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Thread: WLA - who remembers the little LS that could?

  1. #1

    Default WLA - who remembers the little LS that could?

    About 2 and a half years ago I started a little group on this great forum... somewhere deep in the archives I'm sure you can find tons of locked threads regarding us

    Well, now that the game is well underway, out little LS is recruiting people from Windurst on the Midgardsormr server. Need a Worldpass? we'll be happy to help you get on the server and get you hooked up with a linkpearl and get you leveling in no time flat. All we ask is taht you stay active in the linkshell and help us do conquests whenever possible (if you are high enough in level).

    If you want more info, PM me or visit the website link that is embedded in my signature. Look forward to seeing all of you in a month when the PS2 version is released

  2. #2
    Cloud's Soul's Avatar
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    Yes I remember ^^, You guys are always good guys, apprently Glorious Alliance hasn't been so friendly, they recently attacked my forums, WoL (Warrior of Light) was just jealous that a few of his members left to join mine (Like 3) and he cryed about it. This is a heads up to anyone who wishes to side with them and then get stabbed in the back. Others may vary, but I am warning you guys, becareful, they already have a warning from POL. I don't mean to rag on them, but The WLA and ROM were once united, then WLA then WoL crys and says bad things about them, then hates our LS. Well thats my 2 cents of warnings.

  3. #3
    I might..depend on you.. Lionx's Avatar
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    I aint sure whats up with WOL, but i am pretty sure that its just him and a few people. I know CS you arent fond of him but i am pretty sure there are people in that shell that are pretty cool. Some not all....some people in there are just immature And thats comming from me who has my own LS as well. Hope we can still have a good relationship with each other (RL, RK, and WLA that is). So i hope we can do stuff together more often ^^ LS to LS, and PC to PC(player character).

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  4. #4
    Cloud's Soul's Avatar
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    I don't mean to hate on the guy but when I am hit with 128 spam column s in my forums with Charlemange and him wrttting about hating NIghtmare, and yet its not Nightmare's site, well its pretty much screwed up. I mean he was cool, but only when 3 people leave his forum to join mine *LS* not chat wise, well he complains abou tit and bans me because I showed my link on my sig, which I was told about 3 times it was okay from Maeve and epyon and DF. Anyways GA is not really on my good side. Sorry if this is off topic but you know watch yourselves.

  5. #5


    Yeah, as a long term member of the WLA. I suggest you join up, there are some very helpfull people in there... and there are some that don't like to help at all. But the majority of it's all cool.

    I think you need to filter out some people when you get onto the game GL. Tell them to be helpful, friendly and join the forums and the such.

    Anyways, I miss the older days of the WLA, so many good people. Who decided not to get FFXI or left the WLA. But anyways, more people the better!

    "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."

  6. #6
    Rocket Powered Fury Ichy's Avatar
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    No criticizing, bashing, or threatening other Linkshells in our thread, please. Not only is it wildly off topic, but it also the complete opposite of what we're all about.

    That said, he is a little about what we are about:

    1. We help each other out. That's not to say that we drop everything and come running because, hey, everyone has got stuff to do at some time or other, right? What it does mean, though, is that if you have something you want to do and you need a hand, ask around on LS, plan a time, and anyone who can do it with you will be there.

    2. We try to provide an environment for all gamers of all ages and backrounds. This means no cussing, no flaming, no trolling, no sexual harrasment of any preference, and no religious debates. We're here to love the game, not drag our RL stuff into it, and I don't warn members too often: I shouldn't have to. One could argue that you could just turn on the language filter for half of that, but how would you feel if you had a son or daughter log in and get the message: "Welcome to the WLA, please turn on your language filter."? I thought so.

    3. Though we have had a noticable decline in regular members of late, we are all over the idea of conquest. When we have more members of appropriate levels this will become a full-time reality. Participation will be relatively optional in the sense that, again, we all have things to do sometimes and it is a huge game with many other things to offer, however we do expect members to give it a go with us from time to time and live the example of what we do for ourselves and for all others to see. It is my personal goal to lead at least one WLA Expidiary Force per week once we get the ball back rolling again. This also means that we remain a Windurst-Only Linkshell.

    4. What we mean when we say active and loyal is simply this: Show up on a regular basis and help out, even if you are members of other Linkshells (which is perfectly fine), and when you do remember that you are wearing the name of a guild who stands for decent conduct and fairness to all players.

    5. Lastly, once you recieve your Pearl, it is expected that you sign up at our Homepage and try to keep it updated as often as possible. Please do not sign up beforehand, it is one of the tools we use to get an accurate count of everyone actually in the guild (also, if you decide to leave the LS, remember to cancel your registration there, please). Once our forums are up and running again there will be alot of encouragement to sign up there, as well, and make regular use of them for planning events, sharing information and what not.

    I believe that's about it. If you are in-game already and would like to join, keep these guidlines in mind and feel free to contact:

    • Ichnameist (me)
    • Krystic
    • Kityana
    • Gamina/Nakor

    As always, Grandlethal, we await your coming to the game with strength and enthusiasm.

    Last edited by Ichy; 02-18-2004 at 06:13 PM.

  7. #7
    Nakor TheBlue Rider's Avatar
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    Yah PLUS were Just the Coolest LS around!

    However.... I think our LS has yet to Recruit any Galka

    Why Don't the Galka Love us? I wish we could get a few Galka's in Clan.

    Also .... Compleate Lack of Female Elvaan.

    So If you want to Join and Want to Be Unique in-clan and also in-game These 2 races are fairly rare

    What Else We need ... White Mages... Can never get to many of those

  8. #8
    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    I'm a female elvaan, but generally things have been problems in the past. I appologize for that, but I can only wish you guys good luck with your recruiting.

  9. #9
    Cloud's Soul's Avatar
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    I know what you are about, I am ex-WLA, some remember me, not a whole lot, but some, anyways I really don't have anything againest WLA, heck I am a Windurstian myself *HUME* "Zalbag"

    I play the same server and all, but I am just saying watch your website. I wouldn hate to see WLA or anything LS messed up. ROM was cool, but they attacked my site and acted like 5 year olds.

    Well good luck hopefully I will see tons of ya on the game

    Nice to See Lionx too

  10. #10
    Creator of Life's Thread Krystic's Avatar
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    Yeah, WLA is doing the best it can right now and w are currently recruiting members as GL and Ichy have stated already. I hope some people here on this forum is considering to get the game with the PS2 release and if any are please contact myself, Ichy or GL and ask for a WP to Midgardsormr so we can hook you up.

    We look forward to seeing everyone online so we can all have a fun time. Especially GL, not to long till the release comes out for PS2.
    I am the Oracle of Fate.

  11. #11
    Rocket Powered Fury Ichy's Avatar
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    Cloud's Soul, I do remember you from before, back when I was researching this LS from anonimity, long before I actually signed up for membership and began communicating here. However, that is not the point I was trying to make. Now, while I believe I may have mis-interpreted your "watch yourselves" as a threat to the other guild you are displeased with (which I see now is not the case, hopefully others will read it properly as well), I likewise don't believe you've grasped the point of what I was trying to clarify, as you are still talking about this other LS in a less than positive fashion in our recruiting thread, one which has absolutely nothing to do with how you or anybody else feels about other guilds in the game. Please, if you have something to say about them, do it in a new thread with an appropriate title and purpose.

    I personally, as well I'm sure the designers of our web-site, Grand Lethal and Omecle, appreciate your concern for our personal space, nonetheless. If someone spreads an annonymous virus, bouncing from one port to annother all over the net, then it is very difficult to track down the source. If, on the other hand, a person attacks a webspace directly, with the right know-how and a bit of patience it is quite doable to track that person down and have them criminally charged. This will be the case in such an event, of that you can rest assured. Also, if a non-WLA Member logs into our sites and starts acting like a dick and being a degenerate, then they will simply be banned, repeatedly if necessary.

    OK. That said, we are still looking for members, so drop us a line! At this time I have currently achieved:
    • Rank 5 (airship pass!)
    • Chocobo Liscense
    • Sub-Job Flag
    • WAR30
    • SAM30
    • DRG18
    • THF15
    • Who knows how many quests? (too many to list)
    • Quite a few good in-game friends I look forward to gaming with for a long, long time.

    None of this would have been possible without my LS, both present and past members, and I am proud to represent them all with my accomplisments, my future plans, and my attitude of game etiquette. I am armed with all of their expertise and insights, and we all compromise for the good of the entire LS, not for one single member's benefit.

    I know I've come off as stern and militant through all of this, but that is only in the interest of remaining focused on our guided self-representation. In reality, and especially in-game, I am extremely easy going, as well are all of our members. The best part of the game, after all, is having fun

    Cloud's Soul, if you're form Windurst, Midgardsormr, then you know you'll always be welcome to join up with us, too, if it suits you

    PS: I'm doing the DRK quest now and won't be leveling it beyond the 10-12 range until PS2 release, that way I have a nice and brutal melee class I can use to level with GL and all the new players that will be showing up on the server. Just about everyone in the LS has, likewise, chosen a job to do the same with. We'll have most level ranges represented and be able to team with just about everyone

    EDIT 23FEB04: DRK @ lvl 5 now. Progress is ticking along less than top speed but still at an average pace (I do play other games ). I'll have it ready to go by the time you all get in-game, for sure.

    EDIT 09MAR04: Ack, Finding DRK boring as Hell... Having trouble sticking to it, but by the same token SAM is at 34 now and a few of our members have recieved much apprieciated aid completing quests and missions and such . DRK 8 atm, I'll raise it sooner or later. If not, then 8 is still enough to team with ya in Tharongi, GL
    Last edited by Ichy; 03-10-2004 at 04:10 AM.

  12. #12
    Cloud's Soul's Avatar
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    Actually I do play, and yes it would be nice to join your LS, but I am not in windy at the moment (I do play on the same server as you guys) I am in Kazham and it sucks. Too crowded and yet the monsters are extremely hard (Lvl 25 WHM) I want ot be a Paladin, so I am training hard.

    Well good luck and yes WLA is always good in my book, I wouldn't mnd alliancing with you guys.

  13. #13
    Rocket Powered Fury Ichy's Avatar
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    Location really isn't an issue, Gamina and I are both equipped to get anywhere in a relatively short amount of time, Krystic as well has the Kazham Pass. Anytime it's convinient for you give one of us a holler and we'll see how long it would take to get a pearl out to you based on whatever we're in the middle of doing

  14. #14
    Creator of Life's Thread Krystic's Avatar
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    * Rank 3
    * Chocobo Liscense
    * Sub-Job Flag
    * MNK30
    * SAM12
    * WHM 10
    * BRD18
    * Who knows how many quests? (too many to list)
    * I also have a good number of in game friends online.

    Thatsmy info so far, so yeah as Ichy stated, give one of us a holler if we are near by. Plus with out experience (and loyalty to stay with the WLA) we would gladly help out our own LS members.
    I am the Oracle of Fate.

  15. #15


    Krystic, it seems I will need a new pearl. Seeing as I created a new character as such.

    "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."

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