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Thread: Best games of 2010

  1. #31


    It was so hard to excluse 3D Dot from my top 11, though I give in an honorable 12th place. ;p

  2. #32
    oreodaredattoomotteyagaru Recognized Member JKTrix's Avatar
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    I like it when people state their opinions/perspective as fact.

  3. #33
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roto13 View Post
    I usually don't tell people when I do this, but you are finally going on my ignore list right smurfing now.
    Good to know I finally made it, have fun. Peace out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rase View Post
    wasn't aware that Dragon Quest IX, Rune Factory 3, No More Heroes 2, Halo Reach, Alan Wake, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, Professor Layton, and Mass Effect 2 were PS3 only. What have I been playing them on then I wonder?
    No I never said all the games mentioned I merely said at the start of the thread the games mentioned were on PS3 only I was reffering to the first couple of posts after that a lot of people posted a few games from other formats.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22 View Post
    Didn't you know, Iceglow only sees PS3 fanboys everywhere he goes.
    Actually Vivi, if I only saw PS3 fanboys everywhere I probably would have shot myself by now, fact is some of you are too quick to look for a slight. Also I've said it before, yes the 360 is my console of choice but I work with all 3 consoles and both handheld formats alongside PC games to boot. I have no choice in my job but to remain as impartial as possible. I can name every pro or con to owning any of the 3 consoles from a gamers perspective. I've also played most games if my games of the year were merely me being a rabid 360 fanboy who only sees ps3 fanboys everywhere would I have included games such as Gran Turismo 5? Theres other games I'd include too such as Heavy Rain which I believe is a must play for all gamers regardless. I'd also count God Of War 3 if it wasn't for the fact that Castlevania Lord of Shadow provides a more diverse gameplay of the same style which proves to be more enthralling and entertaining overall in my opinion. God of War was merely God of War, if you like the series then yes, play it because you want to know how it ends everyone who follows a series like that would but if you want a game what delivers a more diverse and satisfying experience, play Castlevania instead.

    Quote Originally Posted by JKTrix View Post
    I like it when people state their opinions/perspective as fact.
    I put all my opinions in brackets in my post because of this, they are ofcourse opinions. Ofcourse some of my opinions ring true of comments said by many including professional reviewers but end of day they're not true for everyone and this is why any poll detailing the "best game in the world" or similar is a bit of a bad joke. Much like music it's a matter of opinion or did everyone skip listening to the words and understanding the meaning behind Tenacious D's "Best song in the world" when it became insanely popular a couple of years ago...

  4. #34
    Recognized Member G13's Avatar
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    Way to derail another thread into baseless talk of fanboys, Steve.

  5. #35
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JKTrix View Post
    I like it when people state their opinions/perspective as fact.

  6. #36
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guardian XIII View Post
    Way to derail another thread into baseless talk of fanboys, Steve.
    It's what he does best!

  7. #37
    card mod ur face Rocket Edge's Avatar
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    Iceglow, I'm pretty sure people don't care about a PS3/360 rivalry here, no need to make it an issue.

    Call of Duty: Black Ops - The best game I've played this year. I use it almost solely for Multiplayer, so I can only reference from it. I personally found the online multiplayer from MW2 so flawed. It was a great big campfest (people staying in the same position with a silenced gun and waiting for people to come along). What Treyarch did so effectively in the maps was keep camping to a minimum. Plus they made the sub-machine guns better so players are more inclined to run-and-gun.

    Aside from that, I cannot tell you how disappointed I was with Final Fantasy XIII. I really hope Square listens to the complaints made and produces the gold from the years previously.

    Str8 Pimpin'

  8. #38
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Wait, are we meant to be posting games that we haven't played or something? I thought we were only posting about the games we've played... I mean, if someone doesn't have an Xbox 360 (or doesn't choose to use it) then I would imagine they wouldn't post about 360 exclusives being awesome. You can't say a game is your favourite of the year if you haven't played it, that would be silly. As for the accusations that only PS3 games were being mentioned, the first post mentions four games (including the 'number one') which can't be played on the PS3, the second post only mentioned an Xbox 360 exclusive, the third post (well, excusing Roto's which doesn't mention his choice of games of the year) mentioned four games that couldn't be played on the PS3. So before anyone goes around 'merely' saying that
    Quote Originally Posted by Iceglow
    at the start of the thread the games mentioned were on PS3 only I was reffering to the first couple of posts after that a lot of people posted a few games from other formats
    that they do their homework.

    Love you, Stevie. :<3: *runs*
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  9. #39
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    Love you, Stevie. :<3: *runs*
    Unless Dannielle was stealing your keyboard to type that line you best be running else my projectile vomit of rage might cause you to rage quit eoff!

  10. #40


    I had the most fun playing Graces F this year, though to be honest no games really stuck out to me as "OMG AWESOME DO ME LIKE A ..."

    I haven't played any hentai games in a while.

  11. #41

    Default Best games of the year

    i am a great game player. I had played a lot of games yet i do not find any game which put me in difficulties but i think which games you suggest are the interesting one and compete me. i think 2010 is the gaming year which introduce a no. of good games.

  12. #42
    Recognized Member Flying Arrow's Avatar
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    First day of 2011 so this thread is still relevant. Just finished Alpha Protocol this evening. Long story short: a little rough around the edges but overall very impressive. Second favourite game of 2010, after SSF4. I recommend it to RPG fans who are into the Deus Ex skill tree/espionage thing and Bioware's dialogue systems (although it is easily better than anything BW has done in recent memory). Fans of straight up shooters should probably look elsewhere though.

  13. #43
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    It's been a hard year for me in terms of actually having play time for games. My consoles are collecting dust cause I haven't had time to put them to use but like Flying Arrow I also purchased a PS3 this year so I'm also still playing catch up on a lot of titles.

    SSFIV - Yeah, I don't own the game yet, but I have played it with good friends quite often. Love the added roster, especially since I do happen to have a soft spot for SFIII (hey, someone has to love the game) and I am especially happy they gave everyone new moves and finishers. The game feels more complete to me even if I still don't care for some of the new characters and how sluggish it feels.

    Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep - God its a slow year when one of my top games is a KH title. Still, this game definetly deserves it. While the story is a bit hokey at times the combat system is probably the best in the series and I will snub the ever loving hell out of KHIII if it doesn't either use it or create something that surpasses it. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED SQUENIX! The worlds might not be the top of everyone's lists but I felt they were handled rather well and I especially loved co-op mode. Kicking the crap out of the Boss rush mode with a three man team is just very satisfying. I still need to rewatch a few Disney flicks...

    Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon
    - An interesting game, not for everyone though. It has its boring points, since its basically a third-person puzzle adventure game like Myst. Still, the visuals and the atmosphere of the game is good and the story and concepts used for gameplay (like reading memories of the dead from inanimate objects) is very surprising. The game kinda wins my "hidden gem" award cause most people have never heard of it and its surprisingly better than I first thought it would be.

    Robot Unicorn Attack - Not a traditional game you would put on this list, but yes, I've had more fun with this game this year than most of my more traditional titles on traditional gaming platforms. Easily my game of the year cause its killed more of my productivity than all the game on my list combined. It's just so super special awesome.

    Tatsunoko Vs Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars - Takes the absurdity of the Vs series and punches it to 11. I probably got more of a kick out of this game than others cause I actually know who most of the Tatsunoko characters are. Gameplay is fun and fluid and the supers are either hilarious or awesome. Roll is one of my new favorite characters.


    Games I have that are from 2010 that I haven't started on or I'm too early in to say how I feel.

    White Knight Chronicles
    - I'm desperate for a next gen RPG and so while I wait for my friend to finally remember where his 360 is, so I can borrow it and finally play Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon, I picked this game up. I'm annoyed you created a character who is basically an extra in a more traditional JRPG setting but so far the game has been promising and the combat is fun even if the game gives me the middle finger for the the small text box used for naming my attacks. I want my Super Backhand Flying Monkey Death Palm combo title... which will consist of two slash attacks only.

    No More Heroes 2 - I'm kinda taking my time before I start this one, I ADORED the first game, and so I'm a bit hesitant to start the new one until my expectations become a bit more reasonable. Looking forward to this one.

    Shin Megami Tensei IV: Strange Journey - I know, as much as I praise this series I still haven't played the newest entry. Blame school and losing the game under all my junk til I decided to do some house cleaning. Its on my list for games to play this semester, portable gaming just feels better in the spring for some reason...

    Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - -Played the hell out of the Japanese and English demos but still haven't gotten around to playing the game yet.

    Persona 3 Portable - GF is lending me the game since I talked myself out of buying it but maybe after playing it, I might reconsider.

  14. #44


    I just recently started playing Need For Speed Hot Pursuit. Definitely deserves a mention in this thread. One of the best racing games I've played in a long time (well, since Motorstorm Pacific Rift).

  15. #45


    Honestly, I cannot think of a game that wowed me in 2010. The art of making games seems to have declined considerably since the consoles improved. In place of a storyline and genuinely moving characters, we are given graphics. In place of longevity and intelligence, we are given graphics. In place of fun, we are given realism. I understand that some people enjoy this in a game but I think it's desperate when such dull games as Fallout: New Vegas and Heavy Rain are considered amongst the better games of a year - neither was particularly good. New Vegas was simply a pretty average, bug-ridden sequel to a game that was itself pretty average and bug-ridden. Not that I didn't enjoy it to some extent, I just didn't enjoy it THAT much.

    Hopefully, 2011 is much better.

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