Conversation Between McLovin' and Alive-Cat

16 Visitor Messages

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  1. I knew it was happening before it even happened, which is happening now, which as I speak was some days ago, I think.
    It would be cool if I could bother to do that every post, but I can't be bothered.
  2. It was my old name. Around Christmas time I was taken over by a Demon, calling himself "Darth Ultimortal". Finally I beat him, and reclaimed my name!
  3. He/she is happy with your request. Would you like to be a business partner? You'll have to take part in our mining scheme...sort of like fly fishing in a stream of puss.
    Maybe you can join us at the smurf a smurfing smurf hole.
    Sometimes, if I try really hard, I can see Sephiroth's cage and Venom calling to me. Venom loves me so very much, his love is so big! It's HUGE!
  4. 111 more posts...
  5. I feel the love.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 16 of 16
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