• Rakish nose-bleeders need not a pumpkin pie.

    In a press conference held in Tokyo, Square and Enix discussed business strategies for the current fiscal year--and some long term plans, as well. Square Enix aims to become the leading developer of software in the world. The chairman of the newly-formed company, Yasuhiro Fukushima, also mentioned plans to increase the sales of their video games, expand the broadband network business, and reduce the overall development costs of their games, making their games more efficient and less costly. Some other issues dicussed during the press conference are listed as follows:

    - Final Fantasy XI for Windows has been released in Japan. There are currently 50,000 registered users for the Windows version alone; 110,000 copies of the game have been sold. Square Enix expects the PlayOnline network to grow within the next few years.

    - Final Fantasy X-3 may be a possibility sometime in the future, however, there are currently no considerations to make the game. An announcement on such a game will most likely be made after recieving feedback on Final Fantasy X-2.

    - Disney and Square Enix are undergoing negotiations for a Kingdom Hearts 2.

    - Developers are focusing more attention on Final Fantasy XII, although no set release date has been confirmed. Final Fantasy XIII remains on hold until other projects are finished.

    [Sources:] The Magicbox, Games Are Fun.
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