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I like frogs

A Day at the Race Track

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So, It's time for what I am going to call, uh:
[B]The Annual Anecdote of the Day[/B]

You see, back when I was a kid, I used to take these regular trips to Melbourne to watch a bunch of young punks beat on each other in our little kid zone where Kids Rule until their dad would run in all angry and shout stuff like, "Kids don't rule here anymore!!!"

So that's why I was there.
Anyhow, the two facts you need to know are these: On a long and lonesome neighborhood street, east of Omaha, there were two mysterious names scribbled in gangsta graffiti style in wash-away-resistant chalk.

I studied the symbols carefully, afraid to miss out on an adventure, wary of the older kids who dominated the drug fueled neighborhood that it was. A swift analysis led me to positive results, and I determined the identity of the twin names in the middle of the road.
They were:

[B]Greenday[/B] and [B]Skankin Pickle[/B]

As destiny would have it, I later came across a vending machine that offered little plastic snakes for a quarter. Or maybe 2 quarters. My memory is fuzzy. I had enough money for two snakes (so it was probably only one quarter). One of them was bright green. The other was, as far as I could tell, Skankin.'

I'm sure you know exactly what happened next.

I named the snakes appropriately, and then they were my best friends ever until later that evening when I left them on the hood or the roof of a car or somewhere at the race track.
I never ever saw them again.

I don't know the moral of this story. Probably something like better Nate than lever, but who's counting?
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  1. Shaibana's Avatar
    Lol, these storys are so random :P