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Thread: Most Overrated FF game

  1. #31
    Yes, I'm a FF III fan. Elpizo's Avatar
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    VI is the most overrated by far. So far it ain't even funny. With VII you could maybe argue how it revolutionized the genre and all, but VI's just an average 2D RPG of which there are many of similar quality, and aside for debately the first half of the story, is outclassed in pretty much everything but graphics by its direct predecesor V (and let me add more salt to the wound by saying I prefer V's graphics over VI's. At least V knew what colour was). It makes my blood boil everytime I see anyone kiss up all over VI and then say something like all games before it were just building up to the majesty of VI. Tell you what, III, IV and V hand VI its overrated cartridge any day.

  2. #32
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Man View Post
    Seriously? Did we play the same game? Granted I agree the plots of FFV and IV are awesome and V is definitely underrated but most of the characters FFVI focused on got incredibly detailed and realistic development. Granted there are a few such as Mog, Gogo, and Umaro who are mostly in there for s and giggles, but it's not like Cait Sith was any more serious. (Granted, Reeve was serious).
    Have to agree with you. The character development present in FFVI was not only believable, but some of the most in depth of any RPG at the time, especially considering the limitations of the cartridge storage media at the time. That level of focus on and development of the characters, their backstory and motivations simply didn't happen back then. I'd even argue that because of the limitations in storage space, there was a sharper focus on saying what needed to be said about the characters without dragging everything out longer than it needed to be which actually makes the development of those characters stronger in my eyes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkwolf090
    feels like people are afraid to list it out of fear of death or something!
    I did threaten those who didn't vote Kefka best villain in the census thread. Just saying.

    PS: Everyone make sure you check out the census results. If you think I'll kill you for not voting Kefka, you really don't want to know what I'll do if you don't read and enjoy the results. Thor's watching you.

    Also, FFXIII is overrated. Why? Because some people actually found some small amount of enjoyment in it. I won't rest until those people are as filled with bile and hatred at the mere mention of the game as I am.

  3. #33
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22 View Post
    Also, FFXIII is overrated. Why? Because some people actually found some small amount of enjoyment in it. I won't rest until those people are as filled with bile and hatred at the mere mention of the game as I am.
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  4. #34
    Recognized Member Flying Arrow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22 View Post
    Also, FFXIII is overrated. Why? Because some people actually found some small amount of enjoyment in it. I won't rest until those people are as filled with bile and hatred at the mere mention of the game as I am.
    This is a noble endeavor.

  5. #35


    I can't wait until Final Fantasy XX comes out and the fans then will be talking about what overrated crap it was while FFXIII was greatness.

    Anyway, of the FFs I've completed, which is the most overrated?

    Final Fantasy VIII. In this post-Spoony reviews age it might not seem like it but this game was pretty damn popular back then. It also maintains a pretty large fanbase even today.

    It has the most unlikable main party of the entire series (that's including the basically personality-less party of FF2), the battle system can be broken by leaning on it and the plot collapses on itself as it goes along.

    Oh sure, there were bright spots. I liked Laguna and some aspects of the story. The music was, of course, quite good. Sadly those things could not save this game.

    I have another suggestion that popped into my mind when I brought up Laguna.


    This game's story is awful and the dialogue resembling an extra cheese pizza with a heaping helping of old ham doesn't help any.

  6. #36
    pirate heartbreaker The Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elpizo View Post
    It makes my blood boil everytime I see anyone kiss up all over VI and then say something like all games before it were just building up to the majesty of VI.
    Calm down. It's just a smurfing game.
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  7. #37
    Yes, I'm a FF III fan. Elpizo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Man View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Elpizo View Post
    It makes my blood boil everytime I see anyone kiss up all over VI and then say something like all games before it were just building up to the majesty of VI.
    Calm down. It's just a smurfing game.
    Calm down, it's just an expression.

  8. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken Lover View Post
    I can't wait until Final Fantasy XX comes out and the fans then will be talking about what overrated crap it was while FFXIII was greatness...
    Unfortunately... wait, you shall... this will assuredly never happen.
    Quote Originally Posted by cloud_doll View Post
    Why on Earth they decided it was worth making so many spin-offs and sequels is beyond me.
    In my opinion, the reason VII has been tapped for a larger overarching universe is the same reason why fans loved VI, why VIII should have instead been released on the PS3, and why fans looked forward to XIII and still holdout hope for Versus XIII to redeem its lineage. It's the surreal modern-reality with sci-fi edge. Sure, every Fantasy has had Airships, but VI had Magitek, VII had motorcycles, VIII had gunblades, and XIII had transforming giants and apparently Versus has some kind of teleporting prince (Prince of Persia?).
    It's the voice of the 90-2 generation crying out for the future. This is the reason why any Fantasy set in a medieval period needs to be accompanied by some form of technological advancements that could only appear in fantasy.

    As for why it's overrated... frankly, I don't know. People who still play it today should realize it's got more problems than achievements. Still, I recall no such experience as racing down a highway and slashing oncoming attackers, flashing back to a memorable battle beside Cloud's idol, Sephiroth, wherein he topples a badass Dragon in two strokes (the only way Cloud even survives is if his Pre-Empt materia kicks in), snowboarding, watching the very guy I'VE been controlling throughout the game suddenly flip out and hand over the most destructive item to the very douche I've been trying to find and kill... parachuting into Midgar, obtaining "Knights of Round", watching the Omnislash, even the somewhat complicated and perhaps even partially aggravating process of catching and breeding chocobos to obtain the Gold Chocobo. Hell, even Cloud getting all dolled up for the Don was more memorable than I'd like.
    Aerith's death was more an inconvenience than an actual tear-jerker. The first time I played, I'd put so much work into her, finally obtaining the Great Gospel and I don't think I even managed to use it once. Never had any need for it right before she left.

    Right, well, anyway, so, what was I saying again?

  9. #39
    Nerf This~ Laddy's Avatar
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    I'm getting a lot of flame for this.

    Final Fantasy VII is not overatted In a way, I fid some of its biggest fans underatting it. I mean, you have a great (if not always well told) and emotional storyline. It's just...the whole yaoi thing id really starting to destroy. If FFVII had a much less over-the-top style about it, it would be taken more seriously.

    It's an emotional story with a good message, yet its ridiculous art style covers some of the intelligence behind it, and it's essentially treated far worse than it should be with its crappy fan fiction and spin-offs.

  10. #40
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    FFVII: a good, fun game that I enjoy playing, with a likable cast of characters. However, the story is so poorly done, and the 2nd and 3rd discs disappoint me every time. It's like there were two sets of writers, one for the first disc and another for the other two -- or maybe they were just rushed getting the rest of the game done. The first disc is really good.

    FFX: *gag* Bad, linear gameplay; bad characters; and a terrible story.

    I would say FFVIII, but outside of a few hardcore fans, it seems that a lot of people already dislike it sufficiently.

  11. #41
    Back of the net Recognized Member Heath's Avatar
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    I'd go for VII or X. I wouldn't say IX is overrated. A lot of people are big fans of it on EoFF (myself included), as Aaron said, but amongst my offline friends, many don't rate IX very highly at all..

    Now don't get me wrong, I think VII is a very good game, but I think that the amount of people who seem to consider it the gold standard of computer gaming are a bit off the mark. I enjoy VII very much, but I think there's a lot of people who seem to rate it too highly. In terms of number of overraters, I'd say VII.

    In terms of the amount a game is overrated (i.e. the extent to which people think the game is better than I consider it to be, rather than the number of people who overrated it), I think X hits the mark. Again, I like X, despite it being one of my least favourite entries in the series. In terms of story and characters, I think it's weak. Yet there are a lot of people who I know who seem to consider this one of the best games in the series and I'll never for the life of me understand.
    Not my words Carol, the words of Top Gear magazine.

  12. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by Mercen-X View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken Lover View Post
    I can't wait until Final Fantasy XX comes out and the fans then will be talking about what overrated crap it was while FFXIII was greatness...
    Unfortunately... wait, you shall... this will assuredly never happen.
    These things go in cycles. Given how predictable and whiny the FF fanbase is, I see no reason to doubt things repeating..

    FFXIII is immensely popular, despite what a vocal minority thinks. Given time this liking will grow even more while the haters slowly fade away. After years of nostalgia help blind people even more, FF20 will come out and all the old XIII fns will be up in arms about how it's not as good.

    That's just how human nature is.

  13. #43


    FFVII today is more overhated than overrated IMO.

    The most overrated FF game IMHO is FFVI. The level of prise fans give this game(together with Xenogears, Chrono Trigger, and FF Tatctics) is absurd.
    Yes, all these 4 games are awesome, but people look at them as if they are the best RPG games ever made and that nothing will ever surpass them. Come on!

    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Arrow View Post
    And to completely contradict what I just said, I feel like I also need to give some props to FFIX's plot for being over-rated. It's great at the beginning and utter trash by the end. Fans like it because the final twists are pure fan-service and shout outs to the 2D games. That's cute and all, but I find it's still pretty dumb. And dumb is just dumb no matter how you slice it.
    I love FFIX but I have to agree with this. The final disc was horrible. A place named Memoria, the Crystal World and the Original Crystal, Necron... All those things came out of nowhere.

    Question: Do you know why Kefka succeeded in destroying the planet?

    Answer: Because the planet didn't fight back.

  14. #44
    pirate heartbreaker The Man's Avatar
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    I barely ever see anyone express hate for FFVII. I just hear people saying it's overrated, and not an example of a perfect RPG.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elpizo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by The Man View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Elpizo View Post
    It makes my blood boil everytime I see anyone kiss up all over VI and then say something like all games before it were just building up to the majesty of VI.
    Calm down. It's just a smurfing game.
    Calm down, it's just an expression.
    An expression that expresses annoyance and/or anger. As I said. It's just a smurfing game.
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  15. #45
    Yes, I'm a FF III fan. Elpizo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Man View Post

    Quote Originally Posted by Elpizo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by The Man View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Elpizo View Post
    It makes my blood boil everytime I see anyone kiss up all over VI and then say something like all games before it were just building up to the majesty of VI.
    Calm down. It's just a smurfing game.
    Calm down, it's just an expression.
    An expression that expresses annoyance and/or anger. As I said. It's just a smurfing game.
    Well, fine, if I can't even decide myself anymore what I meant or how I feel, I'll be annoyed and angered from now on.

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