View Poll Results: Most cherished girl?

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  • Reina

    21 38.89%
  • Faris

    27 50.00%
  • Krile

    6 11.11%
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Thread: Favorite FF V Heroine?

  1. #31


    I like Faris b/c when I thought she was a guy I made her a Monk and then a Ninja and she kicks A$$ as a ninja. Does more damage than me as a Knight/Mystic Knight. Even did more damage b/c of those two hits than me when she was a Monk. Maybe I should go twohand, but I like High defense/High HP for my guy, both of which he has. I try to keep him alive. He's the meat shield for the Summoner and Ninja (Course the Ninja has counter, I need to get that for my knight).

    Anyway, Faris rocks. I thought her ninja thing would look ugly, but it doesn't She has hardly any clothes.
    <----Old Fogey

  2. #32
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Faris! She is like Mulan but cooler cuz pirate is permanently awesome!

  3. #33

    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Northern California


    Reina for me. I also like Faris a lot but Reina wins by a small margin. I like how both Reina and Faris have scenes where they communicate with their dragons and how they both have close blonds with their dragon companions. I find that type of thing lovely as a lifetime cat person.

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