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  1. #46
    Ancient Goddess's Avatar
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    I've talked about this somewhere else when I heard it...and I still can't believe it. Just to save time, I'm just going to post what I said about it earlier.

    I'm anxious to see what it's going to do with Advent Children, but don't get me wrong, I'm not jumping up and down like most to see it. Just a curiousity.

    Let's see...would I get it? The answer to that is a definite no. I was already stupid enough to get a spinoff/sequel of another Final Fantasy, and I will never do that again (why I still have FF X-2 in my collection, only God knows...). I simply didn't like enough characters in FFVII to get all of its merchandise or any of its new games...the best people in it, in my opinion, were Reno, Rufus, and Yuffie. I don't see many people rushing to the stores to buy a game based off of the three, and I certainly don't see many people running to purchase this one either, but who knows, I could be wrong. If they wanted to make a lot of money, make one solely based on Sephiroth's life when he first joined SOILDER (without Cloud and the Planet's Crisis). That would probably make tons more money than this one.

    Anyway, this is probably one of the many things Square will be launching in mood of its popularity of Advent Children. I suppose I should just get used to the fact.

  2. #47


    Omg... please kill me... not another sequel to Square's crapiest FF ever...

  3. #48
    Not a Banana Mo-Nercy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Haze
    Omg... please kill me... not another sequel to Square's crapiest FF ever...
    It's true that there are people who think FF7 is overrated. And it's also true that there are people who prefer other FFs over FF7. But I don't think you'll even find anyone who considers FF7 the worst one. Millions and millions of fans across the world can't be wrong. You however, I'm not so sure about *drops issue*

    It does sound like Square's milking it. But Vincent's a cool guy. The screens look beautiful. I gotta say that the name does draw attention and raise questions.

    It also sounds like AC's gonna end in a stupid cliffhanger just so everyone will have to go out and buy DoC.

  4. #49
    Polaris's Avatar
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    *start to feels sorrow for don't have PS2* Why? Why? Anyway it'd be the first game that i'd buy if I had one! I saw some screenshots... HOLY CRAP, it's really good!!

  5. #50
    Recognized Member Xander's Avatar
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    I liked FFVII but Vincent was one of my least favourite characters. And I don't think the game really needs a sequel. So meh, I'm not that excited.

  6. #51


    AC,BC,CC,DC...I think theres a pattern, maybe enix is gonna go to ZC....

  7. #52
    ZeZipster's Avatar
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  8. #53
    Misspelled for No Reason. GhandiOwnsYou's Avatar
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    i got a few points to make.

    a) will NOT be as sucktasticly un-FF like as X-2 was (it was a good enough game, jsut DEFINITELY not FF). Think about it. It was Rikku, and Yuna without the burden. it was BOUND to be ultra happy. this is VINCENT VALENTINE. he will not be giving massages to Reeve as a mini game. it's freaking VINCENT. this will rival most other FF's in terms of dark storylines in my opinion.

    b) as long as the games are decent, i dare say run the thing up a wall. seriously, FF is cool as a one timer, it's survived that way for eons now. but if they CAN keep up quality, then why not? eventually it will get old, but they should be smart enough to stop before then. This, in my opinion, is really only the second "sequel". The cell phone game just seems like something to blow time on riding a train or something. (when have you EVER played a cellphone game in lue of your PS2?) the Movie is NOT A GAME. it's a bit of clarification, added storyline. If they tacked it on to the end of FFVII, or added it to the beggining of DC, would you really be complaining? plus, it what, like 50 min?

    c) this one worries me. click the shonen jump scan. look about an inch below the logo, on the right. Blue FFVII Meteor that says .... "COMPILATION of FINAL FANTASY VII" in those exact words. what the hell does THAT mean? is this game to include a ps2 re release of FFVII and before crisis? bundled with AC? this one worries me, a lot. any one with info please get back to me before i heave in panic...

  9. #54
    A Big Deal? Recognized Member Big D's Avatar
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    [q=SocietyzAntidote]this is VINCENT VALENTINE. he will not be giving massages to Reeve as a mini game. [/q]Aw. But it doesn't hurt to hope, right?

    Even with its upbeat, occasionally air-headed cast, X-2 managed to generate a dark tone quite often. Shuyin's back-story, and his present-story, come to think of it, were fairly sinister. But I see what you mean. Vincent's overall tone will is much more brooding and darkly spiritual than the others.[quote]b) as long as the games are decent, i dare say run the thing up a wall. seriously, FF is cool as a one timer, it's survived that way for eons now. but if they CAN keep up quality, then why not? eventually it will get old, but they should be smart enough to stop before then. This, in my opinion, is really only the second "sequel". The cell phone game just seems like something to blow time on riding a train or something. (when have you EVER played a cellphone game in lue of your PS2?) the Movie is NOT A GAME. it's a bit of clarification, added storyline. If they tacked it on to the end of FFVII, or added it to the beggining of DC, would you really be complaining? plus, it what, like 50 min?
    [/q]Excellent points. AC is going to be about 100 minutes, give or take, so whatever happens is going to happen fairly quickly. It'll be good to see what kind of 'journey' Vincent goes on, to set up DoC.[q]c) this one worries me. click the shonen jump scan. look about an inch below the logo, on the right. Blue FFVII Meteor that says .... "COMPILATION of FINAL FANTASY VII" in those exact words. what the hell does THAT mean? is this game to include a ps2 re release of FFVII and before crisis? bundled with AC? this one worries me, a lot. any one with info please get back to me before i heave in panic...[/q]Probably a mis-translation, I'd guess. Many Japanese publications like to throw in semi-random English words, in order to gain extra 'coolness'. Compilation, here, probably means either sequel or continuation. The only way I can see it being a compilation would be if the game 'compiled' Vincent's entire story, including what happened to him pre-FFVII. I doubt they'd bother with that, it'd be better to tell any relevant details of his past by making them come up in the context of his 'present day' story.

    And for the general interest of those who're still wondering... a dirge is a mournful song, like a lament for the dead. So, a 'Dirge of Cerberus' would be a sad song about the mythical three-headed dog.

  10. #55
    Stalins Magic Mustache Carnage's Avatar
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    X-2 should not have been made. But it was good. if they do this for every FF i will die a little more inside. a sequal to FF8 would be cool cause i was so lost at the end of that game.

    Quote Originally Posted by Black Haze
    Omg... please kill me... not another sequel to Square's crapiest FF ever...
    For that you must eat stale cookies!

    EDIT: If you know that what you are posting will be edited, don't do it in the first place. Thanks. -SD
    Last edited by Carnage; 09-18-2004 at 06:28 PM.

  11. #56
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big D
    It's funny that AC hasn't even come out yet and a few people are acting like it's already been and gone. Before Crisis only came out the other day, too. Yet there seems to be this pre-emptive sense of gloom, as though some people have already played - and been disappointed by - all of the upcoming FFVII sequels.
    Well, in my case I don't really care about a DVD movie and a game for a system I'm never going to own, but I am interested in this PS2 project. Vincent was one of my favorite characters and I will certainly check this out if it is ever made.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  12. #57


    Is it just me or does anybody else have a bad feeling about this? Square-Enix has so many project at this time, that it only could go wrong. Stupid Square-Enix do usefull things like collecting things like bring out new games or remakes of old games, but don't keep making things about one and the same games. It makes me going crazy.

    1. Catlike creature. Has a large red ball on it's head attached by a long hair. Some can fly. Some can fight. Some are lazy bastards. All say Kupo (or Puu)

  13. #58
    Banned Triple T's Avatar
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    Oh yay!! I'm so excited!! I can't believe Square-Enix made another FFVII game!! :rolleyes:

    Seriously, BOO!! I'll play it, but FFVII was my least favorite FF. ;_;

  14. #59


    Not a fan of the Action RPG...

  15. #60


    Now, if It has the same gameplay formula as FF7 (Probably too much to hope here.), I might give this one a chance. But I think they're blowing FF7 waaaaaaaaaaay out of proportion with this game n' movies n' things.

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