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Thread: So how is everyone doing?

  1. #676


    Well, it sure has been a while.
    A long long while...
    Props to LoonyBob for being so persistant to get me on here.

    When did life get so darn busy?

  2. #677
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Yeah, I'll echo that... I remember when I was at school, would get home by around 3:30pm and have the rest of the day to do all the nothing I wanted.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  3. #678
    Wanna live forever? Mikztsu's Avatar
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    That kind of freedom I miss!

    Retirement - cannot wait it.
    ('-'*)/ - "sup"

  4. #679


    Now I get this weird guilty feeling when I've been playing video games all day. Which does still happen! I have been playing Chrono Trigger and Grandia recently. I was also playing Earthbound not too long ago.. until someone accidently erased the saves by being to rough with the SNES. *sigh*

  5. #680


    Quote Originally Posted by Robb View Post
    This place got me through some very tough childhood years.
    That is exactly what I was thinking.

  6. #681
    Wanna live forever? Mikztsu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    She didn't, you obviously just spent most of your time chatting with her instead of posting with her.

    I don't know much about this YMCA parody (not as much as I'd like to know, that's for sure) but my fondest memories of Nait are his stories and lore regarding EoFF characters. I think I remember a certain tale regarding Bleys and ...was it Raistlin? Anyway, it was all kinds of raunchy...

    EDIT: Also...

    Quote Originally Posted by Nait
    To Forgive.

    A word in the english language. A word, or idiom, found probably in every human language on Earth. Antaa anteeksi, att förlĺta.

    As our saviour Britt stepped down from the Mount Gurugurutsikapovaaaaing, he brought us the message of Shut The smurf Up Before I Make You Hurt Real Much. But he also brought the message of It Is The Final Decision And Nothing Will Budge Us From Unhurting. And he also brought the message of He Stays Hurt. And so forth and so forth. Now, let's read a paragraph from the Edible.

    Book of Kishi: 3:
    Thus did the apprentice Murder lap-pour His coffee.
    And he asked forgiveness on his knees, and he wailed, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please don't hurt me.
    And He stood up in his divine glory, and the stains disappeared from his cloak, and his face bore the wrath of the High Heavens and his eyed burned with holy ire.
    And he opened his mouth and the white flames of the purifying rivers of Paradise B sprout forth, and the earth shook, and the skies were ablaze.
    18: And the seas rose and sunk, and the trees grew abnormally fast, and the trouts swam in discord, and the sausages popped, and the medical closets all over the world opened, and the angels wailed, and the daemons cowered, and the cows mooed, and the bird didn't give a damn, and the houses danced, though slowly, and people shouted out to their Gods saying, Oh, help us, oh he's not going to help us, oh gods, we're smurfed.
    19: And He spake, saying: That's OK.
    20: And everyone breathed again.
    21: All expect he who was called apprentice Murder and who passed out.

    Now, let us pray.

    Dear Sean, who art up there somewhere, I dunno, probably, if you are not drunk,
    Hear our prayers and sooth the heart of those who are in guilt, and those who are in pain of heart. Hear our prayers and bring forth the bonds of forgiveness you gave us last month, because we really, really need them. Oh, and BOU asked for a lottery-win. And BoB wants a new car. But that's about it. And say hi to missus Sean, and tell her we enjoyed her gingerbreads very much. And try to stay outta the spirits for just a little while, eh? Amen.

    Pee Ess: I could really use some Old Bearhugger, if you catch my drift, eh, eh.
    EDIT: Found some more gold!

    Quote Originally Posted by Nait
    It was a warm and sunny spring-day. The snow had just melted, and the rivers were running wild with their new, cold blood.
    And here I was, inside in the darkest, dreariest hovel imaginable - a house downtown Eyeson. Correction - a murder scene downtown Eyeson.
    I glanced at Dan. "Yikes."
       "Yikes indeed," he answered.
    I returned my look back to the sordid view before us. Two bodies, one male in red robes, wearing a golden mask and a long, white wig, one female wearing a Soviet-era uniform and a fake walrus-moustache, arranged in the choreography of love. A choreography paralysed by violent death.
       "Gives a whole new meaning to 'rigor mortis', doesn't it?" I tried to lighten the mood.
    Dan just looked at me.
       "The male is Wesley Ruston, 26 year old school-buss driver, lived on Main Street with his mother. The woman is Sheba Mountleigh, 24 years old, married, lived here. Her husband has been out of town for a week, and found them like this this morning."
    "They were shot at close range with an old Colt, no fingerprints. A day or three old, we'll have to wait for the lab."
       "Hmmm," I hmmed. "Witnesses?"
       "The neighbours heard nothing."
       "Tricky," I concluded. "The hubby's alibi?"
       "Drinking-binge, followed by off-road driving and a day of sitting in the jail to sleep it off."
       "Tricky..." I repeated.
    I looked around at the bustling and hustling CSI. "Outside?"
    As we got out of the stinking apartment, I stared at the sky as Dan lit a cigar.
       "Your wife'll go berserk."
       "She'll survive."
    I shook my head at him.
       "So..." he said after a moment. "Any ideas?"
       "None whatsoever."
       "Tsk. Too bad." He blew a smoke-ring.
       "I wonder..."
       "Who's going to pry them apart?" I said as I picked out a handkerchief and blew my nose in it.
       "Oh shut up."

    To Be Continued.
    First of all, Hi Chauntell ( amirite?)! I'm looking at your post count. You never really posted 100?

    Secondly, I think you now scared Nait away BoB. You slammed to his face what's been keeping him from coming back! You don't have it so bad, Nait. I used to draw some very disturbed stuff with MS paint and post it here. This hobby of mine even carried to FFXI, where I became notorious for posting similar things on LS websites. But this time, penises and asses became involved too. Plus lots of other stuff. Actually I got contact from old FFXI friend and she had two scans which had me in tears.

    Seriously though Nait, great stuff. smurf me it made my EoFF experience better when there was another weirdly Finn.
    ('-'*)/ - "sup"

  7. #682
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    I accidentally played for six hours straight a few days ago; finished at 5AM. Was teaching pre-school that same day, as well.

    It was rough, but so so worth it.

  8. #683


    Quote Originally Posted by Mikztsu View Post
    First of all, Hi Chauntell ( amirite?)! I'm looking at your post count. You never really posted 100?
    I certainly spent more time lurking and in chat than posting it seems.

  9. #684
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    We pruned a lot of posts back in something like 2003 when we actually had to worry about server space. You definitely made more than 100 posts.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  10. #685
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shorty View Post
    all I care about is that I'm remembered
    Unfortunately, no matter how hard I try to pretend you never happened, it is impossible. I hope that fulfills your wish.

  11. #686


    I guess maybe I should say more about what I have been up to...
    hmmm, well! I'm a social worker and I work at a women's shelter currently. I run and anti-violence group with children and I do counselling. Never thought I'd ever go to university, but here I am with two BAs. I still enjoy doing art but I mostly do it on the side for now.
    This is starting to look like a resume.
    I still live at home.. but I am looking to move out this summer with my boyfriend.. who is actually more into video games than I am.. and equally charming.
    Why is it that it seems a only a small paragraph sums up the past 10 years of my life?

    Ok, now for the sappy part:
    I have read a few people's posts about how this place helped them through their teenage years and I can really relate to that. I was a really shy kid growing up with not much confidence in myself. Coming on here, I fely accepted and I felt like I could be myself without being judged in the way that I had been at school. The people here kept me company when I am sure I would have felt pretty alone otherwise. For that I am very thankful.

  12. #687
    Not responsible for WWI Citizen Bleys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikztsu View Post
    /wave Robb. Early days in #EoFF, always remember you. Yes, would be nice to get Chaunty to post on this topic too. Again I hear name I had forgotten even existed, how silly. It's kinda like getting free people you never had. Sometimes you forget money in your pocket and find it, by that time it's free money to many.

    I soon have 100 gilz. Can I trade my onehundred for something even more awesome?
    Get yourself some Triple Triad cards, then challenge me.

    I'll only use level 1 cards.

  13. #688
    *permanently smitten*
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    Woah, that's awesome Chauntell! That sounds like very rewarding and engaging work.

    Quote Originally Posted by Robb View Post
    Can't believe this place is still going strong since.. 2001? When I originally joined. Lots of people have come and gone. But the memories will always remain. This place got me through some very tough childhood years.

    After making a lot of friends.. Daniel, Nicky, Rinoa, Danni, Daryl, Kawaii Ryűkishi .. and some enemies.. Scottie (I still hate you, try picking on me now) I only have two people that I still keep in touch with via the wonders of Facebook. Which is how I know about this thread now.

    So..... Hi?
    I'm glad you stopped by; I was too shy to ping you on FaceBook. You and your fast cars! Hullo.

  14. #689
    Wanna live forever? Mikztsu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen Bleys View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mikztsu View Post
    /wave Robb. Early days in #EoFF, always remember you. Yes, would be nice to get Chaunty to post on this topic too. Again I hear name I had forgotten even existed, how silly. It's kinda like getting free people you never had. Sometimes you forget money in your pocket and find it, by that time it's free money to many.

    I soon have 100 gilz. Can I trade my onehundred for something even more awesome?
    Get yourself some Triple Triad cards, then challenge me.

    I'll only use level 1 cards.

    I'm awful at it. I'm more into pompous stuff, like duels. Monkey Island sword fight style.
    ('-'*)/ - "sup"

  15. #690
    Very VIP person Tech Admin Rantz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikztsu View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen Bleys View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mikztsu View Post
    /wave Robb. Early days in #EoFF, always remember you. Yes, would be nice to get Chaunty to post on this topic too. Again I hear name I had forgotten even existed, how silly. It's kinda like getting free people you never had. Sometimes you forget money in your pocket and find it, by that time it's free money to many.

    I soon have 100 gilz. Can I trade my onehundred for something even more awesome?
    Get yourself some Triple Triad cards, then challenge me.

    I'll only use level 1 cards.

    I'm awful at it. I'm more into pompous stuff, like duels. Monkey Island sword fight style.
    You fight like a cow!

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