings and cuddles and love everyone. Choice number two, make a big fuss over one member that doesn't really have anything to do with YOUR EoFF experience in any way whatsoever, and only make things worse for yourself and everyone else. I know it's not always what you want to hear, but sometimes you have to accept things and move along. I've had to do this on many, many occasions. Anyone who has been on EoFF's staff for quite some time will know that this

    This really does feel like a media thing. Raistlin/Feedback is being the media. We've had World War I & II at EoFF but you guys didn't even know about it. Now we're having a media-watched war and suddenly everyone is making a big deal. This stuff does happen at EoFF. The only mistake that anyone has made is letting the public know about it. Usually we're a lot better than that. And I'm sorry for that much. There have been 'wars' at EoFF with more 'casualties' (including quite possibly my best friend on Staff who has only made 2-5 posts since that date many years ago). It's very, very, very hard for people, and it can bring me to huge stress and can put staffers into a temporary state of depression at times - or maybe I'm alone in that area, I don't know. But yeah. It is hard. Now you're actually seeing what happens, and you don't like it. Well, do you think we're enjoying all of this? We aren't. We'd rather everyone would just settle down. Feedback has become a media center and I hate it. I liked it better when the only things that people knew about when it comes to what goes on in Staff is what we told them. And when people who stepped down never said a thing about why. They don't have to like the rules but they respected them. That includes the rule that we can do whatever we want.

    Please, guys, don't take this too far. I wonder if World War I was to re-occur in a time with modern media if they would have considered the whole thing to be brutal and for Winston Churchil to be slated for his approach to the war. Media sucks. Sorry, I'm getting more into a personal gripe about this now.

    Also, I'm not going to respond to all the IMs and PMs about this. I'm having a beautiful time away from EoFF in certain aspects of my life and I refuse to let this ruin it. EoFF, as I have said earlier in this post, does have it's troubles and luckily we're usually very good at hiding them - if Big D hadn't posted, if nobody oustide Staff ever knew about this, nobody would have made a big deal (no Big D-eal pun intended ). Would that have been so bad? Have you lost faith in EoFF in the past when the staff has broken down? No, because you never knew. Sometimes we bend the rules or change them for certain people, yes. Sometimes they end up getting banned anyway - such is life.

    For what it's worth, I've always - always - been a very anti-ban kind of guy. If I get my way once in all of it, then I'm happy. Let it be this once

    EDIT, AFTER THE RECENT POSTS THAT SUDDENLY SURGED IN SINCE I CLICKED 'REPLY': What I do find that raises my spirits in all of this is that people are still finding the time to make jokes that make me laugh. That is the true spirit of Eyes on Final Fantasy and I love you for it. Even in these times, I know we can pull through.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  6. #141


    Who IS your speech writer, good sir?

    In all seriousness, I understand where you're coming from as best I can.

    Take care all.

  7. #142
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    *pokes Cappy with a rod*


    *does the same to BoB*

    My stupid responses are my favorite ones.

  8. #143
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    So what Bob is basically saying is that the EoFF staff is like a secret society. Hmm... *Strokes chin* hmm...

  9. #144 hot, salty nut! Recognized Member fire_of_avalon's Avatar
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    I really don't know how to feel about any of this. I don't know what was posted, but I can only respect the fact that it was at least somewhat offensive, because I don't believe Big D would remove and image for nothing, and though I don't know Daryl well at all, I don't believe anyone would boot a staff member that quick unless it was something pretty icky.

    However, I am notoriously against the instaban policy, for anyone, not just for "important people". In my eyes, instabanning is unduly severe punishment for an accident/lapse in judgement/drunk post.

    But Kishi, more than most other members, should be aware of the rules, and set an example by following them.

    I really don't know what to think.

    Signature by rubah. I think.

  10. #145
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    While I still would like to know more of the details, I can understand and accept BoB's explanation, I do realize where he is coming from and can understand many of the feelings out there.

    And thus, with that said, let us proceed to spam this thread until it closes, like we do with all of the other Feedback threads!

  11. #146

  12. #147
    Bloody Claw strawberryman's Avatar
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    That was worth a reply.


    Thanks to Sagensyg for the sig!

  13. #148


    And on that note, I shall head off to bed.

    Good night and take care all.

  14. #149
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    Wait, wait, wait, just a second! So now everybody is happy? Jeez... Thanks alot Bob! I was having alot of fun debating!

  15. #150
    permanently mitten
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Captain
    Or a great sitcom! With Desperate Housewives now "cancelled", something has to fill the void.

    Take care all.
    Oh my God, Captain what are you talking about?! Desperate Housewives and the word "cancelled" should never be in the same sentence together. ;_;

    Kinda like how Kishi and "banned" really don't go together.

    Honestly, this is coming from a regular member who never posts in feedback, I really wouldn't mind it if Kishi were given an exemption. I don't understand this demand for complete objectivity and emotionless fact sorting. Nothing on Eyeson is completely objective. Hell, nothing in life is completely objective. >_>

    All the "oh it's a pity, but he needs to stay banned" folks have had their say, here's mine: I want Kishi to stay.

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