Conversation Between udsuna and bipper

8 Visitor Messages

  1. I smurfing hate eyes on final fantasy. Thanks for being halfway understanding, and an all around good member. Peace out.
  2. Somehow I doubt this comic will be appropriate for our younger members. *Breaks out the KY jelly*. Ok, I'm ready.
  3. Freakin word and and welcome back to your usernotes! You have been missed! GOE
  4. lol Biology was one of my greatest subjects. I took AAP bio 2 by my senior year in high school. I just went on to focus on other things, besides biology. Computers are my friends now, not life!

    So yeah, I fail at life for different reasons, as Ud put it
  5. lawls, By failing biology, are you saying I fail at life ? DMKA agrees.
  6. Y chromies are invaluable. Note that an X has four lines, while the Y has three. The extra line on the X chromie, we can just call baggage. Women have baggage.... I might be a scientist yet!
  7. Hmmm- I'm always awful at these.... Q? M? R... no, wait, that one's taken.... uh.... L? U? I think it's a "U" or maybe an "O".
  8. It's fun debating with you on occasion. Also very nice to have someone with intelligence and the wisdom to use it correctly.

    I am not hitting on you. Honest. Well, ok, maybe a little.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8