Conversation Between XxSephirothxX and kikimm

693 Visitor Messages

  1. So you have devised a scenario in which I die and you get as much habanero as you want. HMM
  2. Haha, that wouldn't be fair, if it hurt while coming out of your skin. Already went through a lot just ingesting it. So much that you might actually die, probably
  3. Would that be really painful? It sounds like it might burn. However it would be interesting if you were constantly trying to induce sweating
  4. You could also eat so much habanero that your skin would start to secrete that, instead of sweat
  5. Ah, that's more practical! You are really thinking this through.
  6. habanero body lotion
  7. That might be expensive...
  8. Take a habanero bath
  9. We'll have to get creative
  10. This is not an actual possibility anyways mude56
Showing Visitor Messages 201 to 210 of 693