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Thread: What are your favorite movies from 2010?

  1. #46


    Does porn count because if not I haven't watched any this year

  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shiny View Post
    Black Swan.

    I've been waiting for this film for a long time and I am happy to say that the wait has paid off. Natalie Portman gave one of the best performances I've seen of an American actress in the past decade. Truly amazing. Black Swan was every bit of dramatic, intense, and captivating as I thought it would be. I'm generally good at figuring out a storyline before it reveals itself (*cough* Shutter Island *cough) but Black Swan was good at mindsmurfing you beyond belief. You feel like you're her. You experience her physical pain, her neurosis, her pleasure, everything. It was an intense experience. The only downside was the editing. What was with all the unnecessary dissolves? Again, I'm a perfectionist so this film was very personal to me as it was to some of the actors and the director. I used to be a ballerina. Good movie!
    Oh man. I watched it last night and it was so intense. I'm not a fan of psychological thrillers and there's a reason why, I could NOT sleep after watching this movie and when I finally did, I had nightmares.

    But definitely one of the best movies I've seen all year long, and even beyond that. It was really masterfully done. I was worried about how Portman would pull off being a ballerina but she did a beautiful job. Not 100%, but that's only cause I was looking at it from a pretty critical eye. But I loved everything about this movie from the amaaaazing performance by Portman, the camera work, the creepy ass use of mirrors, the terror, the costume and makeup (!!!), the music, everything except for the feeling of being totally creeped the smurf out. That made for a rough night.

    I'm not sure how I would rank this against Toy Story and Inception since all three are so different from each other.

  3. #48
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    So that's why you went to bed so late. Up watching movies without me!

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  4. #49
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    Alpha and Omega was undoubtedly my favorite movie of 2010, and is already one of my favorite movies of all time. I have a much longer review of it typed out, but I was impressed with the OST, the gripping storylines, the likeable characters, the animation, the romantasisms... and the OST. :riiight:

    Basically, I found it to be a good film for both kids, as well it is a kid's movie, and for adults because it does what the kid's movies of yore did - actually has structure, and a storyline rather than "let's see how many things we can make fun of in five seconds".

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