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Thread: Penance

  1. #1

    Default Penance

    I've just unlocked him and OH MY LORD he's much harder than i expected, i fought him once and he promptly dispatched me, i need much higher Defence/ Magic Defence stats cuz his "Obliterate" move did 70,000 damage to characters with 10-18,000 HP.. not good

    Anyone else preparing for him i would say get your luck up and your defences, you need maxed Agility, Accuracy and Strength as well and i wish you as much luck as i'm gonna need x_x
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  2. #2


    Don't forget luck. You're gonna need that at around 150ish (possibly more, can't remember exactly).

  3. #3


    Heheheeeeeee.....isn't this creature frickin' awesome!

    Yeah, quite simply you're gunna need all your stats maxed out, and as Prodigy said, you'll need luck levels of around 150 so that you start critical hitting most of the time.

    And take out the arms first! He can't then use Judgement Day:

    Judgement Day = 99,999HP on all + MP drained

    Get yourself some Ribbon encrusted armour too.

    Good luck!

    EDIT: Oh, and another picture of him:

    Last edited by Zenshen; 05-13-2003 at 05:07 PM.

  4. #4


    Even Magic? i won't use that at all in the fight..

    Lol, yeah i've heard horror stories about judgement day, some guy i know with a perfect party died because of it, i let him have a go with both arms just to see it and he just used Obliterate

    I've got, Attack, Agility, Accuracy, Magic Defence, and now Defence at 255

    and my luck ranges from 106 to 133, i've had no trouble hitting him and critical most of the time but i'm gonna pump it up a bit more just to be safe

  5. #5


    Yeh I'd reccomend getting luck so that you hit him 99% of the time and crit most of the time. Every little helps cos it's such a long battle.

    Obliterate is the move he does before he changes I think. If I remember correctly he does Judgement day after you've taken off several million HP. Either way - don't let him do it!

  6. #6


    How high would you recommend? Because most guides say 130+ i've got some guy saying i should have it at 255 and no less.. so i dunno how high i should get it...

  7. #7


    I'm pretty sure mine was around 150-170.

    255 is completely unneccessary but I'd take it a bit higher than 130. Try it and see basically. If you're hitting almost every time and critting a good deal of the time then you'll be able to do it (providing everything else is up to scratch).

  8. #8


    I already do hit most of the time and crit alot.. it's 166 with Tidus, need to raise the rest..

    Where would you recommend HP? i've got 22-25k at the mo & i got plenty of stamina tablets.. so that's about 50 after a tablet..i'm gonna get them all up to at least 30 and then use a tablet..

  9. #9


    I never used stamina tablets. I had my HP at 35,000 I think. I can't remember but I think you get hit for around 20,000 at some point even with protect on. In that case aim for 30,000HP. Otherwise aim for 35,000 if you get hit for 30,000.

    The problem is that there are HP based attacks so if you have high HP you'll suffer big damage from them and have to sacrifice more healing waters/megalixirs on getting HP back up.

    This is bad for 2 reasons:

    1. Wastes the items - you need a lot of them!
    2. Wastes time. This is important.

    Therefore keeping the HP low enough is essential. I can't remember if HP attacks do damage based on natural HP or adjusted HP but I think it's the latter - in which case stay away from the stamina tablet.

  10. #10


    trout, that looks tough. I'm not even going to attempt him.

    "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."

  11. #11


    Hmmmm... i see what you mean, well i'll try both, i'm at about 25k at the mo and obliteration is hitting for about 27

  12. #12


    Which move is obliteration? It's been a while but I do remember that he shold NEVER get to attack with both his hands there. That shouldn't happen under any circumstances otherwise you're in deep trouble.

    Is he hitting for 27k with protect on? You really need protect. I'm sure I wasn't getting hit for that much ever.

  13. #13


    His standard move, actually it was about 22-24k, and no that was without, with he only does like 11k

    He's had an attack or 2 with both hands and did Obliterate both times, i just wanted to see his big move...

  14. #14


    If you want to see his BIG move then let him do it with both hands when you've taken off around 6 million health. THAT hurts. It nearly made me cry because I thought I was going to beat him that time.

    I learnt the hard way. Never let him attack with both hands present!

    Anyway, protect is pretty much a must. Saves a LOT of healing waters

  15. #15


    Lol, the most i've done so far is about 1.5-2 mil

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