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Thread: And now... the FFV challange!

  1. #61
    Triple Triad Ace Ultima Shadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KuRt
    haste 2 and pinwheels are kinda effective.
    And extremely expensive... Really... 25000 for a pinwheel is a lot. However... yes, pinwheels are very powerfull.
    Quote Originally Posted by KuRt
    So I´m collecting money in "lake of no exp" (at least i like to call it that way) The lake near the waterfall where is leviathan (just fly your airship in the lake). Anyways, there are much of battles where there are 3 sea devils, wich tou can just use Odin to, and tou get 9000 gil and 6 Abp, or there maybe also 2 seadevils and one giant bird. Odin in this battle does only gungnir, so using shoat 3 times causes very easy victory with gaining 11000 gil and 13 Abp , only thing is, tou cant get any exp from these battles.

    Hint for all who didn´t know the place!!
    Yes, it's an awesome place... even though I prefere the cleft of dimensions when it comes to ABP.
    Good luck!
    Quote Originally Posted by KuRt
    Edit: Hahahahhaaha! looks like leviathan could not handle haste 2, 9 pinwheels and a meteo without dying. SHE DIDN´T EVEN HAVE TIME TO USE THE FRIKIN´ TIDAL WAVE!!
    Hmmmm... I just thought of something. Maybe the best way to beat Shinryuu is by throwing... Dragon Spears! You'll just have to go trough the hell of getting enough Dragon Spears to throw... ouch!
    Last edited by Ultima Shadow; 04-07-2005 at 08:24 PM.

  2. #62
    Strapping young lad KuRt's Avatar
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    well, they do cost munny but in 3 battles, tou get the money to buy one.

    And btw, Ultima, what level are tou?
    Quote Originally Posted by Ultima Shadow
    Hmmmm... I just thought of something. Maybe the best way to beat Shinryuu is by throwing... Dragon Spears! You'll just have to go trough the hell of getting enough Dragon Spears to throw... ouch!
    sinistral idea, fella!

  3. #63
    Triple Triad Ace Ultima Shadow's Avatar
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    I'm still spending some time mastering classes in the Cleft of Dimensions where you get no EXP... but I've fought some Iron Gigants and got my party to level 44 and 45. I wonder if it may be worth having a Class-less character in the battle against Shinryuu and maybe Omega. Even though I pretty much only will be able to use items with it, I'll have a lot of high stats that could help me survive. And I guess I'll have to spend some elexirs anyway so... yea.

  4. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by Ultima Shadow
    Hmmmm... I just thought of something. Maybe the best way to beat Shinryuu is by throwing... Dragon Spears! You'll just have to go trough the hell of getting enough Dragon Spears to throw... ouch!
    Well, that shouldn't be much of a problem. I think 6-8 should be enough to defeat Shinryuu so you only have to fight 6-8 Crystal Dragons and have some time to restart the battles using "Reset/Return" until you get what you want.
    Last edited by Braindead_Paul; 04-08-2005 at 12:51 PM.

  5. #65
    Strapping young lad KuRt's Avatar
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    Just curiosity, how much abp do tou get from cleft of dimension per battle?

  6. #66
    Guy Fawkes Masamune·1600's Avatar
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    It might be possible for other job classes to survive Tidal Wave at Level 99. I only did the calculations for Monk because it was the class with the highest Vitality bonus (the stat crucial to HP determination). However, I doubt that the magical classes will have sufficient Vitality to build up the HP high enough. If I do any additional calculations, I'll let you know, but they're extremely easy to do if you want to do them yourself.

    As to Shinryuu, I would also advise you to be wary of Blizzard, which can take off around 2500-5500 HP on all. That could be problematic in mid-battle if you're working with less than full HP.

    As to your other challenge: One of the things I find most horrifying about Omega is the possibility of Encircle being used multiple times. I don't know if how many times Omega can use the technique in a protracted battle, but if he can use it more than once, that's very bad.

    Anyway, continued good luck with the project. Keep updating!

    EDIT: I like the idea of throwing Dragon Lances at Shinryuu. Hope it works, if it eventually comes to that.

  7. #67
    Triple Triad Ace Ultima Shadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masamune1600
    As to your other challenge: One of the things I find most horrifying about Omega is the possibility of Encircle being used multiple times. I don't know if how many times Omega can use the technique in a protracted battle, but if he can use it more than once, that's very bad.
    That's 1 of the reasons Omegas defence is so dangerous. Since it makes the battle take more time, it gives him more time to be able to use that move. And only having 1 character removed from the battle is an extreme dissadvantage. If he would use it twice, then you probably won't stand a chanse at all.

  8. #68
    Strapping young lad KuRt's Avatar
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    Keep us udated of your levels and jobs, ultima!

    I by myself am at cleft of dimensions, beat every boss except exdeath and shinryuu, I tried to find some movers but they are really rare so I didn´t find any. I think I´ll go back to lake to collect money, or try to steal dragon lances. Everytime i´ve stolen from a crystal dragon tough, I´ve only got elixers..

    So the first boss of the castle: Apocalypse: He was easy. Did wall on him and waited for him to use big guard. All the waiting time I used odin and when he used the big guard, got it reflected, and i learnt it. Then i used a couple of odins and he died.

    Next: catasthrophe: He was even easier. just kept my chars floating and casted odin, it was there. the only thing he did was gravity 100.

    And then, The evil dude whose name i always forget: He made all my chars frog at the start of the battle so i had to use maiden kisses. Next, casted haste2 and just kept flare/holy/meteo him.

    Twin tania: I had a time mage, blue mage and 2 white mages party. blue mage did the big guard and time mage haste2. Only thing that white mages did, was just cure3 when the party was hurt, life2 when someone was dead and holy to do 5000 dmg to twintania when there was no need for healing. Time mage slowed Twintania and after that just kept using meteo. Blue mage only used a couple of hi-potions or phoenix downs and did the big guard again to those guys who were dead.

    Gilgamesh: Just did 15000 dmg to him with different spells and he escaped.

    Necron was a bit tougher but still not that hard. just bahamutted the barriers away and healed with cure3. when necron was out of barriers, odin/flare/holy started. Then came gilgamesh and blew him away.

    Chars lvl 34 and summoner mastered at all chars. black mages just missing a couple hundreds abp so If i found movers, i could buy pinwheels and master my jobs veery quickly.

  9. #69
    Triple Triad Ace Ultima Shadow's Avatar
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    I've just got my party to level 50 (except Reina who is level 49). I've also been able to steal 4 Dragon Lances.

  10. #70
    Triple Triad Ace Ultima Shadow's Avatar
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    ...with a level 60 party. I used a Blue Mage, Black mage, Summoner and a Time Mage. The Blue Mage, Black Mage and Summoner are MUST HAVES! And I had my 4th character as a Time Mage because of Haste2 and Quick. Quick is awesome in bad situations since it allows you to use 2 Elexirs in 1 turn... or 1 Pheonix Down followed by an Elexirs etc.

    It took a few tries but after a while, I defeated Omega thanks to reflected Bolt3. By having reflect on my whole party and then cast Bolt 3 on my whole party, I was able to do about 6000 dammage to Omega. The BIG problem was that Omega countered every singel attack with Rocket Punch... or even, a few times, Circle!!!

  11. #71
    Guy Fawkes Masamune·1600's Avatar
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    My sincerest congratulations on an absolutely incredible accomplishment.

  12. #72
    Dormos's Avatar
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    Yes, congratulations. That's really impressive.

  13. #73
    Strapping young lad KuRt's Avatar
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    OMG or should i say OMeGa!

    kool I haven´t played for a while

  14. #74
    Triple Triad Ace Ultima Shadow's Avatar
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    Now it's only Shinryuu left. But the leveling is driving me insane. I think I'll finish off Cara and Reina and just level up with Faris and Butz in order to gain twice as much EXP. Then I'll just have to revive Reina and Cara. It's still going extremely slow though. I think I'll stop as soon as my HP goes a liitle above 8000. Just enough to survive Tidal Wave. I just can't stand leveling to 99!

  15. #75


    That is really amazing, Ultima! I wasn't sure if it was even possible but you proved me wrong. I can't wait to see your inevitable victory against shinryuu!

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