I want to make a thread about EoFF. I've not been around the forums a whole lot lately because my attention has been spent elsewhere. Don't get me wrong, EoFF is a great place and I have some friends that I want to stay in contact with, but as of recently, I've been having a love-hate relationship with EoFF. For one, I love EoFF's community. It's amazing, I love how it's very close-knit, but lately I've been feeling that I don't fit in as much as I used to. One of the reason is that I really don't like the lack of a real art scene here. There's hardly anyone providing art, there's probably a few of us who do still post art from time to time. I had to stop because I'm not getting anything from the members, about what they like, or not like. I don't see much of a real appreciation to the art here than I do elsewhere. There's more of a writing scene here, since we have a great collection of writers, and the writing prompt thread is still pretty active, compared to the dead art prompt I've tried. Anyway, yeah! EoFF: Great community/ Terrible art scene

So, to the other members. What do you think is great and bad about EoFF? And do limit your post to one thing for what's good and what's bad, unless you plan to pull a Steve.