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Thread: How much better this game would have been if there was no X-2?

  1. #31
    Strawberry_Mew's Avatar
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    I still like X with X-2 some of the story on X-2 wuz good :3 I loved the perfect ending on that game :3

    ~Gamer 4 Life!!!! ^-^~

  2. #32


    Why all the 10-2 haters? Sure it's not a game that could stand on its own. It's more of an extension to the world of Spira. And yes it's a happier Spira then the dark world of 10. But it should be. Sin is dead. Why wouldn't the people be happy, so of course they will be opening up with *gasp* a pop concert (though I admit they could of done something else to portray this mood shift). I think of the games as 1 game. 10-2 is decent once you get past that whole Charli's Angels motif then you can really appreciate it and its storyline. One of the big complaints people had with 10 was that it was too linear and not enough side quests. Well here you go. Oh that's right you dismissed it. Square-Enix brings what you ask for and you just attack it?????? You 10-2 haters are illogical. You can also see it in this light. Think of the 6th installment (assuming you aren't just a bunch of 7 fanboys that havn't touched the old ones) . World of balance to world of ruin. For 10 World of yevon's lies to world of new orders of gov't.

  3. #33


    FFX-2 just ruined Yuna's character and image. Rikku became even more unbearable, and Lulu and Wakka had a scary kid.

    So, yes in my opinion FFX should have ended...with FFX.

  4. #34
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    The only thing I really don't understand about X-2 is Spira's mood change. Spira had been living with Sin for a thousand years, with no true respite from the spiral of death. Yet, suddenly one summoner defeats Sin and lives, and everyone accepts that the spiral has ended? It had only been two years, and despite living in a world that is defined by despair, no one thinks that Sin might return, might be reborn once more? The change is too swift, IMHO. Spira had lived in shadow too long to be so accepting of the light.

    X-2 in no way made X worse though. They're seperate games, and even if they take part in the same world, nothing compels you to play X-2. Even if you have played it, I don't see why it should change your perception of X. If you don't like X-2, fine. Forget about it, and just focus on the game you really enjoy.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  5. #35


    Its probably because of the fact that Yuna defeated Sin in a completely different way to how people were used to that allowed them to accept that Sin was permenantly gone more easily...

  6. #36
    Markusdot Markus. D's Avatar
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    X-2 is kewl :3

    Yuna and Rikku are respectable as to not be promiscious while in such outfits :] (Yes I know, the outfits... whatever, just change dressphere, not a big deal :])

    Yuna remained faithful to tidus till the very end! Tidus was (SPOILER)reborn to start a true life, He is still a hero and everyone remembers what he did (Well I'm assuming so, it's not like everyone had the whole KHII syndrome going on )

    Rikku had a new and fresh mindstate, caring for Yuna as almost a sister, instead of having the burden of watching over the Summoners... witnessing her Home being destroyed and well the whole Sin ordeal... (Feeling free to add a bit of fun to the mix this time around).

    Don't forget Paine, she's rad~

  7. #37
    A Big Deal? Recognized Member Big D's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyblade View Post
    The only thing I really don't understand about X-2 is Spira's mood change. Spira had been living with Sin for a thousand years, with no true respite from the spiral of death. Yet, suddenly one summoner defeats Sin and lives, and everyone accepts that the spiral has ended? It had only been two years, and despite living in a world that is defined by despair, no one thinks that Sin might return, might be reborn once more? The change is too swift, IMHO. Spira had lived in shadow too long to be so accepting of the light.
    Interesting point... but I think that the exposure of Yevon's secrets and deceptions would have helped the people to accept that Sin might really be gone.

    As for the people of Spira, they managed to make their own despair pretty well: Sin and Yevon are gone, so they plunge toward factional warfare within two years. It's like they're so used to violence and fear that they just can't quit...

    X-2 is a fun revisit to Spira, a chance to see how it's changed, how it's remained the same, and to gain a few more insights into its history. An enjoyable game for me, a lively 'coda' to Yuna's story. Not the same kind of epic scope as X, but I don't think that was ever the intention either.

  8. #38


    I think its completely natural after a very dark time for humans to swing the opposite way and become light-hearted and facetious, as happens in X2.

    If you look at history of last century eg, after World War 1 there were the 20s which was a fun time at first. Also after WW2, the 60s were kinda wacky (ok after a 15 yr gap when things were a bit grim, but then that war had literally destroyed much of the civilised world).

    In Spira they were rebuilding Kilika just after Sin destroyed it, so pretty resilient there!

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