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Thread: Kojima-helmed Metal Gear Solid 5 announced

  1. #1
    Bolivar's Avatar
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    For a so called "genius" Kojima seems to be having a hard time moving onto different projects. The guys imagination is limited. Not that I have doubts that MGS5 will be bad or anything.

  3. #3
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreddz View Post
    For a so called "genius" Kojima seems to be having a hard time moving onto different projects. The guys imagination is limited. Not that I have doubts that MGS5 will be bad or anything.
    You did see the part where they mention him talking about a new IP in the issue as well right?

    I have to wonder to some degree how much of this is Kojima actually wanting to do another MGS, and how much is Konami wanting another one and him being the only one anyone will let touch it. That said, the article did say they weren't sure if he'll actually be directing this one, or simply producing it. Since any MGS game is probably going to be made at Kojima Studios anyway, his name would be attached whether he had a major hand in it or not.

  4. #4


    I never really got into the whole Metal Gear Solid phenomenon. The second was plagued by extensive codec communication and gameplay I couldn't really enjoy, and Peace Walker, while OK, doesn't grab me the way games I prefer do. But I would probably buy the new one if Kojima is involved and it gets good reviews. I have to give it another go to see if I can start to enjoy it more.

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    KentaRawr!'s Avatar
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    He's been wanting to end MGS since the second game. :P It's his most popular series so he's asked to work on it most often. He's done other projects as well, but that's easily his most profitable one, so thar you go.

  6. #6
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I'm not surprised its announced, but I do question what's left to even talk about. I mean I guess he could do another Big Boss story, or use Raiden, or really throw fans off and do The Boss and Cobras in WWII, but seriously, everything has been tied up and most characters are kind of out of action (or at least want to be) so I'm curious to see what is left to do with the franchise short of a complete reboot.

    I'm hoping he'll return to focusing on stealth and not combat though...

  7. #7
    Proudly Loathsome ;) DMKA's Avatar
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    I'm with Wolf Kanno. MGS4 pretty much wrapped up everything. I don't see what MGS5 could be about.
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    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DMKA View Post
    I'm with Wolf Kanno. MGS4 pretty much wrapped up everything. I don't see what MGS5 could be about.
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  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Bubbaforever View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by DMKA View Post
    I'm with Wolf Kanno. MGS4 pretty much wrapped up everything. I don't see what MGS5 could be about.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubbaforever View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by DMKA View Post
    I'm with Wolf Kanno. MGS4 pretty much wrapped up everything. I don't see what MGS5 could be about.
    One man wages a war against household bacteria armed only with a bottle of surface cleaner and some baby wipes...

    Metal gear Solid 5: Domestic Assassin
    Pure genius!

    Btw, do we still know what's happening with Rising? Kojima Studios has gone all Versus on us :/

  11. #11
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    ^ There's going to be a reveal of Rising at Spike's Video Game Awards. I think the game was temporarily delayed while Kojima Productions finalized its FOX Engine (which is next gen-ready) much like FFXIII had little progress while the White/Crystal Tools Engine was being finalized. It was finished a few weeks ago, so I assume it's full steam ahead and we can expect a release sooner rather than later.

    I think MGS5 will probably be the Vita title Kojima talked about at Sony's reveal of the system. The concept is a full PS3-quality title which you can play at home, auto-saving on the cloud, and then leave your house and keep playing it on the go. There's been a lot building up to it - he said the MGS HD collection allowing you to transfer Peace Walker saves to play on PSP and eventually MGS2 and 3 on Vita were phases 1 and 2 . He also said Peace Walker was a template for this future project.

    So I hope you all liked co-op Metal Gear, because I think this will essentially a Peace Walker 2 - a hub of story missions and mini-challenges in which you can connect and form parties with friends to tackle them co-operatively or go head to head in multiplayer.

    What would really take this to the next level, is if KP integrated the third iteration of Metal Gear Online. I lost so many hours in the PS3 version, and booting it up a few months ago, I still feel it was a fantastic multiplayer experience. Some of the social events were utterly brilliant, like weekly tournaments were you can form a team with 5 other friends and take on team after team in special matches for increased rewards. Since Vita is supposed to be a strongly networked device, it would be awesome to connect and take on people playing on both Vita and PS3 much like Wipeout will do. Since both Rising and the FOX Engine are multiplatform, I would expect this to also release on Xbox 360. Peace Walker had PSP connectivity, but that didn't stop it from showing up on the collection.

    As far as Kojima's involvement, I do believe it a tad sad that such a creative mind is chained to one property after expressing interest in moving on. But the MGS games keep astonishing me and I can't say that about any other series. Besides, I wouldn't be surprised if his protege Murata, who was supposed to direct 3 and 4, has been doing it anyway, with just Kojima's name attached and Kojima helping out along the way (although they did say Hideo Kojima like 9 times in MGS4's opening...). I'll be interested in seeing what Project Ogre is.

  12. #12


    As much as I love the Metal Gear series, it worries me. I think I'd rather see a new franchise.

  13. #13
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    I thought MGS4 wrapped everything up nicely. I'm not sure what the 5th entry would be, unless it's another Big Boss tale.

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  14. #14
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    Well, it looks like the "announcement" has been clarified a little bit:

    Kojima on Metal Gear Solid 5: “We’ll have to make it at some point” | Warp Zoned

    So OPM UK was basically generating a little pre-issue hype, as in the interview Kojima states that Metal Gear Solid 5 is something "we'll probably have to make at some point." Which is kinda good, because maybe now he can focus on whatever "Project Ogre" ends up being. He also said he wouldn't necessarily direct, as he's been really keen on the idea of letting a subordinate create a MGS from the ground up. There's also some pretty interesting tid bits, like how Kojima designed the levels and enemy patrol routes himself in MGS1. That's a lot of work, and I'm always amazed at the game design behind sneaking and clearing levels in MGS1.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Bolivar View Post
    Well, it looks like the "announcement" has been clarified a little bit:

    Kojima on Metal Gear Solid 5: “We’ll have to make it at some point” | Warp Zoned

    So OPM UK was basically generating a little pre-issue hype, as in the interview Kojima states that Metal Gear Solid 5 is something "we'll probably have to make at some point." Which is kinda good, because maybe now he can focus on whatever "Project Ogre" ends up being. He also said he wouldn't necessarily direct, as he's been really keen on the idea of letting a subordinate create a MGS from the ground up. There's also some pretty interesting tid bits, like how Kojima designed the levels and enemy patrol routes himself in MGS1. That's a lot of work, and I'm always amazed at the game design behind sneaking and clearing levels in MGS1.
    Indeed. The sneaking gameplay in MGS1 was so simple, yet so much fun and thrilling at the same time.

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