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Thread: Most Foolish Thing Done...

  1. #1

    Default Most Foolish Thing Done...

    What's your most foolish or stupid thing done in FFT?

    I was fooling around and I had Orlandu kill himself with Night Sword on a Bone Snatch!
    Aurora, exhale bloody air! Dark Holy!

  2. #2
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    Not saving after several battles and then dying.
    Figaro Castle

  3. #3
    What You Say? Recognized Member BG-57's Avatar
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    Saving after the first battle in Riovanes Castle (without leaving a save right before), then discovering that I was woefully underprepared for Velius. I had to backtrack several hours and level up a lot more.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by BG-57 View Post
    Saving after the first battle in Riovanes Castle (without leaving a save right before), then discovering that I was woefully underprepared for Velius. I had to backtrack several hours and level up a lot more.
    Same here.

    I've also didn't save after a certain number of battles, I think it was 5 without saving and then dying.

  5. #5
    MogThief's Avatar
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    At MLAPAN, I got really cocky against those woodmen enemies. I turned all my units going into battle into Samurais with Ignore Height. Well, I jumped down to attack them, but I couldn't get back up the tower because the woodmen were blocking the way. They kept attacking me with their unblockable ability(I forgot the name). I was eventually going to lose, so I just reseted. Never will I get cocky like that again.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by BG-57 View Post
    Saving after the first battle in Riovanes Castle (without leaving a save right before), then discovering that I was woefully underprepared for Velius. I had to backtrack several hours and level up a lot more.
    I made it even worse. I had no other save file to backtrack to, so I had to start over again. And it happened three times. (I remember I got everyone to Level 87 at the last restart, quite exaggerated, don't you think?)

    Let's see, something else stupid I have made? Don't remember anything more stupid than that.

  7. #7


    Yeah, for me it was turning everyone into lancers after trying to beat velius with an underprepared party and dying MANY times. Out of frustration, and the fact that my lancer was the last one standing most of the time, I turned everyone into a lancer. Funny thing is, that time I actually beat him... with one guy left albeit, but none the less.

  8. #8


    The most foolish thing Ive done was get cocky with ramza and to prove how powerful he was has him "try" and solo a deep dungeon mission. Turns out Ramza cant solo all red chocobos......

  9. #9


    Huhu... Made a generic character (a squire!) fights alone in the snowy Fort Zeakden when at that very moment I desperately wanted to rip off Algus' skin!
    But nope.. I don't think that's stupid enough as I resetted the game shortly after that...

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  10. #10
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dodhungry View Post
    The most foolish thing Ive done was get cocky with ramza and to prove how powerful he was has him "try" and solo a deep dungeon mission. Turns out Ramza cant solo all red chocobos......

    Lord, normal parties can barely beat a party of all Red Chocobos in the Deep Dungeon...

    I was leveling up Agrias before the execution battle and had Ramza casting Scream over and over while the rest of my party beat the hell out of each other. I had Mustadio using his Don't Move and Don't Act Snipe abilities on one of those Cthulu looking Daemons when I got lazy and had him just cast don't move. The damn thing Charmed Ramza (who by this point has maxed out most of his stats through casting scream continuously) and I had to watch as Ramza proceeded to murder my entire party of weakened characters...

  11. #11


    During my early days of mimicry, I was not the battle-hardened veteran I am now, and showed one sunny afternoon on Mandalia Plains. While I was on my way to Igros (I don't recall why, presumably to partake in a job at the bar) I got in a random battle on the plains. Annoyed by this I put in my best team to end it quick and bloody. My team consisted of Ramza (Samurai), Time Mage, Summoner, Lancer, Mime. In my brilliance, I decided to kill all the enemies in one fel swoop. So, I grouped up, herded the goblins and panthers together, and charged meteor with the express intent of wiping them all out. It all worked perfectly, nailed them all, but one strangler who got away, however...I would never live to get him, as my mime (remember him) was inconveniantly pointed right at me, and leveled my entire party (I had already taken some damage rounding up the bad guys). I had to reload a save file 4 hours back...I was quite upset, but after the anger and rage passed, I laughed it off.... Never again have I used a Time Mage/Mime combo in battle, and never again shall I.

    I also once got in a fight, during act 4, at Barius Hill against the lvl 99 crew (some of you know about them), not expecting them, I put in a weaker group, with Ramza at the lead just incase it got hairy. Well, they made short work of me and I hadn't saved in several hours and over half the Deep Dungeon.
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