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Thread: Once Again: The Official Eyes on Final Fantasy Survey

  1. #31
    Exiled Idiot of Doom? Blackmage's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

    Default My answers to the longest survey I've ever taken:

    (Just so you know, I've had to fill this out twice now, because the damn browser locked up when I tried to send it....*smashes computer to tiny pieces for making him have to fill out this overly LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG survey AGAIN...*)

    Name: Chris Davis (One of 3 Chris Davis's at my school...)
    DOB: 12/17/85
    Gender: Male
    Location: An evil place known as Murfreesboro, TN.
    Sexual Orientation: Sex? What's sex? (See answers below on love and matters related to love.)
    Hair: Brown, shiny, so shiny I stare at it when I look at myself in the mirror.
    Eyes: Multiple colors, i.e. Blue, green, grey (And no, I'm not joking!)
    Height: 5'10" (?)
    Weight: 160 (?)
    Religion: None, and proud of it.
    Nationality: The communist place known as the USA.

    Music Genre: Classical/Instrumental.
    Band: *changes the word to composer* Uematsu.
    Song: *changes the word to tune* You're Not Alone.
    Album: N/A
    Singer: N/A
    Soundtrack: FF7, Star Wars Episode 1, Episode 2.
    TV Show: Malcolm in the Middle.
    Movie: Star Wars Episode 2 (As well as all the other SW movies.)
    Game: FF7, Diablo 2, Shattered Kingdoms (Kick-ass MUD.)
    Actor: N/A
    Actress: N/A
    Food: Yes.
    Drink: Milk.
    Quote: "Life is like a vacuum: it sucks."
    Person at EoFF: Dr. Unne.

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: N/A
    Girls: N/A

    Other info: *shrug*

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. Nothing
    2. Nothing
    3. *Gets bored*

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. *Gets even more bored*
    2. *picks his nose*
    3. *pulls out a booger and sticks it on this survey*

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. Nothing
    2. Nothing
    3. Nothing

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. Nothing
    2. *Gets bored again*
    3. *ventilates his back side*

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Eat it.
    2. Give it to someone who knows how to spend that kind of money.
    3. Burn it.

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Die a slooooooow and PAINFUL death.
    2. Love someone.
    3. Be loved.

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Be a perfect person from my point of view.
    2. Destroy all forms of government and let anarchy rule over the entire planet, the way it should be.
    3. Not to be loved.

    Do you like candles? No.
    Do you like incense? No.
    Do you like the taste of blood? No.
    Fetishes? No.
    Biggest turn on?: N/A
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, who and why? Yoda, so that he could teach me how to kick some ass!
    What song is stuck in your head right now? N/A
    Do you like stuffed animals? No.
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? No one, because I don't feel like doing that. (Even though it'd be nice to kill off some overly stupid people...)
    Person you wish you could be with right now? N/A
    What do you want done with your body when you die? Let it get stiff and have someone use it for a game or two of Plinko on The Price is Right.

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? N/A
    Mooned someone? Hell no.
    Tried to kill yourself? Nope.
    Tried to kill someone else? No...err... *runs off before someone catches him*
    Told someone you hated them? No, but should have.
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? NO!
    Taken a shower? It was a bit over 24 hours ago, so no.
    Hugged someone? No.
    Kissed someone? No.
    Had sex? *begins to think this survey's pointless* (See answers on love and all matters related to love)
    Been drunk? No.
    Been high? Hell no.
    Been in a fight? Yeah, and I kicked some ass! Err...I mean, no.
    Sang? N/A
    Danced? Only if DDR counts.
    Made someone laugh? I might have...*shrugs*
    Has someone else made you laugh? No.
    Had a philosophical conversation? No.
    Contemplated suicide? Only if stabbing myself several times with a toothpick counts.
    Wished on a star? No.
    Fantasized about someone? No.

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Neither. I'd rather be at an arcade!
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? N/A
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Be caused physical pain. It's fun. [/sarcasm] *prints survey out and burns it*
    Be alone or with someone else? Alone.

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? No.
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? School was cancelled because it was raining once. Seriously!
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? No, but now that you mention it, it does sound fun...! *gets some gasoline, pours it on himself, and lights a match (WOO-HOO!)* [/sarcasm]
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? All the time!
    Had an imaginary friend? No, but we're all okay. [/sarcasm]
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? These kind of dumb questions are getting a bit redundant. NO!
    Ever Cried During A Flick? No.
    Ever liked a teacher? Yes. Mainly because he doesn't give a flip about the retarded rules of school, much like a NORMAL person would.
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? No.
    Ever Prank Called Someone? No, but I should have.
    Been On Stage? Yes.

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Black.
    Day/Night? Night. It's harder to get caught doing things at night...err, I mean...Look! *points behind you* It's me! *runs like hell*
    Favourite Kind of music? Okay, now besides some really lame questions, it now gets REDUNDANT! But I'll answer it AGAIN, one more time... Classical/Instrumental.
    Lace or Satin? A jar of almonds.
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Dexter.
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Neither.
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? In person, cause if they say something you don't like, you can take them out; over the phone, what are you gonna do? Hang up on them?!
    Lust Or Love? NEITHER!!!

    Do you Have a bf/gf? I'll bet you 5 cents you can answer this question on your own.
    Who's your loudest friend? *shrugs*
    Who is the shyest? *shrugs*
    Who do you go to for advice? EoFF. 'Cause the people here are cool, and some of them actually give good advice.
    Most Mean? *shrugs*
    Most sarcastic? I'll let you answer this one too.

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Figure it out for yourself.
    Miss someone? No.
    Hugged someone you liked? A jar of almonds.
    Fought With Your Parents? Yes.
    Laughed Until You Cried? Yes. It's amazing how funny moogles can be...
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? No.
    Went To The Beach At Night? No.

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? No.
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? No.

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil?
    Do you believe in Love? No.
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? A lot more credible than creationism!!
    Do you believe in love? ^^^^
    Do you believe in soulmates? A pile of trout, if you ask me.
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? Pickles.
    Do you believe in Heaven? No.
    Do you believe in Hell? No.
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: No. They're all rubbish.

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? I did. [/sarcasm]
    What Is Right Next To You? To the right: A couch, a phone, a trashcan, and a jar of almonds. To the left: A PSone with all the FF's for it, a stereo, a TV, and a jar of almonds. In front of me, a pile of trout otherwise known as a computer. Behind me: My dad's workout equipment, a big fan necessary to live in this room, and a big lamp. Above me: a ceiling that tells me what to do with my life with hidden messages and images...err, just kidding. Below me: a garage, some really cheap, annoying carpet, and a big comfy chair.
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? Wanna-be wood. I'm not too sure what it is.
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? None of your business! I don't want some stalker to find this information and make me sit in a comfy chair being hit with a fluffy pillow or tying me to a dish rack!! [/Monty Python]
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? Technically, no one.
    How's The Weather Right now: I haven't checked yet.
    How do you eat Oreos? Dunk in milk, put in mouth, chew, swallow, regurgitate, swallow again, then repeat process until entire package is gone.
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? Frozen waffles.
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? Kuja Lee Highwind. Sounds cool, if you ask me.
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? More of one than golf.

    Which forum do you visit the most? EoEO, FF7, FFT, FF9, and GC.
    Do you visit the website often? Not lately (i.e., Last time I "visited" the site was sometime a year or two ago...?)
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Yep.
    Would you say the admins did a good job? They're the biggest bastards I've ever seen!! [/sarcasm] No, seriously folks, they kick ass.
    Do you find the forum members friendly? Friendly enough for me.
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? If I could be given some easy thing to do, I would.
    Do you feel at home on the fora? I wouldn't bother to fill out this survey TWICE if I didn't.
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? A forum about a jar of almonds. Or a cherry pie. That would be awesome. [/sarcasm] Actually, it's perfectly fine the way it is.
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? I really don't care personally, but I am against it.
    Other thoughts: Meh.

    Kuja Highwind/Blackmage: Some guy that used to be active back around 2001... He almost made his way through Proto's Custom Title Tournament way back in the day...but almost only counts in horseshoes and grenades. Oh well.

  2. #32
    Little Pyschopath Dew Drop's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Right behind you...bwehehe >=D

    Default Re: Once Again: The Official Eyes on Final Fantasy Survey

    Name: Tiffany Rei Ling Lowell Wei
    DOB: 04/04/87
    Gender: Female
    Location: Scotland
    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Green/Brown
    Height: Err...175cm or something *forgotten* Yes, I'm short -_-
    Weight: Umm...7 stone I think *Scratches head* Maybe less
    Religion: Wicca
    Nationality: Chinese/Japanese/American

    Music Genre: Rock/metal/punk
    Band: The Movielife/Saves the Day
    Song: Walking on Glass (The MovieLife)
    Album: Dookie (Green Day)
    Singer: Eminem
    Soundtrack: Spiderman
    TV Show: The Simpsons
    Movie: Spiderman
    Game: FFX
    Actor: Tobey Mcguire
    Actress: Kirsten Dunst (atm)
    Food: Rice
    Drink: Milk
    Quote: ..Tovart.. Nev, I will come to your room and I will do "hiss hiss" and *Stab stab* on your pillows. and when you'll wake up you'll say "o no what has happened to my beloved pillows o no :((( " and then aragorn would come and say "GOLTONIEL! Pizza is cool!""
    Person at EoFF: Citizen Erased

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Scott, Russell
    Girls: Aeka, Aeri, Fukiko

    Other info:
    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. Hair
    2. Eyes
    3. Fingers

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. Legs
    2. arms
    3. feet

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. Fun
    2. Kind
    3. Good humour

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. My suckeriness (I fall for every nice guy and even the bad ones -_-)
    2. Too trusting sometimes
    3. Too untrusting others

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Meet all my online friends
    2. Give it to charity
    3. Spend the rest on Russy ;)

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Fall in love
    2. Be happy
    3. Help others

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. I want my low immunity to everything to rise :\
    2. Still be with Russy *nods*
    3. ----

    Do you like candles? Yes
    Do you like incense? Yep
    Do you like the taste of blood? Nope
    Fetishes? Hmm...not sure
    Biggest turn on? A nice guy or a really bad one
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? J.R.R Tolkien, because he wrote a wonderful set of books (too dead to meet xD)
    What song is stuck in your head right now? Don't wanna miss a thing :- Aerosmith
    Do you like stuffed animals? Nope
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? No one. I would never kill anyone :(
    Person you wish you could be with right now? Russell
    What do you want done with your body when you die? Cremated and my ashes blown into the wind

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? Nope
    Mooned someone? Nope
    Tried to kill yourself? Nope
    Tried to kill someone else? Nope
    Told someone you hated them? Nope
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? NO WAY!!! :D
    Taken a shower? Of course
    Hugged someone? indeed
    Kissed someone? Nope :\ *nbk (never been kissed)*
    Had sex? Eugh, no
    Been drunk? Nope
    Been high? No way
    Been in a fight? Sorta (big bro wouldn't get off the PSII)
    Sang? Yep
    Danced? Indeed
    Made someone laugh? YAH!
    Has someone else made you laugh? Very much so
    Had a philosophical conversation? Yep
    Contemplated suicide? Nope
    Wished on a star? No stars :\
    Fantasized about someone? Sorta

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Mountains
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? Break up with me
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? be caused pain
    Be alone or with someone else? with someone else

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? Nope
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? Yes
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? No way O.x
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Yes
    Had an imaginary friend? Yep
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? Many times...ahem
    Ever Cried During A Flick? Yes
    Ever liked a teacher? No bloody way
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot?
    Ever Prank Called Someone? Not recently xD
    Been On Stage? Yes

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Blue/black
    Day/Night? Night
    Favourite Kind of music? Rock/Black Rock/Metal/Punk
    Lace or Satin? Satan...I mean Satin *shifty look*
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Spiderman :D
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Scary
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? In person
    Lust Or Love? Love

    Do you Have a bf/gf? Yes, yes I do...*ahem*...RUSSY! :D
    Who's your loudest friend? Daniel xD
    Who is the shyest? Michael
    Who do you go to for advice? Russell/Daniel/Michael/Raine
    Most Mean? Wyll
    Most sarcastic? Wyll

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Yes
    Miss someone? Yes
    Hugged someone you liked? Yes
    Fought With Your Parents? Yes
    Laughed Until You Cried? Yes
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? Yep
    Went To The Beach At Night? Nope

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? Indeed
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? Many people

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? Many
    Do you believe in Love? Yep
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? half and half
    Do you believe in soulmates? I do
    Do you believe in Love at first sight?
    Do you believe in Heaven? No
    Do you believe in Hell? No
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: Nope

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? Father
    What Is Right Next To You? Palmtop
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? Wood
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 4446
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? 15
    How's The Weather Right now? Warm
    How do you eat Oreos? Lick the white out
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? Nope
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? Rei Ling Wei
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? No bloody way

    Which forum do you visit the most? Gen. Chat
    Do you visit the website often? Not very often
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Very good
    Would you say the admins did a good job? Excellent
    Do you find the forum members friendly? Extremely
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? I would
    Do you feel at home on the fora? Very much so
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? Not atm
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? Nope
    Other thoughts:
    Russy rawks your world but you must not touch on pain of death *paranoid*
    Last edited by Dew Drop; 06-07-2002 at 05:54 PM.

  3. #33
    This is England
    Papa Waigo
    Recognized Member DK's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2000
    All the time in Sunny Beach
    • Hosted Eyes on You
    • Former Site Staff


    Name: Dan.
    DOB: 23/09/85.
    Gender: Male.
    Location: Wolverhampton, England.
    Sexual Orientation: Straight.
    Hair: Black.
    Eyes: Brown/Green.
    Height: 6'3"
    Weight: Don't know.
    Religion: Atheist.
    Nationality: English/Nepali

    Music Genre: Punk Rock/Heavy Metal/Funk rock/Rock. .
    Band: Green Day.
    Song: 96 Quiet Bitter Beings - CKY.
    Album: Nimrod - Green Day or Korn - Korn
    Singer: Billie Joe Armstrong.
    Soundtrack: Chrono Trigger.
    TV Show: Jackass.
    Movie: CKY 3.
    Game: Final Fantasy VII/Chrono Trigger/ Dynasty Warriors 2.
    Actor: Tom Cruise/Jim Carrey.
    Actress: Kirsten Dunst. XP.
    Food: Spicy.
    Drink: Milk.
    Quote: "You smell like the inside of an Ass." - Bam Margera.
    Person at EoFF: Ehh, Chaos, Tiffie, Klaud, Tatum..Leonharty.

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Not a clue.
    Girls: ^ ^ ^ ^

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. Hair.
    2. Height.
    3. Uhh..Eyes.

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. Arms.
    2. ?
    3. ?

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. Daftness.
    2. Sense of Humour.
    3. ...Uhh..

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. Self Confidence

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Give it away.

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Fall in love with the wrong person again.
    2. Break my arm again.

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Meet my idols.

    Do you like candles? They're ok.
    Do you like incense? Not really.
    Do you like the taste of blood? Yeah.
    Fetishes? Several things.
    Biggest turn on?: Nice lips.
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? Billie Joe Armstrong or Bam Margera..Cause i love the way they live their lives, and they seem like cool guys.
    What song is stuck in your head right now? 96 quiet bitter beings - CKY.
    Do you like stuffed animals? Yeah.
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? No one.
    Person you wish you could be with right now? Uhh..Her.
    What do you want done with your body when you die? Anything..why should i care? I'll be dead.

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? Nope.
    Mooned someone? Nope.
    Tried to kill yourself? Nope.
    Tried to kill someone else? Nope.
    Told someone you hated them? Nope.
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? Nope.
    Taken a shower? Nope.
    Hugged someone? Nope.
    Kissed someone? Nope.
    Had sex? Nope.
    Been drunk? Nope.
    Been high? Nope.
    Been in a fight? Nope.
    Sang? Yeah.
    Danced? Yeah.
    Made someone laugh? Yeah.
    Has someone else made you laugh? Yeah.
    Had a philosophical conversation? Yeah.
    Contemplated suicide? Nope.
    Wished on a star? Nope.
    Fantasized about someone? Yeah.

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Beach.
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? Be broken up with.
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Be caused pain.
    Be alone or with someone else? Alone.

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? Twice.
    Missed School Because It Was Raining?Nope.
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? Yeah.
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Yeah.
    Had an imaginary friend? Nope.
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? Yeah.
    Ever Cried During A Flick? Nope.
    Ever liked a teacher? Yeah.
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? Nope.
    Ever Prank Called Someone? Yeah.
    Been On Stage? Yeah.

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Blue.
    Day/Night? Night.
    Favourite Kind of music? Punk rock,
    Lace or Satin? Satin?
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Homer Simpson.
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Funny movies.
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? Either.
    Lust Or Love? Lust.

    Do you Have a bf/gf? Nope.
    Who's your loudest friend? Matt.
    Who is the shyest? Rich.
    Who do you go to for advice? Matt.
    Most Mean? Jon.
    Most sarcastic? Jon.

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Yeah.
    Miss someone? Yeah. Lots of people.
    Hugged someone you liked? Yeah.
    Fought With Your Parents? All the time.
    Laughed Until You Cried? Yeah.
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? Yup.
    Went To The Beach At Night? Yeah. I surfed too.

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? Nope.
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? No.

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? Nope.
    Do you believe in Love? Yeah.
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? No.
    *snips* You don't need two.
    Do you believe in soulmates? Yeah.
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? No.
    Do you believe in Heaven? No.
    Do you believe in Hell? No.
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: No.

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? I dunno.
    What Is Right Next To You? The TV.
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? Wood.
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 6883
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? 76
    How's The Weather Right now: Good
    How do you eat Oreos? I don't.
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? Yeah.
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? Budget Tyler.
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? No.

    Which forum do you visit the most? Chrono Trigger/EoEo
    Do you visit the website often? Sort of. Not as much as i used too.
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Very good.
    Would you say the admins did a good job? ^ ^
    Do you find the forum members friendly? Mostly.
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? Sure.
    Do you feel at home on the fora? Not really.
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? Nah, its good.
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? Against.
    Other thoughts:

  4. #34


    Name: Chris Burfiend
    DOB: 27/7/87
    Gender: M
    Location: Maidstone, England
    Sexual Orientation: heterosexual
    Hair: dark brown
    Eyes: grey/green
    Height: 5’6’’
    Weight: 55kg / 115lb
    Religion: agnostic
    Nationality: english

    Music Genre: rock
    Band: Bon Jovi
    Song: You Give Love A Bad Name (Bon Jovi)
    Album: Slippery When Wet (Bon Jovi)
    Singer: Jon Bon Jovi
    Soundtrack: Top Gun
    TV Show: Spooks
    Movie: Top Gun
    Game: FF VII
    Actor: Rowan Atkinson
    Actress: ?
    Food: Chinese
    Drink: Fanta
    Quote: "The correct answer was ..." "because it's our job" (Reno & Rude, FF7)
    Person at EoFF: Cloud of Midgar / mystic ice goddess

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: let Mum choose
    Girls: ditto

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. pass
    2. pass
    3. pass

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. hair
    2. face
    3. rest

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. don’t care what other people think
    2. pass
    3. pass

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. not as lazy
    2. stop procrastinating
    3. take others feelings into account

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. buy many motor bikes
    2. get a mini cinema to play FF
    3. buy lots of sweets

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. surgery
    2. plane crash
    3. loose another loved-one on my birthday

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. find love
    2. get rich
    3. own a motorbike

    Do you like candles? Y
    Do you like incense? Y
    Do you like the taste of blood? Y
    Fetishes? I like sleep
    Biggest turn on?: ?
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? Don’t care
    What song is stuck in your head right now? Heaven is a Halfpipe (OPM)
    Do you like stuffed animals? N
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? If?
    Person you wish you could be with right now? No-one
    What do you want done with your body when you die? ?

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? N
    Mooned someone? N
    Tried to kill yourself? N
    Tried to kill someone else? N
    Told someone you hated them? N
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? N
    Taken a shower? Y
    Hugged someone? N
    Kissed someone? N
    Had sex? N
    Been drunk? N
    Been high? N
    Been in a fight? N
    Sang? N
    Danced? N
    Made someone laugh? Y
    Has someone else made you laugh? Y
    Had a philosophical conversation? N
    Contemplated suicide? N
    Wished on a star? N
    Fantasized about someone? Y

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? mountains
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? Someone with me
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? caused
    Be alone or with someone else? alone

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? N
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? Y
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? N
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Y
    Had an imaginary friend? N
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? Y
    Ever Cried During A Flick? N
    Ever liked a teacher? Y
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? Y
    Ever Prank Called Someone? N
    Been On Stage? Y

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? green / black
    Day/Night? night
    Favourite Kind of music? rock
    Lace or Satin? ?
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Moe (Simpsons)
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Scary
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? In person
    Lust Or Love? love

    Do you Have a bf/gf? N
    Who's your loudest friend? Amir
    Who is the shyest? James
    Who do you go to for advice? Benjie
    Most Mean? Amir
    Most sarcastic? me

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Y
    Miss someone? Y
    Hugged someone you liked? N
    Fought With Your Parents? N
    Laughed Until You Cried? N
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? Y
    Went To The Beach At Night? Y

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? N
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? N

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? ?
    Do you believe in Love? Y
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? ?
    *snips* You don't need two.
    Do you believe in soulmates? ?
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? Y
    Do you believe in Heaven? ?
    Do you believe in Hell? ?
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: ?

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? mum
    What Is Right Next To You? window
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? wood
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 5514
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? 0
    How's The Weather Right now: cloudy
    How do you eat Oreos? I don’t
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? Y
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? ? (I like Chris)
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? N

    Which forum do you visit the most? FFVII
    Do you visit the website often? Y
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Y
    Would you say the admins did a good job? Y
    Do you find the forum members friendly? Y
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? N
    Do you feel at home on the fora? Y
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? ?
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? against
    Other thoughts:

  5. #35
    GO BOWS!!! Recognized Member Mr Rocko's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    • Former Cid's Knight


    Name: Cody
    DOB: 09/18/83
    Gender: Male
    Location: Hawaii
    Sexual Orientation: Straight
    Hair: uhh, dunno how to explain
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 124
    Religion: I believe a little in every religion
    Nationality: Japanese

    Music Genre: Reggae, Classical, and a few pop songs
    Band: To-Ya
    Song: don't have a fave
    Album: don't have a fave
    Singer: Faye Wong, Bob Marley
    Soundtrack: don't have a fave
    TV Show: Survivor
    Movie: Beverly Hills Cop
    Game: Final Fantasy VII
    Actor: Eddie Murphy and Chris Tucker
    Actress: Natalie Portman
    Food: White Rice
    Drink: Water or Sprite
    Quote: "I suck"
    Person at EoFF: Many

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: ...
    Girls: ...

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. I'm nice
    2. Passionate
    3. I like to have fun

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Pay off my parents house
    2. Spend it wisely
    3. Buy myself a house

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Lose someone close to me
    2. Be alone
    3. ...

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Meet at least a few people here on Eoff
    2. University of Hawaii athletics shines in all sports
    3. ...

    Do you like candles? ...
    Do you like incense? Insects?
    Do you like the taste of blood? no.
    Fetishes? ...
    Biggest turn on?: ...
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, who and why? dunno
    What song is stuck in your head right now? To-Ya (Look)
    Do you like stuffed animals? hmmm
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? Anyone that harms animals.
    Person you wish you could be with right now? some people at eoff
    What do you want done with your body when you die? hmm

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? no
    Mooned someone? no
    Tried to kill yourself? no
    Tried to kill someone else?no
    Told someone you hated them? no
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? no
    Taken a shower? yep
    Hugged someone? no
    Kissed someone? no
    Had sex? no
    Been drunk? never have, never will
    Been high? never have, never will
    Been in a fight? nope
    Sang? nope
    Danced? nope
    Made someone laugh? Probably no
    Has someone else made you laugh? yep
    Had a philosophical conversation? what?
    Contemplated suicide? no
    Wished on a star? no
    Fantasized about someone? hehe, yup

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Moutains. I've seen enough beaches in my life already.

    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? neither

    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Be caused physical pain

    Be alone or with someone else? someone else

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? never
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? no
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? no..haha
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? sometimes
    Had an imaginary friend? when I was younger
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? yeah
    Ever Cried During A Flick? no
    Ever liked a teacher? yes
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? sometimes
    Ever Prank Called Someone? when I was younger and more immature.
    Been On Stage? yes

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Green/Black/White
    Day/Night? Night
    Favourite Kind of music? Reggae or Classical
    Lace or Satin? dunno
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Scary
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? In person
    Lust Or Love? ....

    Do you Have a bf/gf? no
    Who's your loudest friend? ...
    Who is the shyest? ....
    Who do you go to for advice? Some people here on eoff.
    Most Mean? ....
    Most sarcastic? .....

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? yeah
    Miss someone? yes
    Hugged someone you liked? no
    Fought With Your Parents? not that much
    Laughed Until You Cried? no
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? yes
    Went To The Beach At Night? yes

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? yes
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? not at the moment

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? yes
    Do you believe in Love? no
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? ...
    *snips* You don't need two.
    Do you believe in soulmates? no
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? no
    Do you believe in Heaven? yes
    Do you believe in Hell? yes
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: Jesus Christ

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? My Mom
    What Is Right Next To You? my PC
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? wood
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? ....
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? many
    How's The Weather Right now: good
    How do you eat Oreos? eat the cream first than the cookie
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? hell yeah
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? I like my name the way it is
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? In a few ways

    Which forum do you visit the most? General Chat
    Do you visit the website often? yup
    Would you say the mods did a good job? ....
    Would you say the admins did a good job? yep
    Do you find the forum members friendly? most of the time
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? I already do
    Do you feel at home on the fora? yeah
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? hmmm
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums?
    Other thoughts: hmmm

    "The Great" Ashley Lelie!!

  6. #36
    Holy crap, I'm customized Lightning_Demon's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Current mood: =D


    Name: Anirban Ghosh
    DOB: 1/6/85
    Gender: Male
    Location: NJ or Askewverse ()
    Sexual Orientation: Hetero
    Hair: Enough of it. Black.
    Eyes: Jet Black
    Height: 5'10
    Weight: 170
    Religion: Hindu
    Nationality: Indian

    Music Genre: Rock
    Band: Everclear
    Song: Hikari
    Album: So Much for the Afterglow
    Singer: Elton John
    Soundtrack: Trigun
    TV Show: Futurama
    Movie: Return of the Jedi (Casual) / Life is Beautiful (Serious)
    Game: Metal Gear Solid. Not the sequel, MGS had the better story.
    Actor: Samuel Jackson
    Actress: Susan Sarandon
    Food: Chicken
    Drink: Gatorade
    Quote: "If history is to change, let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh."
    Person at EoFF: MGI, cutie that she is,

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Sanjeet, Daniel, Surijeet
    Girls: Lauren, Lillian, Josephine

    Other info: I love videogames, debating, tennis, and Jeet Kune Do

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. My hair, 2 weeks after a haircut
    2. Arm Muscles
    3. Height

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. Thighs
    2. Hair after a haircut
    3. I don't heal quickly, and I fight a lot.

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. I'm nice
    2. I'm understanding
    3. Friends' secrets stay with me

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. I need to be less anger prone
    2. I need to be more willing to work with people
    3. I need to be less sarcastic at the wrong times

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Give half to my parents
    2. Give a quarter to charity
    3. Put the rest in the bank

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. I never want to make someone go crazy
    2. I never want to be cheated on
    3. I never want to fail my parents

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Successful life
    2. Healthy Children
    3. Make a difference in the world.

    Do you like candles? Yes
    Do you like incense? No
    Do you like the taste of blood? Nope
    Fetishes? Nah
    Biggest turn on?: Scantily dressed women. Not nude.
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? George Bush, just to talk.
    What song is stuck in your head right now? Big Tymers: "Still Fly"
    Do you like stuffed animals? Yes
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? I would not murder anyone. Life is precious.
    Person you wish you could be with right now? My friend Jen.
    What do you want done with your body when you die? Cremated, it's a religious thing.

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? nope
    Mooned someone? nope
    Tried to kill yourself? nope
    Tried to kill someone else? nope
    Told someone you hated them? nope
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? nope
    Taken a shower? yup
    Hugged someone? yup
    Kissed someone? yup
    Had sex? nope
    Been drunk? nope
    Been high? nope
    Been in a fight? yup
    Sang? yup
    Danced? yup
    Made someone laugh? yup
    Has someone else made you laugh? yup
    Had a philosophical conversation? yup
    Contemplated suicide? npe
    Wished on a star? yup
    Fantasized about someone? yup

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Mountains
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? Them break up with me
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Caused physical pain, i hate hurting others
    Be alone or with someone else? someone else

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? nope
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? nope
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? Not amusement
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? yup
    Had an imaginary friend? yup
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? yup
    Ever Cried During A Flick? yup
    Ever liked a teacher? yup
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? yup
    Ever Prank Called Someone? yup
    Been On Stage? yup

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Blue
    Day/Night? Night
    Favourite Kind of music? Rock
    Lace or Satin? Lace on my women
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Vash
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Happy
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? Person
    Lust Or Love? Love

    Do you Have a bf/gf? Nope
    Who's your loudest friend? A kid called josh
    Who is the shyest? Shiao Shiao
    Who do you go to for advice? Cui
    Most Mean? Maya
    Most sarcastic? Liz

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Yup
    Miss someone? Yup
    Hugged someone you liked? Yup
    Fought With Your Parents? Yup
    Laughed Until You Cried? Yup
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? Yup
    Went To The Beach At Night? Yup

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? Yup
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? Yup, and she's damn annoying

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? Yup
    Do you believe in Love? Yup
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? Yup
    *snips* You don't need two. Nope
    Do you believe in soulmates? Yup
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? Nope
    Do you believe in Heaven? Yup
    Do you believe in Hell? Yup
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: Nope

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? My Grandfather
    What Is Right Next To You? A fan
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? Metal
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 0408
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? 98
    How's The Weather Right now: Hot as Hell, 88 Degrees
    How do you eat Oreos? Take top off
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? Nope
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? Surijeet
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? Yup

    Which forum do you visit the most? General Chat
    Do you visit the website often? Yes
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Indeed
    Would you say the admins did a good job? Indeed
    Do you find the forum members friendly? Most
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? Of Course
    Do you feel at home on the fora? By now, yes
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? A Fight Forum, a trivia forum
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? Yes I'm against it
    Other thoughts: I love this place, I just want a fight forum really.
    PM to me the answer to this question: What is 1+1?
    I'll change my sig infrequently to reflect my avatar... and my emotions....
    Pulsating, changing constantly, I still remain in this seat of power... Am I a god, a sinner, or simply myself...
    Frankly, I need a gimmick. It's called DEMON'S CHOICE. We all like pretty pictures, I just think some should really be seen. This will not be updated frequently, the honor is difficult to acrue.

    Transformers... Robots in Disguise :

  7. #37
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Oakland, California
    Blog Entries
    • Former Cid's Knight
    • Former Administrator
    • Hosted the Ciddies


    Is anyone actually going to read all this?

    Name: Tony
    DOB: 6-20-81
    Gender: M
    Location: Los Angeles
    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 160lbs.
    Religion: None
    Nationality: American

    Music Genre: Classic rock
    Band: Aerosmith
    Song: Dream On
    Album: Big Ones
    Singer: Jim Morrison
    Soundtrack: The Empire Strikes Back
    TV Show: The Simpsons
    Movie: The Godfather
    Game: Final Fantasy VI
    Actor: Nicholas Cage
    Actress: Julia Roberts
    Food: Pizza
    Drink: Pepsi
    Quote: *enforces*
    Person at EoFF: Almost everyone

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Michael Anthony
    Girls: Julia Michelle

    Other info: *enforces?*

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. Handsome *winks*
    2. Strong legs
    3. God-like hair

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. Man boobs
    2. Zits
    3. Too skinny (now I can't fit into any of my pants)

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. Sense of humor
    2. Intelligence/wit
    3. I try to be kind and fair to everybody

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. Less shy
    2. See 1.
    3. See 2.

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Pay off my parents' loans
    2. Pay for my brothers' college
    3. Save the rest

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Death
    2. Fail
    3. Be betrayed

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Fall in love
    2. Raise a child
    3. Buy the Arizona Cardinals

    Do you like candles? Nah
    Do you like incense? Nah
    Do you like the taste of blood? ...Yes
    Fetishes? No
    Biggest turn on?: Women with glasses - don't ask me why!
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? ...Nobody
    What song is stuck in your head right now? Tetris theme, thanks a lot
    Do you like stuffed animals? Not really
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? Everyone deserves to live
    Person you wish you could be with right now? Sarah
    What do you want done with your body when you die? N/A

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? No
    Mooned someone? No
    Tried to kill yourself? No
    Tried to kill someone else? No
    Told someone you hated them? No
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? No
    Taken a shower? Yes
    Hugged someone? Yes
    Kissed someone? No
    Had sex? No
    Been drunk? No
    Been high? No
    Been in a fight? No
    Sang? Yes
    Danced? No
    Made someone laugh? Yes
    Has someone else made you laugh? Yes
    Had a philosophical conversation? No
    Contemplated suicide? No
    Wished on a star? No
    Fantasized about someone? Yes

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Mountains
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? Break up with someone
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Depends on who I'm causing it to
    Be alone or with someone else? Someone else

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? No
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? Yes
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? No
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Yes
    Had an imaginary friend? Yes
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? Yes
    Ever Cried During A Flick? Yes
    Ever liked a teacher? Yes
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? ...Yes
    Ever Prank Called Someone? Yes
    Been On Stage? Yes

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Maroon
    Day/Night? Night
    Favourite Kind of music? You...asked that already
    Lace or Satin? Satin
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Homer Simpson
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Happy
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? In person
    Lust Or Love? Love

    Do you Have a bf/gf? No
    Who's your loudest friend? Richard
    Who is the shyest? Me
    Who do you go to for advice? Sarah
    Most Mean? My friends aren't mean
    Most sarcastic? Jose

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Yes
    Miss someone? Yes
    Hugged someone you liked? Yes
    Fought With Your Parents? No
    Laughed Until You Cried? Yes
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? No
    Went To The Beach At Night? No

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? Yes
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? Right now? No

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? No
    Do you believe in Love? Yes
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? Sure
    *snips* You don't need two.
    Do you believe in soulmates? Yah
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? No
    Do you believe in Heaven? No
    Do you believe in Hell? No
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: Nope

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? My momma
    What Is Right Next To You? Nobody
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? Wood
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 4175
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? 43
    How's The Weather Right now: Nice
    How do you eat Oreos? Twist, lick, eat
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? Yes
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? Tony
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? Of course not!

    Which forum do you visit the most? GC
    Do you visit the website often? Yes
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Yes
    Would you say the admins did a good job? Yes
    Do you find the forum members friendly? Almost all of them
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? Yes
    Do you feel at home on the fora? I guess
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? No
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? Against
    Other thoughts: Longest. Survey. Ever.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
    When I grow up, I want to go to Bovine Trump University! - Ralph Wiggum

  8. #38
    Citizen Erased


    Name: Russell Ede
    DOB: 15/07/1985
    Gender: Male
    Location: Newport, South Wales
    Sexual Orientation: I like teh women!
    Hair: Blond, short spikes
    Eyes: Ice Blue? (thats what people say anyway >_< )
    Height: 6'ish
    Weight: 10st 5lbs
    Religion: Non-Practising Church of England (Aetheist I guess)
    Nationality: English

    Music Genre: Alternative
    Band: Mercury Rev
    Song: Opus 40
    Album: Deserter's Songs
    Singer: None really *g*
    Soundtrack: The Rock Soundtrack (Nick Glennie-Smith and Hans Zimmer)
    TV Show: Transformers
    Movie: The Rock
    Game: Theme Hospital
    Actor: Ed Harris (He can actually act)
    Actress: Liv Tyler (No prizes for working out why)
    Food: I like Haribo Starmix
    Drink: Coke
    Quote: <@Citizen_Erased> FIT (Terminal Condition): Caused by being energetic and having a "drive" to do things like leave the computer, this can lead to uncanny behaviour including abandooning of the Keyboard + Mouse
    Person at EoFF: Tiffiekins

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Roland, Vincent, Matthew
    Girls: Holly, Katie, Jenny

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. Good Upper Body Strength
    2. Not Oversized
    3. Fairly Handsome

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. Spots *g*
    2. Weedy Legs
    3. RSI Infested Fingers (Repetetive Strain Injury from Typing >_< )

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. Quite unique
    2. Friendly
    3. Caring

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. Less Judgemental
    2. Longer Fuse
    3. More Approachable

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Go on Holiday
    2. Pay off Family
    3. Get a faster Internet Connection.

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Trust my family again
    2. Be jailed
    3. Kill somebody

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Sail the world
    2. Become rich
    3. Meet somebody I'd want to share my life with

    Do you like candles? Yes
    Do you like incense? No
    Do you like the taste of blood? I've tasted my own blood and it does not have that bad a taste, if a little sweet.
    Fetishes? As much as you would like to know and I would like to tell you NO
    Biggest turn on?: Intelligent and Sensitive Women
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? Nobody Really
    What song is stuck in your head right now? Nite an' Fog (Mercury Rev)
    Do you like stuffed animals? They are ok
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? In all fairness it would be my mother, I have many reasons
    Person you wish you could be with right now? There is nobody right now
    What do you want done with your body when you die? Cast out to sea

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? No
    Mooned someone? No
    Tried to kill yourself? No
    Tried to kill someone else? No
    Told someone you hated them? Yes
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? No
    Taken a shower? No (Simply because I do not have a shower)
    Hugged someone? No
    Kissed someone? No
    Had sex? No
    Been drunk? Yes
    Been high? No
    Been in a fight? No
    Sang? No
    Danced? No
    Made someone laugh? Yes
    Has someone else made you laugh? Yes
    Had a philosophical conversation? No
    Contemplated suicide? Yes
    Wished on a star? No
    Fantasized about someone? No

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Mountains
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? Have somebody break up with me
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Be caused Physical Pain
    Be alone or with someone else? Someone Else (But it never works)

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? No
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? Yes
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? No
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Yes
    Had an imaginary friend? No
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? Yes
    Ever Cried During A Flick? No
    Ever liked a teacher? No
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? No
    Ever Prank Called Someone? No
    Been On Stage? Yes

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Storm Blue and Black
    Day/Night? Night
    Favourite Kind of music? Alternative (Not Mainstream Alternative Either)
    Lace or Satin? Satin
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Wile E. Coyote
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Scary (Though most do not scare me)
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? Person Preferably
    Lust Or Love? Love

    Do you Have a bf/gf? No
    Who's your loudest friend? Gareth
    Who is the shyest? Me
    Who do you go to for advice? Nobody (It never works either)
    Most Mean? Stefan
    Most sarcastic? Adam

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Yes
    Miss someone? Yes
    Hugged someone you liked? Yes
    Fought With Your Parents? Yes (Though slightly more than fight)
    Laughed Until You Cried? No
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? Yes (Often)
    Went To The Beach At Night? Yes

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? No
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? Yes (Tiffany)

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? No
    Do you believe in Love? Yes
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? Yes
    Do you believe in soulmates? No
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? It is possible
    Do you believe in Heaven? No
    Do you believe in Hell? No
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: No

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? My Father
    What Is Right Next To You? Optimus Prime Toy (Powermaster Edition)
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? Oak
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? No Phone Number Currently
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? 62
    How's The Weather Right now: Warm >_<
    How do you eat Oreos? I do not eat Oreos
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? Very Shy
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? Ian (I am working on this right now legally)
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? No

    Which forum do you visit the most? None Really
    Do you visit the website often? No
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Yes
    Would you say the admins did a good job? Yes
    Do you find the forum members friendly? Yes
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? Yes
    Do you feel at home on the fora? Not Really (I am an IRCer)
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? No
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? No harm can come of it and it saves Page Space
    Other thoughts:

  9. #39


    Name: Kinji
    DOB: oct. 29 1987
    Gender: male
    Location: u.s.a
    Sexual Orientation: ? I like girls with big butts and I can't deny!
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: 6'0
    Weight: 145
    Religion: none beleive in creator
    Nationality: fillipeno 1/2,chickasaw 1/4,scottish 1/4

    Music Genre: Culutral,Rock,Soul,Trance,Hip Hop,Rap
    Band: Coldplay,Moby,JimmyEatWorld,LinkinPark
    Song: "Cationers" by JimmyEatWorld
    Album: HybridTheory
    Singer: Maxwell
    Soundtrack: Rush Hour 2 Sound Track
    TV Show: Bill O'rielly,The Factor
    Movie: Shall We Dance (Foriegn,Japanese)
    Game: Don't know...
    Actor: Tom Hanks
    Actress: Julia Roberts
    Food: Asian Style...
    Drink: Mountain Dew
    Quote: "The body does,what the mind says"
    Person at EoFF: n/a

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Eligea,Jelious

    Girls: Alexia,Amber

    Other info: ??

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. tallness
    2. strength
    3. how I look??

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. no answer
    2. no answer
    3. no answer

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. Sympathy
    2. Kindness
    3. Open Minded

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. no answer answer
    3. no answer

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. no answer
    2. no answer
    3. no answer

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. no answer
    2. no answer
    3. no answer

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. visit the places I never/wanted to goto
    2. have alotta fun
    3. have dinner with the one I love,looking at the final hours...

    Do you like candles? yes
    Do you like incense? no way!
    Do you like the taste of blood?wtf??no
    Fetishes? No
    Biggest turn on?: not sure...
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? no answer
    What song is stuck in your head right now? "My Sundown" by Jimmy Eat World
    Do you like stuffed animals? no
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? no answer
    Person you wish you could be with right now? the guy this girl I like likes...
    What do you want done with your body when you die?Get it burried on a island with the ones I love

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? no
    Mooned someone? no
    Tried to kill yourself? yes
    Tried to kill someone else? no
    Told someone you hated them? yes
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? no
    Taken a shower? yes
    Hugged someone? yes
    Kissed someone? no
    Had sex? no
    Been drunk? no
    Been high? no
    Been in a fight? no
    Sang? no
    Danced? no
    Made someone laugh? yes
    Has someone else made you laugh? yes
    Had a philosophical conversation? yes
    Contemplated suicide? yes
    Wished on a star? yes
    Fantasized about someone? yes

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? beach,mountains right behind it
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? someone
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? none
    Be alone or with someone else? be alone

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? no
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? no
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? no
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? yes
    Had an imaginary friend? no
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? no
    Ever Cried During A Flick? yes
    Ever liked a teacher? no
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? no
    Ever Prank Called Someone? yes
    Been On Stage? yes

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors?,black,red
    Day/Night? night
    Favourite Kind of music? rock
    Lace or Satin? none
    Favourite Cartoon Character? none
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Happy
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? both
    Lust Or Love? both

    Do you Have a bf/gf? no answer
    Who's your loudest friend?no answer
    Who is the shyest? no answer
    Who do you go to for advice? Meagen
    Most Mean? no answer
    Most sarcastic? no answer

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on?yes
    Miss someone? yes
    Hugged someone you liked? yes
    Fought With Your Parents? yes
    Laughed Until You Cried? yes
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? yes
    Went To The Beach At Night? yes

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy?no
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? no

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? don't know
    Do you believe in Love? yes
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? yes
    *snips* You don't need two.
    Do you believe in soulmates? yes
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? yes
    Do you believe in Heaven? no answer
    Do you believe in Hell? no answer
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: no answer

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? no answer
    What Is Right Next To You? no answer
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? no answer
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? no answer
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? no one
    How's The Weather Right now: sunny
    How do you eat Oreos? no
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? yes/no
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? Kenji or Cassies
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport?no

    Which forum do you visit the most? General
    Do you visit the website often? no
    Would you say the mods did a good job? no answer
    Would you say the admins did a good job? no answer
    Do you find the forum members friendly? yes/no
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? maybe...
    Do you feel at home on the fora?you mean???no
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added?no
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? no answer
    Other thoughts:

    those questions are stupid....

  10. #40


    Name: Elijah
    DOB: 17 Nov. 1986
    Gender: M
    Location: Australia
    Sexual Orientation: I like mah girl!
    Hair: brown
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: 5'8
    Weight: 70kg
    Religion: Catholic
    Nationality: Filipino ako!

    Music Genre: A mix but mostly rnb
    Band: cant pick i like em all
    Song: whats luv -Fat joe feat. Ashanti n ja rule
    Album: Aaliyah
    Singer: Aaliyah (i luv her!)
    Soundtrack: FF:spirits within
    TV Show: Rove live & a lil of charmed (is cool for a dude!)
    Movie: Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings
    Game: Final Fantasy 10
    Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Actress: Nichole Kidman
    Food: Chinese n filo stuff
    Drink: coke
    Quote: "..."
    Person at EoFF: all is cool

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: cole
    Girls: Aaliyah

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. eyes
    2. hands

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. im cool w/ myself....dont care about critisicm

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. i is weird
    2. i is stupid
    3. i is myself

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. im a lil boring
    2. Too weird

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Buy a house and a mercedies B or a ferrari
    2. Trip to home town
    3. Save the rest

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Fail
    2. Be alone
    3. Die a painful death

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Succeed in life

    Do you like candles? they ok
    Do you like incense? Yes
    Do you like the taste of blood? not no vampire
    Fetishes? nah.....nah
    Biggest turn on?: hot females w/ cool personalities!
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, who and why? Shes dead right now!
    What song is stuck in your head right now? Whats luv by fat joe
    Do you like stuffed animals? nah...not really
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? Not tellin
    Person you wish you could be with right now? hh....nah not tellin
    What do you want done with your body when you die? Cremated

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? no
    Mooned someone? no
    Tried to kill yourself? thought about it but not recently
    Tried to kill someone else? No
    Told someone you hated them? ah huh
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? nah
    Taken a shower? YES
    Hugged someone? YEP
    Kissed someone? of course
    Had sex? Not yet
    Been drunk? Never!!!
    Been high? Never!!!
    Been in a fight? Mostly with my brother
    Sang? NEVER
    Danced? NAH
    Made someone laugh? yes
    Has someone else made you laugh? yeah
    Had a philosophical conversation? Eh?
    Contemplated suicide? No
    Wished on a star? nah
    Fantasized about someone? yes yes

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? both cant pick
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? break up w/ someone
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? none

    Be alone or with someone else? be with someone

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? Never
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? (classes get cancelled when these things happen)
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? nop
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Yes
    Had an imaginary friend? NEVER!!!
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend?nope...
    Ever Cried During A Flick? no
    Ever liked a teacher? No
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? RIKKU is hot like fire
    Ever Prank Called Someone? yes lots
    Been On Stage? Yes

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? blue, silver and black
    Day/Night? Night
    Favourite Kind of music? I already gave my answer
    Lace or Satin? ???
    Favourite Cartoon Character? they are all soo cool
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Both
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? both
    Lust Or Love? love

    Do you Have a bf/gf? No, what of it!?!
    Who's your loudest friend? Carla
    Who is the shyest? Me!!!
    Who do you go to for advice? my friends in trouble
    Most Mean? too many to mention
    Most sarcastic? um... me!!!

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Yes
    Miss someone? yea....his dead
    Hugged someone you liked? Yes
    Fought With Your Parents? usually my dad
    Laughed Until You Cried? Yes
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? yep in the beautiful beaches of australia
    Went To The Beach At Night? yea

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? Yeah, my life's fine
    Are You Talking To Someone Online?no
    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? Both
    Do you believe in Love? Yes
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? nope
    Do you believe in love? yes...
    Do you believe in soulmates? No
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? Yes
    Do you believe in Heaven? Yes
    Do you believe in Hell? Yes
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: Only Jesus...

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? parents
    What Is Right Next To You? lots of papers
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? wood. plastic
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? heh r u gon stalk me *is paranoid right now
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? i dont really care
    How's The Weather Right now: cold
    How do you eat Oreos? I put 'em in my mouth, chew em then swallow em!
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? ah huh
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? i luv my name
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? yes

    Which forum do you visit the most? Gen. Chat
    Do you visit the website often? A lot lately
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Yes
    Would you say the admins did a good job? Yes
    Do you find the forum members friendly? Some... *
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? yea why not
    Do you feel at home on the fora? yes
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? a spam forum
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? no way
    Other thoughts: ek too long!!!!!!

    [Life is Eternity in a nutshell]

  11. #41
    Silent Emotion Rainecloud's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    • Former Site Staff


    Name: Rainecloud.
    DOB: January 12th, 1984.
    Gender: Male.
    Location: England.
    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.
    Hair: Black.
    Eyes: Dark Brown.
    Height: 6'2
    Weight: I have no idea.
    Religion: Jehovah's Witness.
    Nationality: English.

    Music Genre: I can't say for definite.
    Band: I prefer solo artists.
    Song: Eyes on me (Faye Wong).
    Album: Subject to change (Vanessa-Mae).
    Singer: Faye Wong.
    Soundtrack: Star Wars: Episode I.
    TV Show: I hardly watch television.
    Movie: Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi.
    Game: Final Fantasy VII.
    Actor: Christopher Lee.
    Actress: I have no idea.
    Food: Fried Rice.
    Drink: Pepsi.
    Quote: "You know all those monkeys at the zoo? I was wondering if they had a plan. You know, every time someone drives into the zoo, the monkeys come and take a part of your car. I think that one day, the monkeys will have enough parts to build an entire car, and then they'll all pile into the car and burst outta the wall!"
    Person at EoFF: Tiffany Rei Ling Lowell Wei (Memorised).

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Jason, Aaron, Luke, Stephen, Joshua.
    Girls: Allyson, Emily, Emma, Mei, Emmie, Fei.

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. The fact that it functions correctly.
    2. I can watch Star Wars with my eyes.
    3. I can eat food with my mouth.

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. Not having wings.
    2. See above.
    3. See above, and the above from that.

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. My shyness.
    2. My sarcastic humour.
    3. My serious behaviour (at times).

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. My bitterness.
    2. My guilty feelings.
    3. My angry thoughts.

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million POUNDS Cash:
    1. Build a large house in the countryside.
    2. Attempt to abolish football.
    3. Build a giant replica of Midgar City.

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. To be rejected by the person I love.
    2. To be burned to death in a housefire.
    3. This one's too sick to mention, really.

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. To fall in love and marry.
    2. To have a child, preferably a girl.
    3. To meet Faye Wong.

    Do you like candles? No.
    Do you like incense? Yes.
    Do you like the taste of blood? Absolutely not.
    Fetishes? Hmm...
    Biggest turn on?: I'm not talking about that here.
    If you could meet any one famous person in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? Faye Wong, to thank her for the music.
    What song is stuck in your head right now? Suteki Da Ne.
    Do you like stuffed animals? No.
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? I wouldn't do such a thing.
    Person you wish you could be with right now? Tiffiekins.
    What do you want done with your body when you die? Cremation, of course.

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? No.
    Mooned someone? No.
    Tried to kill yourself? No.
    Tried to kill someone else? No.
    Told someone you hated them? No.
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? No.
    Taken a shower? Yes.
    Hugged someone? Yes.
    Kissed someone? No.
    Had sex? No.
    Been drunk? No.
    Been high? No.
    Been in a fight? No.
    Sang? Yes *Blushes* I was singing the 'Hymn of the Fayth' in the aforementioned shower.
    Danced? No.
    Made someone laugh? Yes.
    Has someone else made you laugh? Yes.
    Had a philosophical conversation? No.
    Contemplated suicide? Yes.
    Wished on a star? No.
    Fantasized about someone? Yes.

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Mountains.
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? I'm not sure...
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Again, I don't know.
    Be alone or with someone else? Depends who the person is.

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? No.
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? No.
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? No...
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Yes.
    Had an imaginary friend? No.
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? Yes.
    Ever Cried During A Flick? No.
    Ever liked a teacher? Yes...she was 25...
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? Yes. Princess Peach from the Mario Bros. cartoon...
    Ever Prank Called Someone? Yes.
    Been On Stage? Yes.

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Blue.
    Day/Night? Night.
    Favourite Kind of music? You've already asked me that.
    Lace or Satin? Neither.
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Ren, from Ren and Stimpy.
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Happy.
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? In person.
    Lust Or Love? Love, of course.

    Do you Have a bf/gf? No.
    Who's your loudest friend? John.
    Who is the shyest? Chris.
    Who do you go to for advice? My Mother.
    Most Mean? John.
    Most sarcastic? John (He's a bastard sometimes).

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Yes.
    Miss someone? Yes.
    Hugged someone you liked? Yes, once. Well, she hugged me.
    Fought With Your Parents? Yes.
    Laughed Until You Cried? Yes, plenty of times.
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? Yes.
    Went To The Beach At Night? Yes.

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? Yes.
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? No, I'm filling out this form.

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? Both, yes.
    Do you believe in Love? Yes.
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? No.
    Do you believe in soulmates? No.
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? No.
    Do you believe in Heaven? Yes.
    Do you believe in Hell? No.
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: Only Jesus.

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? My Father.
    What Is Right Next To You? My mouse.
    What Is Your Computer Desk Made Of? Wood.
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? Pah!
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? About 10.
    How's The Weather Right now: Rainy.
    How do you eat Oreos? What are Oreos?
    Are You Too Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? Yes.
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? I don't know.
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? No.

    Which forum do you visit the most? I hardly come here.
    Do you visit the website often? No, hardly ever.
    Would you say the mods did a good job? No.
    Would you say the admins did a good job? Sometimes.
    Do you find the forum members friendly? Sometimes.
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? No.
    Do you feel at home on the fora? No.
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? No.
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? I couldn't care less.
    Other thoughts: Nice survey, my cuddly oriental friend.
    "As the days go by, we face the increasing inevitability that we are alone in a godless,
    uninhabited, hostile and meaningless universe. Still, you've got to laugh, haven't you?"

  12. #42


    Well... I'll bwe back soon and I was bored so I thought I'd fill it out again! *muah*

    Name: Chauntell K. Dietrich
    DOB: Sept. 22
    Gender: female
    Location: Canada, Ontario
    Sexual Orientation: heterosexual
    Hair: dyed blond
    Eyes: blue
    Height: 5 foot 2? hehe
    Weight: 115lbs
    Religion: n/a
    Nationality: german

    Music Genre: anything
    Band: I always change my mind .. er, Ace of Base! ^_^
    Song: right now it's Sweet Ones by Sarah Sleen
    Album: n/a
    Singer: Madonna, Lara Fabian,
    Soundtrack: n/a
    TV Show: Boston Public, Friends
    Movie: The Lion King ^____^
    Game: twister
    Actor: George Cloony
    Actress: Taryn Manning
    Food: strawberries
    Drink: mike's hard lemonade
    Quote: If we could put a man on the moon... why can't we put them all there?
    Person at EoFF: I love you all! Except YOU.

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: David
    Girls: Glory

    Other info: O_o

    Fill that out please! And then this: O_o

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. my hair
    2. my eyes
    3. my shoulders?

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. my height
    2. my big behind! *heh*
    3. my feet (I HATE feet)

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. I don't take things too seriously
    2. I consider other people's feelings
    3. I'm usually pretty laid back

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. I need to take things more seriously *heh*
    2. When I acctually do get upset.. I get REALLY upset
    3. I wish I could be more outgoing

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Buy lots of clothes!
    2. Donate to charity
    3. Finaly buy a PS2!!! arg

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Be hated by the person I love
    2. Be burned alive.. that would suck
    3. Gain a lot of weight and not be able to move on my own

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. sky dive
    2. go to Japan, Fiji or Hawaii
    3. Talk to my dad again at yell at him excessively!

    Do you like candles? Yes as long as they don't smell bad
    Do you like incense? no
    Do you like the taste of blood? no
    Fetishes? I love it when guys spike their hair (not too high though)
    Biggest turn on?: spikey hair ^_^
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? George Cloony because he seems soooo nice and he's pretty good looking for an old guy.
    What song is stuck in your head right now? Anything but Ordinary by Avril Lavigne
    Do you like stuffed animals? yes!
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? Nah
    Person you wish you could be with right now? nobody, I'm happy by myself
    What do you want done with your body when you die? burried under a super big grave stone with my statue on it!

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? nope
    Mooned someone? nope
    Tried to kill yourself? hell no
    Tried to kill someone else? no
    Told someone you hated them? ummm.. yes but I didn't mean it
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? no
    Taken a shower? yes
    Hugged someone? yes
    Kissed someone? yes
    Had sex? no
    Been drunk? yes
    Been high? no
    Been in a fight? nope
    Sang? yup
    Danced? yup
    Made someone laugh? yes
    Has someone else made you laugh? yup
    Had a philosophical conversation? uhh... no?
    Contemplated suicide? no
    Wished on a star? no, I can't see the stars from the city
    Fantasized about someone? yes :joey:

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Beach
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? Break up with them
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Physical pain
    Be alone or with someone else? Be alone

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? Yeah kind of >_<
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? Yeah
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? No!
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Yeah
    Had an imaginary friend? Yeah hehe
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? Yea
    Ever Cried During A Flick? Yup (the fox and the hound)
    Ever liked a teacher? hehe Kind of
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? Not really, no. Arnold on Hey Arnold is just so adorible though!!
    Ever Prank Called Someone? Yeah many times
    Been On Stage? Yeah a few times... so scarry!

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? anything but brown and certain shades of green
    Day/Night? Day
    Favourite Kind of music? I thought you already asked that??
    Lace or Satin? Satin
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Arnold *lol*
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Happy movies
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? In person I guess
    Lust Or Love? Love.

    Do you Have a bf/gf? Nope
    Who's your loudest friend? Erin
    Who is the shyest? Lisa unless you know her well
    Who do you go to for advice? Usually Kate or Erin
    Most Mean? Brell
    Most sarcastic? Me

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Yeah all the time
    Miss someone? Not reallt
    Hugged someone you liked? yeah
    Fought With Your Parents? Yes -_-
    Laughed Until You Cried? Yeah that happens a lot
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? no
    Went To The Beach At Night? no, the beach here scares me. Dead bodies like wash up on it heheheahhhh

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? Sure
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? Yeah

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? Not really.. I believe in God more so
    Do you believe in Love? yes
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? I think so?
    *snips* You don't need two. <--- what?
    Do you believe in soulmates? Not really
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? Yeah
    Do you believe in Heaven? Umm I guess
    Do you believe in Hell? no
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: Yeeesss.. but they are all one magical person/animal

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? My mom
    What Is Right Next To You? Many, many things.
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? Wood
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 6666
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? 198
    How's The Weather Right now: 22 degrese celcius and sunny
    How do you eat Oreos? many ways
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? Yeah
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? I like my name
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? Yeah I tried out on tuesday and I have to try out again next tuesday. >_<;;;

    Which forum do you visit the most? I haven't been here for a while but.. I guess GC
    Do you visit the website often? Not lately
    Would you say the mods did a good job? They sure did!!
    Would you say the admins did a good job? They sure did too!
    Do you find the forum members friendly? Most of them
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? Yeah but when I acctually come back
    Do you feel at home on the fora? I did
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? Nah it's all good right now
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums?
    Other thoughts: It doesn't matter, whatever is more conveniant.


  13. #43
    bki's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    who knows...O.o


    took me 4 eva but here ye go!!!
    Name: i'd rather not say...
    DOB: 20th september
    Gender: female
    Location: not saying...
    Sexual Orientation: um.....*doesn't answer*
    Hair: brown
    Eyes: brown
    Height: dunno
    Weight: scales broke^^
    Religion: *doesn't answer*
    Nationality: *doesn't answer*

    Music Genre: any^^ but not pop...
    Band: any except s club 7^^
    Song: any...
    Album: any...
    Singer: any...
    Soundtrack: geeeze...yet more any's...^^
    TV Show: red dwarf and simpsons
    Movie: lord of the rings
    Game: final fantasy vii+x
    Actor: *doesn't answer*
    Actress: *doesn't answer*
    Food: chocolate!!!!^^
    Drink: coke
    Quote: dunno... i like yoda's quote- "fear leads to anger etc."
    Person at EoFF: ME!!!^^... i dunno who's ma fave...

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Mike/Jack/Pete
    Girls: Liz/Jess/Kate

    Other info: um...nothing to say...

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. i have a thin waste???
    2. um...dunno
    3. er....well....geeeezzeeee....*doesn't answer*

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. i got a big @$$...
    2. ...*doesn't answer*
    3. ...*doesn't answer*

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. ...i dunno 'bout this one...
    2. ...i dunno 'bout this one...
    3. ...i dunno 'bout this one...

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. ...i dunno 'bout this one...
    2. ...i dunno 'bout this one...
    3. ...i dunno 'bout this one...

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. give most of it to my friends
    2. spend like crazy!!!
    3. give it all to charity...^^

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. fart on my first date^^
    2. run over by a car/bus!ouch!!!
    3. dunno...

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. be known...
    2. say summin' wise...(my last words)
    3. ...dunno what else...

    Do you like candles? why? oh! i mean um....yes
    Do you like incense? yes
    Do you like the taste of blood? i'm not a vampire thank you!(no)
    Biggest turn on?: ????*doesn't answer*
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? *doesn't answer*
    What song is stuck in your head right now? kiss kiss(just gets in to ur head!!!)
    Do you like stuffed animals? NO!!!
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? Mr. Mishra(my form tutor) he's made my life hell!!!
    Person you wish you could be with right now? my gran+grandad(they died a few years ago)sob...
    What do you want done with your body when you die? buried...i don't care if worms eat my...i'll be dead after all!^^

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? no
    Mooned someone? no
    Tried to kill yourself? no
    Tried to kill someone else? no
    Told someone you hated them? no...oh wait! yeh..
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? no
    Taken a shower? no(i had a bath)
    Hugged someone? no
    Kissed someone? no
    Had sex? NO!!!
    Been drunk? no
    Been high? no
    Been in a fight? no
    Sang? no
    Danced? no
    Made someone laugh? no
    Has someone else made you laugh? yes
    Had a philosophical conversation? nope
    Contemplated suicide? no
    Wished on a star? nope...thats fore babies^^
    Fantasized about someone? no

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? any where warm...i'm freezing!!!
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? no
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? no
    Be alone or with someone else? ...yes...

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? no
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? no
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? no
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? yes
    Had an imaginary friend? yes when i was 6
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? *doesn't answer*
    Ever Cried During A Flick? *doesn't answer*
    Ever liked a teacher? nope...
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? heh...*doesn't answer*
    Ever Prank Called Someone? yeh of coarse!!^^
    Been On Stage? yeh...

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? purple
    Day/Night? night(don't ask's just so peaceful)
    Favourite Kind of music? ...dunno
    Lace or Satin? *doesn't answer*
    Favourite Cartoon Character? dunno
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? both...
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? on phone...
    Lust Or Love? can't descide...

    Do you Have a bf/gf? i have a cyber one if that counts...other wise no...
    Who's your loudest friend? *doesn't answer*
    Who is the shyest? *doesn't answer*
    Who do you go to for advice? to be honest i don't really take advise often...
    Most Mean? *doesn't answer*
    Most sarcastic? *doesn't answer*

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? yes...
    Miss someone? yes
    Hugged someone you liked? *doesn't answer*
    Fought With Your Parents? *doesn't answer*
    Laughed Until You Cried? hehe...yeh( i pissed as well!!)^^
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? yes
    Went To The Beach At Night? yes

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? yes
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? no

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? *doesn't answer*
    Do you believe in Love? yes
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? *doesn't answer*
    *snips* You don't need two.
    Do you believe in soulmates? dunno
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? yes
    Do you believe in Heaven? dunno
    Do you believe in Hell? dunno
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: dunno

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? parents(duh^^)
    What Is Right Next To You? computer
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? metal+wood
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? *doesn't answer*
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? 2 at the moment...
    How's The Weather Right now: rain(typical british weather)
    How do you eat Oreos? *doesn't answer*
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? depends who it is, if i hate them then no...
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? i like my name, thanx...
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? not really...

    Which forum do you visit the most? general chat...i think...
    Do you visit the website often? yes
    Would you say the mods did a good job? yes
    Would you say the admins did a good job? yes
    Do you find the forum members friendly? yes
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? depends...what i help out with.
    Do you feel at home on the fora? dunno
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? not really..
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? dunno
    Other thoughts:

  14. #44
    sergeysephy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    The lovely gorgeus stage!!!


    Name: Kurt
    DOB: October 25
    Gender: Male
    Location: Indiana
    Sexual Orientation: strait
    Hair: brown
    Eyes: brown
    Height: 5'7''
    Weight: 158 lbs.
    Religion: Christian (lutheran denomination)
    Nationality: USA

    Music Genre: i like 'em all
    Band: i like 'em all
    Song: I like 'em all
    Album: I like 'em all
    Singer: I like 'em all
    Soundtrack: That Thing You Do
    TV Show: Invader Zim!!!
    Movie: Tenchi Forever
    Game: ff7
    Actor: i dunno
    Actress: Jody Foster
    Food: Strawberries!!!
    Drink: Dr. Pepper, it makes the world taster better
    Quote: i dunno...
    Person at EoFF: I don't know 'em well enough yet, the man, silverlocke, n Tiffiekins all seem pretty kewel

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: whatever's fine
    Girls: Erin or Emily

    Other info: hi!

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. i
    2. dunno
    3. i don't judge myself

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. same
    2. as
    3. above

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. i'm happy
    2. nice?
    3. my opinoin might be different, so i dunno...

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. nothing, i change what i wanna change

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. buy a company
    2. buy all the tenchi n ff stuff possible
    3. buy a house (can i do all that?)

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. die
    2. get a paper cut on my eye (ewwwwww)
    3. go to jail

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. have a happy family
    2. win the nobel prize
    3. change the world somehow

    Do you like candles? yup
    Do you like incense? y not?
    Do you like the taste of blood? no
    Fetishes? no
    Biggest turn on?: i dunno, hats? (i'm a strange little man, i know)
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? i dunno...
    What song is stuck in your head right now? Mrs. Robinson
    Do you like stuffed animals? yup
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? i don't know, some molester or rapist, tho
    Person you wish you could be with right now? can't say, sum1 might see...
    What do you want done with your body when you die? cremation

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? no
    Mooned someone? ewwww
    Tried to kill yourself? nope
    Tried to kill someone else? no
    Told someone you hated them? no
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? yes
    Taken a shower? yes
    Hugged someone? no
    Kissed someone? no
    Had sex? no
    Been drunk? no
    Been high? no
    Been in a fight? no
    Sang? yes
    Danced? no
    Made someone laugh? yes
    Has someone else made you laugh? yes
    Had a philosophical conversation? yes
    Contemplated suicide? no
    Wished on a star? no
    Fantasized about someone? no

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? mountains
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? some1 break up with me
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? be caused
    Be alone or with someone else? with someone else

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? no
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? no
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? no
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? yes
    Had an imaginary friend? no
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? whats that mean?
    Ever Cried During A Flick? by flick do u mean movie? if so, then yes
    Ever liked a teacher? no
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? uhhh.....^_^;
    Ever Prank Called Someone? yes
    Been On Stage? yes

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? blue
    Day/Night? both
    Favourite Kind of music? havne't u already asked me this?
    Lace or Satin? satin
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Gir!!!
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? both
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? person
    Lust Or Love? love

    Do you Have a bf/gf? yes
    Who's your loudest friend? i'm the loudest outa all my friends
    Who is the shyest? Byung min
    Who do you go to for advice? Jessica a.k.a. "Akiko"
    Most Mean? I dunno...
    Most sarcastic? me

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? yes
    Miss someone? yes
    Hugged someone you liked? yes
    Fought With Your Parents? yes
    Laughed Until You Cried? yes
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? yes
    Went To The Beach At Night? no

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? you have no idea...
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? yup

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? yes
    Do you believe in Love? yes
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? no
    *snips* You don't need two.
    Do you believe in soulmates? no
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? no
    Do you believe in Heaven? yes
    Do you believe in Hell? not sure
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: yes: Jesus Christ

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? parents
    What Is Right Next To You? no one
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? wood
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 8948
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? 12, i used to have 92 but i forgot my password...
    How's The Weather Right now: all right, in the 70s, a little cloudy
    How do you eat Oreos? well
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? no
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? i like my name
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? no

    Which forum do you visit the most? this one
    Do you visit the website often? yes
    Would you say the mods did a good job? yes
    Would you say the admins did a good job? yes
    Do you find the forum members friendly? yes
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? yes
    Do you feel at home on the fora? yes
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? huh?
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? no idea
    Other thoughts: does the name "tiffiekins" have any thing to do with Tifa?

    pic by glasshard

  15. #45
    #eoff Flayer Mindflare's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Pittsburgh, PA


    Name: Tim Strickler
    DOB: March 2, 1986
    Gender: Male
    Location: Pennsylvania, US
    Sexual Orientation: Straight
    Hair: Black, Short
    Eyes: Dark Brown
    Height: 6'3"
    Weight: 155 lbs
    Religion: None
    Nationality: American

    Music Genre: None
    Band: Beatles
    Song: Bad Religion - Sorrow
    Album: KoRn - Follow the Leader
    Singer: None
    Soundtrack: None
    TV Show: Futurama
    Movie: Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
    Game: Final Fantasy 7
    Actor: Jim Carrey
    Actress: None
    Food: Bacon
    Drink: Milk
    Quote: "I was robbed by a sweet old lady on a motorized cart!" - Jim Carrey, Dumb and Dumber
    Person at EoFF:

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Pfft.... children are horrible.

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. Tall
    2. ... that's it. o.O

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. Acne
    2. Skinny
    3. Weak

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. Funny
    2. Interesting

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. I'd be able to start an interesting conversation.
    2. That's about it.

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Buy stuff. *pose*

    Do you like candles? Sure, why not.
    Do you like incense? I like oxygen more.
    Do you like the taste of blood? Boo-freakin'-ya.
    Fetishes? Not really.
    Biggest turn on?: o.O <- Seriously.
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? Nobody... I'd rather meet normal people.
    What song is stuck in your head right now? Bad Religion - Better Off Dead
    Do you like stuffed animals? Not particularly
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? I couldn't do it.
    Person you wish you could be with right now?
    What do you want done with your body when you die?

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? No
    Mooned someone? No
    Tried to kill yourself? No
    Tried to kill someone else? No
    Told someone you hated them? No
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? No
    Taken a shower? Yes
    Hugged someone? Yes
    Kissed someone? No
    Had sex? No
    Been drunk? No
    Been high? Not that I can remember. (No)
    Been in a fight? No
    Sang? Yes
    Danced? Of course.
    Made someone laugh? Yes, sadly... o.O
    Has someone else made you laugh? Yes
    Had a philosophical conversation? No
    Contemplated suicide? Yes
    Wished on a star? No
    Fantasized about someone? No

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Mountains.
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? No
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Yes
    Be alone or with someone else? Theoretically. o.O

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? No
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? Snow yes, Rain no.
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? No.
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Yes.
    Had an imaginary friend? No
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? Yes
    Ever Cried During A Flick? No
    Ever liked a teacher? No
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? Yes
    Ever Prank Called Someone? Yes
    Been On Stage? Yes

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Blue
    Day/Night? Day
    Favourite Kind of music? None
    Lace or Satin? Satin
    Favourite Cartoon Character? They all pretty much rock.
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Happy
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? In person.
    Lust Or Love? Love

    Do you Have a bf/gf? No
    Who's your loudest friend? Myself.
    Who is the shyest? Myself. (I'm a shy loudmouth. XD )
    Who do you go to for advice? Nobody usually.
    Most Mean? I don't keep mean friends.
    Most sarcastic? Nor sarcastic friends.

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Yes
    Miss someone? Yes
    Hugged someone you liked? Yes
    Fought With Your Parents? Yes
    Laughed Until You Cried? Yes
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? Yes
    Went To The Beach At Night? No

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? No
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? Yes

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? No
    Do you believe in Love? Yes
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? No
    *snips* You don't need two. <= o.O
    Do you believe in soulmates? No
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? No
    Do you believe in Heaven? No
    Do you believe in Hell? No
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: No

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? My parents? o.O
    What Is Right Next To You? A chair?
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? Wood.
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 0109
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? 3, 25, 40
    How's The Weather Right now: Beautiful.
    How do you eat Oreos? Whole.
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? No
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? I wouldn't.
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? No

    Which forum do you visit the most? General Chat
    Do you visit the website often? Too many to count.
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Yes!
    Would you say the admins did a good job? Yes!
    Do you find the forum members friendly? Mostly all of them, yes.
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? Meh...
    Do you feel at home on the fora? Yes
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? No
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? They were split?
    Other thoughts: Zeeky Boogy Doog!
    --It's me!--

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