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Thread: Birds!

  1. #16
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    I am a very big fan of most birds. I say most, because I am not a fan of whatever the hell bird tweets like a smurfing car alarm every morning outside my flat. Tweet. Tweet. Tweet. Tweet. Tweet. God it's like a freakin' broken record.

    So, with the exception of birds that do that, I love birds. Like Nicky, I grew up in New Zealand where birds are something a little close to the heart. I remember having loads of puzzles and books on the birds of New Zealand. They were also the theme at my wedding because Danielle likes them so much, too. Birds make me think of her for that reason, especially when I see one or two flying on their own.

    My favourite bird species is, without doubt, the tui. It is a beautiful creature in both appearance and sound. I adored the days when I would wake up to the sound of a tui. There was a tui when I visited the Auckland Zoo that I would frequently "converse" with.

    Other than the Tui, I'm also a fan of fantails, takahē, terrestrial birds of prey (hawks, eagles, falcons, owls etc), albatross and kea. I also find the birds of paradise to be incredibly beautiful.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  2. #17
    <3 Recognized Member Jess's Avatar
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    I'm not a fan of birds. I have a tree at the bottom of my driveway and they like to poop on my car on a regular basis. I spend a lot of money having my car cleaned.

    Otherwise, I don't mind them.

  3. #18


    A bird is my current nemesis. I work late at night and there is a single mockingbird across the street that goes crazy from about 11 until I got to bed at 3. I find that bird song is generally cringe inducing for me just because it makes it sound like dawn, so this bird really just unsettles me a lot when I'm trying to work at night. I recorded a bit of it last night.

  4. #19
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    My first ever pet was a budgie called Mickey which unfortunately went insane in later life.

    Mickey used to stay in our front room and kept himself either to his cage or the curtain rail. When I was 5 or 6, I was playing with my Action Force figures in the front room when suddenly I saw something yellow/green out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head to the right. Sat on my shoulder was what can only be described as a face of pure evil... a demonic hellbird intent on causing intense pain and suffering.

    Naturally my 5-year-old self panicked and ran screaming into the dining room. My 9-year-old brother was in the dining room and saw me come pelting into the room shrieking whilst being chased by a deranged budgie. We then, both now screaming, ran into the kitchen with Mad Mickey in hot pursuit. Our Mum was in there lovingly preparing a casserole for our dinner. Taking the 'every brother for himself approach' we ran straight past her into the bathroom and barricaded ourselves in. We spent the next ten minutes listening to the muffled screams of our own mother as she fended off attacks from the maniacal feathery fiend.

    He unfortunately passed away a few weeks later... so ends the tale of Mickey the Mother Mauling Budgerigar.
    Yeah unfortunately insanity in birds is a real thing. Can happen especially if the bird has been caged for too long. Birds have a lot of personality, well the parrots anyway. I've seen them inhibit emotions of rage, happiness, amusement, jealously and yes even insanity at one point. We had a bird that wanted a mate and went insane by ripping all his feathers out. We fortunately found him a mate and he now lives happily with the mate's owner.

  5. #20
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    I remember when my friend and I found some baby birds and like an idiot he touched them and then next thing we know birds were surrounding us everywhere. I got chased by one in my smurfing backyard!

    I was paranoid around birds for so long after that.

  6. #21
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    Also I think it's fair to note that whole beautiful love birds are assholes. In my experience as a bird breeder and caretaker since I was eight, I have found to have the best experiences with cockatiels and senegals. Even some African grays can be a bit sketchy but there are sweethearts but because of their high intelligence they will be docks of they are in a bad mood which includes mocking you. I had an African gray that would yell profanities whenever I walked by and then laughed when I ssid that wasnt nice. He also took a good chunk out of my hand but he hated me because I favor the Senegal and I resent him because he's a replacement for my favorite African gray that was stolen from me.

  7. #22


    Robins. They make me think of a snowy English Winter's day.

  8. #23
    Cloudane's Avatar
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    Oh yeah car pooping is an issue, heh. I was driving along last week and there was this MASSIVE thud/splat, for a moment I thought I'd hit something. Turns out that the sizeable seagulls around here can also have rather sizeable bowel movements. It practically repainted the car.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yeargdribble View Post
    A bird is my current nemesis.
    This seems so contrary to having best pony for your avatar
    Even tweets don't make sense any more..

  9. #24
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    It must be awesome to be able to poop anywhere you want. If reincarnation is real I want to be reincarnated into a bird.

  10. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Jinx View Post
    I really like birds a lot. I think they're funny and cute. My favorites are ravens and crows, but we have some ducks that live around here. Last year they had a bunch of babies that would swim on the river!

    We also get a lot of seagulls. The river froze over this year, and when it was melting, about 30 or so would stand on an ice flow and just ride it down the river. Then once they got underneath the bridge they'd fly off and do it again. It made me laugh every time I saw them.

    What are your favorite kinds of birds? (Also, hi, Calliope!)
    Wow, something we share in common. I have 3 birds at home and they were raised hand fed, in other words...they're as tame as your common dog or house cat.

    I like cockatiels, blue quakers and sun conures. Cute little critters they are. LOL

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