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  1. Arts arts

    I've started sketching more lately and I'm really enjoying myself. I have this like.... mana bar. If I don't art for a while it builds up! Then I'll art a little bit and then it's gone. But when it's full my artistic ability is awesome! Better than before even though I didn't practice.

    I have had a deviant art for ages (8 years) but I sporadically post on there. I think i'm going to try to art more and post more there. It's really hard to even get noticed there as an artist though. ...
  2. Tomodachi Life

    Later this week, I'm planning on getting Tomodachi Life for the 3DS.

    This game is for the 3DS. It's said to be similar to the Sims and Animal Crossing, but it looks pretty fun to play. I want to create an island full of Miis of fellow EoFFers, so if you are interested of being a citizen in this game, hit up! I need several information, so fill these out for me as well.
  3. This Month for shion

    I had a very eventful month with my 365 things in 365 days. Here is what I did in May!

    I organized my desk and have done a good job of keeping it that way
    I messaged a member I don't know very well in an attempt to get to know them better, and didn't receive much success
    I tried a new kind of bakery bread and very much enjoyed it
    I went to a fair and had a lot of fun, and even won a teddy bear
    I tried a new flavored water ...