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  1. ToriJ's FF Library

    I was bored and felt like making a list of FF titles played, owned, beat, etc.

    Final Fantasy
    Final Fantasy II
    Final Fantasy V
    Final Fantasy VI
    Final Fantasy VII
    Dirge of Cerberus
    Final Fantasy VIII
    Final Fantasy IX
    Final Fantasy X
    Final Fantasy X-2
    Final Fantasy XI
    Final Fantasy XII
    Final Fantasy XIII
    Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

    Final Fantasy Origins
    Final ...

    Updated 02-26-2014 at 04:21 PM by Ayen

    Final Fantasy , Video Games , Personal Life
  2. Fynn's positive life blogs, part jeden (one)!

    by , 02-26-2014 at 10:24 AM (Fynn's positive life blog)
    I've come to realize my life is a pretty happy one. I mean, I've been going through something of a quarter-life crisis lately, but ultimately, I know there's a lot of people out there who have it way harder than me. Some of them on these forums. Some of whom have become my close friends.

    So, considering that, the fact that my popularity here seems to be increasing (seriously, 2 years ago most of my posts got ignored and now I've actually won a Ciddie), and the fact that I need to ...
    Tags: happy, life, money Add / Edit Tags
    Personal Life
  3. trout just got real.

    It’s been an intense week. A hundred people got killed here at the Independence Square in Kiev, I found myself under sniper fire and got my journalism career kickstarted.


    As some ...
  4. Women's Month (video game edition)

    My last review for February is already written, proofed and ready to be published on my blog on the 24th. After that I'm dedicating March (AKA Women's Month) to reviewing games with female leads. The list is as followed:

    Mar 3rd: Tomb Raider [PSX]
    Mar 10th: Metroid Prime [GCN]
    Mar 17th: Bayonetta [X360]
    Mar 24th: The Longest Journey [PC]
    Mar 31st: Dreamfall: The Longest Journey [PC]

    Special thanks to Loony BoB for pointing me in the direction of ...

    Updated 02-22-2014 at 09:18 AM by Ayen

    Video Games , Internet , Miscellaneous
  5. Play Idea

    Much Ado About Nothing II: The Realistic Version.

    Plot synopsis: Benedick and Beatrice discover that they were tricked and their entire relationship is based on a lie, so they break up and die alone.
    Tags: shakespeare Add / Edit Tags
  6. Within temptation

    Yesterday i went to a (try out) concert from Within temptation. and everything went better then expected!

    we were about 1 hour and a view minutes early so the row in front of us wasnt too long. at the time the doors went open we couldnt even see the end of the line behind us!

    once we were in the building we managed to get a very nice spot with a good overview on the stage, we were standing '2nd row'. luckely the lady's in front of us were no taller then 1,50 meter so we ...
  7. So I'm writing a novel...

    by , 02-20-2014 at 08:11 AM (Fynn's positive life blog)
    As some of you may know, I want to become a published writer someday, but I still think I'm kinda wet behind the ears. I really want to thank Scotty_ffgamer for starting the writing prompts thread, as well as all of the wonderful writers there, whom I've come to recognize as friends. The thread has really helped me grow as a writer, I believe. My style has improved and I've tried some new things I would never have tried otherwise.

    So, I'm writing a novel. I mean, I started before ...
  8. I should write more

    I am going to try and sit down and do thirty minutes to an hour of writing everyday. Even if I'm staring at the screen with writer's block. I am going to try and get a book out eventually and no one will read it, but that's okay! I have been writing this story in my head since I was a little girl and darn it if I'm not going to write it eventually!

    Also going to try to go for more walks and draw something everyday.

    Updated 02-18-2014 at 04:34 AM by Pumpkin

  9. Waving The White Flag

    I didn't come here to argue over dumb

    And I'm not gonna put up with it .. I can admit when I'm wrong, but for me to actually apologize and try to fix the problem is a big deal. So of course, getting shut down and out after I bother trying only pisses me off even more.

    I moved 900 miles to be w him, but he can't even be the tiniest but understanding that I left my dad pretty much completely alone, my daughter behind, I'm still not over losing my mom and ...
  10. This Is Nerve-Wracking

    We haven't done anything yet.. Still. Jay's car is iced in pretty good.

    We walked to a Thai restaurant and were gonna go grocery shopping, but he grabbed the wrong debit card, so I had to walk back to the apt and get the right one.

    I walked by myself for the first time in NYC.


    But anywho.. It's stressing me out now.. I'm worried about learning my way around and going off on my own once I get a job and stuff.
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